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Posts posted by T3551ER

  1. If this legit works seamlessly, easily, across all plugins within a DAW then it's pm a game changer. Over the last few years I've been playing around a little bit with scala files but it's been a cumbersome process. In particular, trying to do what AFX does when making each note it's own specific microtuning. Doing this but being able to apply to all VST's in a project would be so amazeballs. 

    Will try this out tonight...

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  2. Whadup WATMM! So, for one of my courses, I'm doing a specialization in Social Media Promotion. One of the research avenues I said I'd pursue was to reach out to forums to learn how other people are approaching this. Of course, when I think of Social Media Marketing empires, WATMM springs to the forefront of my consciousness. With over 10-12 people posting regularly at any one point of time, and a complete stranglehold over the extremely elevated and exclusive segment of the market for weird, zig-zaggy sounds that likely make most people want to vomit, I feel that WATMM has invaluable insight to share. 

    Ok, seriously, all jokes aside, has anyone here had any success in social media marketing? Do you use Facebook, Youtube, Instagram or other outlets? Should I make this a poll? I should probably make a poll. 

    Legitimately interested actually - this could be success either in your own music or for work stuffs, any info is gravy. TTFN

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  3. On 3/20/2021 at 9:29 PM, lyst said:

    Started watching "Supernatural" because i wanted to binge something that has a lot of episodes and it has about a hundred seasons.  It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be.  Some super cheesy stuff but I bet it gets better.  The production quality is not horrible either, just hoping for some better storylines coming up.  

    Supernatural is awesome. My wife and I started watching it when the first three seasons or so were on Netflix and gradually fell in love with it over the years. I'm not lying when I say my wife has watched the entire series at least 2xs and is on another rewatch now that the last season dropped. 

    It's... the first season is this great, cheesy monster of the week thing but as you get further in and the characters develop, the show starts to really hit its stride with greater mythology stuff. Jensen Ackles (Dean) is also fucking hilarious. If you stick with it there is one post-episode outtake that is one of the legitimately most amazing, hilarious, feel great about life things I've ever seen. 


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  4. 19 minutes ago, mcbpete said:

    Your ms-paint mouse handwriting is damn near identical to mine - You're not a fellow leftie (as in handedness, making no suppositions on your political stance!) using their right hand for mouse control are you ?

    ha! No, just your doppleganger ;-P. No, but seriously, I think I'm just... almost functionally illegible when writing. Think that prob carries over into MS Paint land but, also, think that's kind of the charm w/ MS Paint right? Everything looks kind of ... wonky. 

    Wish I was a lefty sometimes - seems like every lefty I've every met has been pretty cool/interesting/creative (though imagine it's gotta be a pain in the ass for lots of things)...

    • Like 1
  5. On 3/12/2021 at 12:05 PM, TheBro said:


    I used to program everything in in Cubase ... longwinded but fun lol.


    On 3/13/2021 at 10:39 AM, ArtificialDisco said:

    I produced mine on an MPC1000. Just took an amen break and chopped it into 16 pieces and then tried to bang away on the pads to make something nice. The whole track is just one 168 bar sequence on the MPC. The drills in the middle were copy-pasted events, forming 32th notes. It took a long time to do and there really must be a faster way to make those.


    I got the amen break from here: https://rhythm-lab.com/amen_breaks/


    There are quite a few good drum loops there if you want to go chopping. 

    Cheers to both. @TheBroman, Cubase, that takes me back. Sometimes I think the meticulousness of laying down stuff like this can be it's own reward. @ArtificialDiscoLove this track. Is that you playing the sax? Sounds lush AF. Again, something I think you gain from laying down things with careful intent. Anyway, sounds great!

    Here's my contribution to this thread. Would skip to around 1:30 and then to 4:20 for the drill-ish parts. Final version of track drum programming is a bit better but you get the general idea. ..


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  6. spacer.png


    I accidentally purchased this last week b/c it was in my cart when I also picked up GTAV for, like, the 17th time. So glad I did b/c basically a never-ending orgasm of dopamine firing goodness. Virgil is basically all the good parts of Dante plus his own unique shit that makes him even better (still have yet to successfully chain more than two Judgment Cuts). Easily my fave of any DMC characters, though ridiculously overpowered (grinding through main story to open up Bloody Palace for general mayhem). 

    10/10 Playing in performance mode confers 60FPS on PS5 (up to 120 if you got the TV for it). Amazeballs. 

  7. Snyder Cut (likewise spread out over about 3 evenings). Friggin' loved the ever living shit out of it. Had watched Superman and BVS (Extended Cut) recently in advance, there is a definite through-line both narratively and thematically. Really amazed this actually happened, and it makes me lament that we'll probably never see any more of this universe...

    I'm a pretty huge Snyder apologist tho - I feel like people that hated the other films in his shared universe would probably hate this 4xs as much.  

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  8. On 3/16/2021 at 2:53 PM, zero said:

    but that makes me remember probably my most uncomfortable movie watching experience, which was watching Eraserhead in a theatre in Oklahoma, packed with a bunch of church going family types. it was being shown at a local college as part of some free art film Sunday thing, and anything free will of course draw a crowd. sitting right behind me was a family with young kids. there were also a lot of elderly people, the types that had no clue who Lynch is. that made the whole viewing experience so much more awkward, but also somehow Lynchian in a weird way. I remember a lot of gasps and comments being shouted at the screen, some loud snoring even. after it finished, there was supposed to be a Q & A with some professor from the college, but the entire place bailed asap, fleeing in terror lol.


    ^ This is fantastic, and I legit lol'd when I first read this. Makes me remember my experience w/ Eraserhead. Drove out to meet up with some of my buddies a few towns over and we decided (why? why not) to drink 40's and smoke a ton of some pretty skanky shit. My m8 had brought over his new TV projector to test out so we ended up spending the next 2 hours or whatever watching Eraserhead on the equivalent of a 100 inch screen about 4 feet away from our faces. Total Videodrome YOU ARE IN THE SCREEN type feel. Traumatizing, but Lynch would probably approve. 



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  9. Cheers M8 ? ! Thanks, an old friend of mine said something similar about this when I was previewing some tracks for him. Something along the lines of that I'm writing baroque pieces with modern techniques. Which is probably giving me too much credit, but if it ain't baroque. . . .don't fix it! (*groan*)

  10. ^ man, Requiem. Watched that in theaters and was really upset by it. I think because of the Ellen Burstyn character in particular - her arc is probably the most tragic... one of those films that I feel does a better job of making me not want to do drugs than any D.A.R.E. program could even hope to come up with. 

    In the throes of midterms so time is slim but have been watching small bits of Ballad of Buster Scruggs. Holy CRAP is it good. I somehow forgot how amazing the Coen bros are at making movies. The vignette style is perfect for someone with limited time. Looks amazing, fascinating stories, incredible acting, brilliant writing. It's fantastic. Thnx to whoever recommended in the Eyecandy thread

    EDIT: It was @joshuatxuk thnx bruv!

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  11. So, ah, just got a taste of this album this AM and it's pretty fucking fire. Lots of variety here, from the first track with flamenco-ish guitar to tracks like the above that are more of a traditional []< inspired jam (WATMMer's will probably particularly like "Reactivist," which wouldn't sound out of place on Squarepusher's last full length), as well as some straight up what I might call "rock songs," but with a decidedly lovely mangled twist. 


    Always been a fan of Ned's tutorials and known that he has an expert command of his tools. What's surprising (but shouldn't be) is the excellence on multiple instruments (drums, acoustic and electric guitar, bass, etc.), as well as compositional talent. A deep album by someone who has honed his craft over years, it's both musically rich and immediately enjoyable. 

  12. @Himelstein  and @Stickfigger Interesting to see the different takes on this. I found myself only slightly underwhelmed by the last episode of Wandavision (it felt a bit rushed/like there might have been some additional material that got cut for time). Overall I really enjoyed it/the whole series though - as a meditation on grief, loss, and letting go I was pleasantly surprised by the depths being plumbed in a superhero series. I'm a sucker for this sorta stuff tho - as Belle and Sebastian would say "I always cry at endings."

    @Rubin Farrohhhh hotel. Was pleasantly surprised at how good Lady Gaga was. I feel like it's blasphemy but never watched the Hunger - unsurprised tho, it sees like a bulk of AHS is spent on retelling existing american horror tales with slight twists. Not sure where the line between imitation and str8 up copying lies tho....

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  13. 2 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

    I just finished AHS ‘84 myself, the music was the high point, and it must have cost FX a ton, but the ghosts of Kajagoogoo was hard to top also, lol

    hahaha lol yeah ... actually, maybe I'm off but I feel like this season actually had a bit more humor than some of the prior ones... all the stuff w/ Margaret's assistant pretty effing lol..  

  14. M. Night, I have such a love/hate relationship with. Loved his early shit, but almost walked out on Lady in the Water, SIgns was just terrible. I gave up. Then my wife and I went to go see The Visit in theatres, surrounded by a bunch of high school kids. It was awesome. People were flipping out in the best way possible and I finally realized: whether or not he realizes it, M. NIght is making movies for a teens/tweens and, if you can just let go into that truth, his movies become universally more enjoyable. 

    Honorable mention/I'm kind of ashamed to admit it but not really: I was totally moved by After Earth. Just watched it last year. Loved it. 

    Sry, back OT: Just finished American Horror Story: 1984   A solid season, but not my favorite (which is odd, 'cause I love 80's horror and this pm nails it). I do feel like binge watching reveals the gaps in a show that relies a lot on week to week break for tension. The flow isn't quite there. Also, some sloppy plotting/dialogue in the latter half, with several things unexplained and/or don't seem to hold with established rules of the universe. Solid B. 

  15. On 2/18/2021 at 9:28 AM, Rubin Farr said:

    Has anyone tried the leaked remake of GoldenEye 007 for the Xbox 360?


    Yeah, got this up and running in like 10 minutes (Xenia emulator, download the files from Archive.org, open the file. that's it). I only played a little bit of the Dam level, but enough to be like, yes, this is everything I"d hoped for a remaster. It looks the way my nostalgia glasses remember it (i.e., it looks better than it was, but like it seems like it should have been) and the controls are on point (played with a wireless Xbox One S controller). Some hitches playing on a gaming laptop, clearly some final bugs that could be squashed, but 99% perfect. 

    Haven't revisited only b/c a)time b)it's hard knowing that multiplayer is a hypothetical option but not yet working (people w/ modded Xbox 360's can play via Xlink, but xenia doesn't support netplay). The fact that we are all, like, just one last step to being able to replicate, remotely, the experience of 4 player splitscreen at home is maddening. ... 

  16. Think Control starts to open up a bit in the later stages, particularly as you start to level up. Look forward to revisiting on the PS5 but limited time. 

    Still on Ghosts of Tsushima which I only mention because god I love this game. I can't remember the last time I just stopped following main quests to search out the side quests just because I was enjoying the game so much. I also can't remember the last time I legit just stopped trying to do anything and kind of just stared at the screen in awe of the visuals. The art design for this one is out of this world, just a gorgeous looking game, particularly on PS5. 

    Just opened up the Second Act and the jump in AI difficulty surprised me. Forced me to act more strategically. Then I went back to some earlier areas and just slaughtered a bunch of Mongols with highly unnecessary over use of the 3 enemy quick kill ability just because. It's amazing.  

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  17. 2 hours ago, Tim_J said:

    exactly my thoughts... i don't mind slow, in fact, i love slow, but this was too shallow... it didn't captivate me enough to watch more than 30 minutes... couldn't care less about these protagonists and what was happening to them... nice visuals here and there but quite inconsistent... lots of cheap shots and shitty color grading as well... i get the malick reference but here there's only a fail in trying to be epic and ethereal shots following people's backs heading the horizon or sea or the sky, kinda like those beer commercials with a group of friends in the sunset with a very emotionally song playing in the background... embarrassing... anyway i should have watched the whole thing if i wanted to diss, but this is the kind of movie that doesn't really make me wanna go back...

    hahaha ok, good I feel validated. And, yeah, for a film being lauded for it's visuals, why are they so often so crappy? Also, you're doing yourself a favor as, really, after the first 30 mins it's pretty much all downhill (which is surprising, 'cause it kind of starts at the bottom ... so, maybe it went underground ^o^?).  


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  18. Speed Racer -Grats to whoever recommended in the Eye Candy thread, it was the perfect thing for a study break. Looked amazeballs, not too taxing on the brain, utterly weird in a perfect Speed Racer sort of way and... some actual heart in there? I legit cried a bit at the scene where Speed's dad talks to him about leaving...

    The Wanting Mare- uhhh. no. This is getting a lot of buzz for being a Malick-y sort of near future/allegorical piece (and think the guy from Upstream Color was involved at some point) but... yeah, some interesting world building and nice character moments in the first 1/3 that are, at points, nearing sublimity, but the whole thing never really gels. I don't mind lots of space in a movie, but you gotta put something there that's worth watching. Something like Upstream Color is probably a good touchstone for this, but that film oozes talent, visual lushness, and a complex narrative and depth of character in a way this just... doesn't (even though it thinks it does). 



    OMG some totally lol CG in this. Which is weird, b/c some of it's legit great and seems artistically intended but then other times it just seems totally amateurish and I'm left wondering if the lighting of some scenes isn't just poor color matching instead of artistic flair. The one scene of the car "driving" over the plains looks like some straight up early SyFy made for tv schlock. Guessing CD Project Red was the effects house for this one? (i kid i kid)


  19. OK (lol) so, in the context of the posts

    OG - colloquially refers to something "old school" Literal translation is "Original Gangsta" which I think one could trace back to the ICE-T song of that name, or perhaps that just popularized it. Also, could  be:

    OH -  onomonatopei - just me saying "oh" like "oh shit, just realized that I use a lot of two letter capitalizations, sry)

    OT - Off Topic. This post is firmly OT. 

    GD - God Damn, abbreviated to protect the god fearing and innocent and followers of the ten commandments. But God Dammit I just didn't abbreviate it so I'm going to hell now. But I'm a Buddhist so probably going to be ok. 


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