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Posts posted by T3551ER

  1. On 4/21/2021 at 4:05 PM, dcom said:

    Something else that comes to mind is the Lithium Project - I've got the original on Clear from 1998, later (2001) released on Hydrogen Dukebox as Passo Fundo. Moments In Neon is the apogee, the guitar solo @ 6 mins is pure bliss - but the whole release is golden. Highly recommended if you haven't been introduced to it. Which brings me to Metamatics' Raytrax, which I played alongside Moments In Neon - and Photek's T'raenon.

    These tracks are seriously way, way up there for me. Listen. Just listen.

    But I digress, carry on.


    Took a while to circle back here (apologies) just wanted to say thanks for posting these, they are awesome! Somewhat familiar with Photek but the Lithium Project and Metamatics def new to me... sometimes it's just nuts how much good music there is in the world. Definitely in the same vein of sort of emotive, jazzy influence w/ tight drums.. good shit!

  2. On 4/23/2021 at 5:14 PM, lyst said:


    At Season 5 now.  Shit's addicting as hell!  The first 3 or so seasons were a bit of a chore, like you said they were like a new cheesy monster every episode.  Now its deeply entrenched in storyline and it's great.  My wife doesn't like this kind of stuff though so she is annoyed i'm watching it all day long nonstop haha.

    hahaha awesome! It really is an addictive show. I took a look back to refresh on S5 (there are SO MANY seasons) - that's a good one, and the season finale might be one of my favorite episodes ever. .. iirc they were considering making it the series finale at one point but... well, I'll let you get there. 

    We're on the last few seasons right now in my wife's marathon rewatch - the show ends really strongly, and it does some interesting things to open up the characters a bit, show some interesting growth, has some innovative directorial decisions. By that point you kind of get the feeling that they don't have to worry about ever getting cancelled, so they are able to try different things/do interesting one-offs....

    Anyway, glad you are enjoying!

  3. So, I clicked on a random Reddit link where this artist had posted a "check out my new album, in the vein of Squarepusher/Aphex Twin/etc." or something like that. Usually I just skip stuff like this because it ends up being a pale imitation of greater beings and also usually turned off by people who try to sound like someone else and promote their stuff as such. 

    However, I gotta give this album a push, 'cause it fucking slaps. Hard. Definitely get a feel of sort of the Go Plastic era Squarepusher and Aphex here, but really this still feels like a wholly unique voice. Excellent textures with extremely tight drum programming and very masterful sound design. Sort of melancholic/dreamy/jazzy at times too. 

    I think what I really like most about this is I feel a genuine, heartfelt connection to the music/emotion. So often when I hear technically excellent work I find it leaves me really cold - like, someone has the technique but not the heart. This has both. 



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  4. Ahhh, the utter confusion, hype train that blasts off, derails, then re-rails, then unrails, slightly torn promises, nostalgia tears, and tasteful melange of misinformation....? 

    I nominate this for Most WATMM Thread of 2021


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  5. 17 minutes ago, mcbpete said:

    Still got my decade old (probably more than that) Zoom H2 and have no intention in upgrading - Still great for field recordings (and recording in general). So you should be absolutely a-ok with that h4n if it's in good condition!

    Awwwesssoome! Kinda nuts to revive this thread and see people (like you) posting almost 10 years later about the same piece of tech still functioning (and functioning well). 

    I went ahead and pulled the trigger on a used one on EBAY - should arrive in a week, I'm stoked! 

  6. 36 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:

    The H5 is still solid, and AFAIK the main difference between the H4N and the H5 was ergonomics (volume controls instead of menu diving) and the swappable mic thing. 

    The H4N was never an entry level recorder, it was a workhorse location sound thing, comparable to a pro DAT recorder in the 90s or a high end Marantz portable cassette machine in the 80s or a Uher reel to reel in the 70s.  It should still be more than good enough.

    Uber helpful, thank you (and appreciate the history lesson). ?

  7. Outriders - man, having a blast with this one. Was a little skeptical given the initial server outage issues but other than sometimes getting stuck on the "logged in" screen for a while, no technical issues. 

    I like that this game doesn't seem to punish you for not having 4000 hours to game. I haven't gotten too far, but the ability to respec with almost no cost, plus the ability to drop down difficult tiers (with less rare loot as a consequence) is a godsend. As a parent who is working full time and in school I don't have the time to dedicate to the minutia of gaming like I used to, so the QOL aspects are great. Its like... I get to have fun playing instead of having it be a 2nd job. 

    The flow of combat is excellent too. The devs are sole original Gears peeps (iirc) and you can feel it in the cover mechanic, and things like the sniper behavior. But upgrades there too (love the hold x to automatically move forward to cover). Great mix of abilities and weapons, and every time I've died repeatedly has just left me tinkering with my build to figure out different approaches to combat. 

    I paid but if you are on Xbox think its on Game Pass for free. Which is nuts as this is a ton of fun, and worth paying for. 

    Only major wtf: no pause menu/always online. Cool if you're playing online but (again) as a dad and solo player its a fucking pita to not be able to pause a game here in 2021. 



  8. Jbridge is fantastic - destroy FX, gah, still so good after all these years. 

    Check out Vital - https://vital.audio/  Way more powerful/user friendly than a free synth should be (you can pay for higher tiers that unlock more presets - but otherwise it's fully functioning in the free version, and you get enough presets to start wrapping your head around what it can do anyway). In some ways, actually think this thing is better than Serum ... 

  9. Resur-erecting this thread 'cause also looking into getting a used H4N. Want something that will do a generally good job of sound capture, but absolutely not looking to break the bank - my wife wants something to record our toddler while she's still in the "babbling" phase so using it as an opportunity to also try and get something to do basic field recordings. 

    Does the H4N still hold up as a good entry-level recorder? Are there newer, even more cost effective options? You can snag an H4N for about 130 on Ebay these days which is about where I want to sit with this thing. 

    Thoughts? Ruminations? Revelations? 

  10. It's weird, been listening to Drukqs a lot over the past week. Sure its a bit of subconscious Avril 14 influence, but it's reminded me how much I love this thing to pieces. 

    Also weird to think it's been 20 years. Fucking nuts. I'd love a re-release, would buy it again for like the 5th time (kept losing/breaking cds, then bought it from bleep digital then bought it AGAIN from the Aphex page cause new tracks and whatnot). 

  11. On 3/31/2021 at 10:33 AM, lyst said:

    Hey so I’m getting into Season 2 and the show is indeed getting better with storylines and everything.   But my main question I can’t get out of my head is how do they make money?  How can they afford all of this counterfeit badges and uniforms, all of their hotel and motel stays, going to bars all the time?  Maybe I’m just being cynical but it’s confounding me lol.  

    Haha you have to remember that this show started airing like 15 years ago, back when "plausibility" wasn't always a hallmark of visual media (particularly not a CW show).

    They actually do end up explaining it though - you see them running credit card scams essentially to pay for everything. But, you know, it's def a show where it's probably best to squint a bit and not think too much on the details. Suspension of disbelief is almost a prerequisite. 

  12. I remember watching Event Horizon back in the day and it scaring the ever living shit out of me. Wife and I decided to watch it a few years ago (she had never seen it) and she was like... uh, this is kind of stupid? I'm not sure it's aged well, but I have some great nostalgia for it. I like the idea of it being an unofficial Hellraiser sequel, that actually makes a ton of sense (similar feel/sensibilities - though think Hellraiser I and particularly II actually hold up after all these years). 

    Just started watching Into the Void - lots of folks here have recommended it over the years and a good mate brought it up again last night so decided to start it. Uh... wow. I'm only like 30 mins in and am just stunned by the whole thing. Amazeballs so far, will see how it ends up...

  13. 11 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

    Can you automate the individual tuning of the notes without needing to do it manually if you wanna change a note? Like if you wanna change a key using it instead of midi.

    Hey! Can you explain the question a little bit more? I think I know what you mean but I'm not sure. 

    The way the system works is, there is a "master" plugin that holds the scale information that you would transmit to all your synths and whatnot. Within that master plugin, you can load of scale presets (they bundle quite a few) - but you can ALSO (and this is where I get excited) manually tune individual notes to whatever you want them to be. The client midi plugin receives this and applies it to your synth on the back end in realtime. For example, I could have, say, Serum open and be playing a note, switch back to the master plugin and start messing with note tunings, and the changes are heard immediately. Any other synth is likewise "retuned"

    Some synths (like Serum) actually don't even need to the midi client plugin, they automagically can connect with the MTS master plugin without the middle step. 

    Prob doesn't answer your question tho? 

    • Thanks 1
  14. Just wanted to post a brief update here/plug for Oddsound. Oli over there spent the last few days helping me troubleshoot to get this working with Live 10 and, after a lot of back and forth, I'm up and running! I really can't say enough good things about how patient, kind, helpful, and willing he was to help me work this out (a bit of issue w/ the way the Max4live was calling to the midi plugin). Extremely excited to start digging in on some music making with this - it really does make it super easy to just tune a scale your own whims and instantly apply it across instruments. 

    It's the tits. Also, one thing that he passed along that might be of use to people here: https://www.midimood.com/product/pluchain/ This allows you to combine a midi device and a midi VST into one device - this is super handy in Live, because it disallows two midi devices on one track. So, for example, if you wanted to have Scaler + Reaktor in one track (rather than routing midi between tracks), this will do the trick. 

    Happy music making all!

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  15. @modey@Stickfigger I'm both more enlightened about social marketing and vaguely aroused. Thank you both. Seriously, though, helpful insights. My buddy who is killing it on the socials has been getting a lot of engagement doing live tests of synths and whatnot. Think stuff like that plus tutorials do tend to engage people a bit more sometimes - like, there is a takeaway lesson/bit of knowledge they can apply to their own projects. I know it's been something that's drawn me in - prob watched more Ned Rush tuts than any other vids in the past couple of years...

    @Himelstein no worries about shameless plugs, that's kind of what this thread is all about! Digging the tunes - as I'm listening I feel like they do a nice job of being from no particular era in particular. Like I know they were written years ago, but the use of vocal samples and programming seem to juxtapose that old with the modern in a way that makes them out of time. Anyway, the name is probably perfect for this stuff. Virally and sociopathically spreading your musical infection into the ears of the masses like those worm things from the Wrath of Khan. 


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  16. @chenGOD Cheers! Very cool to see this sort of stuff have an actual effect. It does seem like one theme that is emerging here is the sustained nature of social media stuffs - like, even the external research I've done has supported you have to have a regular cadence you maintain for it to work

    @zero cheers. That's actually really useful - I'm such a casual user of LinkedIn, so it's interesting to have two people now peg this as a B2B strategy. 

  17. that's friggin' AWESOME (re @fxbip) Love it. 

    Ok, I've spent the better part of the evening trying to get this to work. Using Ableton 10 (can't afford to upgrade to 11 quite yet) so I think this may be borking a lot of things. I updated Serum and got it to play nice (it perfectly picked up the tuning automatically). However, using the Max4live wrapper for the client doesn't seem to have any effect on any synth.

    The way this is supposed to work, you place the Max4live wrapper on the same track as your VST (since Live disallows more than one midi device of this sort per track) and it should transmit the re-tuned data from the master to the vst synth. Or, ableton native devices. haven't gotten a single one to work (note mode sort of seems to work, but it ends up playing 2 pitches at once). 

    Packing it in for the night - suspect if I had 11 with the MPE device capabilities it would work better - but I'm a little surprised that the M4l doesn't seem to be playing nice/as intended....

    • Thanks 1
  18. Thanks @Braintree really do appreciate your thoughts here. Will be interested to what modey has to say (if/when he responds). Something that I've definitely been thinking about over the course of this semester has been this sort of weird paradox where you need to have a certain number of followers to gain legitimacy but without legitimacy you can't gain followers. 

    I agree about the social aspect - I've got a good m8 who is killing it on instagram, and it's partly because he really does a good job of continuously and actively engaging people. 

    off topic: I just noticed your XBOX live handle and holy effing lol that's awesome

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