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Everything posted by zaphod

  1. getting real baron harkonnen vibes from that photo
  2. ignored this last year but its good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iuq9XK6tojs
  3. I’m surprised they didn’t cite nick as the leader of the dsa.
  4. https://www.vox.com/identities/2017/10/24/16503462/dsa-women-cumtown-chapo This is hilarious
  5. brawl in cell block 99 i fucking hate the dialogue in this guy's movies. other than that it was fairly entertaining.
  6. the real issue is none of these people are actually critics
  7. zaphod

    Now Reading

    I read shadowbahn because someone told me I’d like it. Couldn’t finish it, thought it was a pretentious mess.
  8. decent write up http://birthmoviesdeath.com/2017/10/14/the-poetry-of-blade-runner-2049
  9. mindhunter ended very well. i actually want to see a second season. i guess the security guy is btk?
  10. american made fairly entertaining vehicle for tom cruise to exhibit his mania.
  11. Yeah I like that too. If there was a way to get there without tying it into deckard I’d be happier. The first like fifteen or so minutes are flawless but the script definitely drags in places. I basically hate everything about Wallace but that plot gives us luv, who may be the most interesting character in the movie. If there was a way to ground the film entirely in k’s personal experience and not have it relate back to this epic sequel plot the movie would probably be stronger.
  12. Basically all the Vegas shit could be cut. The replicant uprising subplot is kind of terrible. I want a five hour cut just following gosling around la, dialogue free.
  13. lol right there with you buddy, also saw it again today. i started to see how soviet the city looks in the first sequence, and how the east asian influence of the original seems to have been replaced by this eastern bloc of the future style. really get the feeling in those shots that half the city is starving to death. i also like how none of the houses seem to have power and then there's boulevards lined with neon leading to the somewhat sparse city center. and then the whole thing with k at the trash dump and the orphanage looks a lot like stalker. and luv getting her nails done and sending out a missile strike felt very william gibson. blade runner was kind of pre or proto cyberpunk but this movie leans more in that direction.
  14. is there really a difference between the title "solo" and the title "han solo"?
  15. main takeaway from that was hiddleston should be playing dream in a sandman movie
  16. yeah I like the main guy the show is knowingly casting him as a hardy boy and the dialogue is more believable coming from him rather than some grizzled detective.
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