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Everything posted by zero

  1. if you liked the wire, then check it out. it's set in a similar world as that one. really good acting... but now I think about it, I can't really remember enough about the whole plot. it is one of those shows you can binge watch in 2 nights, and then you've forgotten about it like a month later.
  2. got nothing but love for you Tim J... sumtimes I get a tad philosophic after alcohol. just callin it like I see it, bruv. pointless thoughts/obvs, and all that... me, I just try and follow the natural flow of how things are. you go against it, and things get tense. I wish nothing but clarity for all us. I feel like we all need to see reality as it is. so much mental bullshit, man. just remember, we all start with nothing in our head, we get that shit filled through socialization, then we die. that's really all that's going on out there man.
  3. think Im on beer number 7. or 8. I don't fucking know. more in the fridge. ahahahahaha
  4. I really think there's a lot of people on this planet doing the whole life thing wrong. like I come across people who are packed with insecurities, anxiety, worry, complaints about miniscule shit. families that smile, but talk shit behind each other's back. so much bottled up anger about stuff that doesn't really matter in the long run. what's the worst thing everyone is afraid of - death. not trying to sound 'ardcore here, but that is coming for all us. all that you gotta do is stay calm, be peaceful, and have a laugh at the ridiculousness of what humans think is just so absolutely fucking important. you'll be fine! shit is outta our control maaaan. this pilot steering the ship in your head is more than likely misinterpreting a whole bunch of stuff out there, making you worried! I really wish more people would just calm down, not talk so negative about stuff, and enjoy the view. but apparently, this is a really hard thing to do for like the majority of people on this planet. oh well. fuck it. their loss.
  5. dood, ai is some fake ass shit man. it's a fuckin tool for rich ass pricks to think they can play god with. delusional shit. humans are so dumb lol
  6. dude I think you are over thinking this thing tbh. they sell hhc here in TX too. I have some gummies of it a friend gave me I haven't test driven yet. he said it's similar to the delta 8 thc buzz. I've tried both D8 and D10, and D10 seems to be weaker. bottom line, if you know how to handle the real deal, then I don't think you should be too worried. just use it wisely and all is good.
  7. ^ it's like the trifecta of dumpster fire right there 1. crypto 2. twitter 3. bank of America - Bank of America to pay $250 million for illegal fees, fake accounts
  8. I've often times thought the game plan should be to become a corporate sell out for just 1 track, which you could sell to someone in the music industry for bank. put all your effort into making a generic radio friendly 4 on the floor copy of the poppy shite, which the normies would suck right up. create an easy to follow melody, a few chords, straight ahead beat, polish it, make it ready for someone to sing or rap over. then use the $ made from it to support what you really want to create... but if I've thought this, then a lot of others have too, so it's a plan that lacks originality, and will probably fail...and the $ you can make from selling 1 track wouldn't be like enough to live comfortably for an extended period of time. luck + originality + good karma. these are what it takes IMO. that can't be taught. yeah you can practice until you make it perfect, but what happens after that is all up to the flow of the universe.
  9. should probably ask yourself - what are you hoping to get out of this? like is the goal to create a track? or have fun with it as a hobby? p sure everyone on here that has tinkered with creating sounds has gone through the same frustrations you're talking about. I sure did a long time ago and gave up. sold /gave away all of it. a few years ago I decided to get back in, but this time with no expectations of creating a track, making an ep/album. just playing music for the fun of it as a hobby. because that's how it all started in the first place. jamming with friends in garages playing Metallica and Pearl Jam covers...maybe try not to always record every thing and just let it flow? I do a few 10-30 min jams throughout the day and am good. creativity outlet or something. but hey that's just my take on it.
  10. don't forget about Friendster! that was the first one I used where I posted a face pic of myself. I remember when myspace overtook it, I was angry, and held steadfast with friendster. then it became obv that friendster was turning into a dumpster fire, and that was the end of my social media life. it was around this era when I found out about the quackery going on over at watmm.com, and lo and behold here we are.
  11. seriously tho...there is something to be said for an online community of mostly anonymous people, who for some reason feel the need to return to this site to post whatever is on their mind... it's some psychological outlet for a side of ourselves, which can't be expressed out there in the wild. THAT imo is what separates the social media stuff having faces/names right there easily identifying who you are vs. what a forum like watmm is. like on forums, you can still easily separate your avatar/username self from who you are IRL. whereas on FB/twitter/and the like, your IRL self gets dragged into the stupid ass internet la-la land, which can have actual repercussions back IRL (I'm thinking of people who make dumbass social media political posts, then get fired from their jobs IRL). that shit is way too intertwined, and psychologically will fuck someone's mental state up way too much... which imo, is another factor in leading the charge in the degradation of society. we weren't mentally built to handle this shit. stop! but we can't. addicted to information...so c'est la vie. let it roll. yadda yadda..
  12. zuck says: "The world needs a friendly public space for conversation. If we do this well, then Threads can be that space. We're going to stay focused on that as our north star. how long will this last?
  13. cocaine found at the white house: https://www.npr.org/2023/07/05/1185977567/secret-service-investigating-suspicious-powder-found-at-the-white-house perhaps a stash leftover from don jr?
  14. good call. dunno why but people think for some reason Aphex is weirdo territory... but hey, a harmless "when do YOU think the next BoC album is coming out" right out of the gate could've been fair game? BoC are not at all for weirdos. at all! I know you were being sarcastic, but on a serious note - my wife and I's music tastes are not what got the flame started many years ago. before her, I used to think I had a type, which meant the person I thought I'd end up with should be knowledgeable of the same social scene, cultural references, inside jokes, etc. but after riding the marriage wave for a minute now, I'd say it's best to look at the human elements of the other person, rather than anything more surface level - like music/art tastes. like does this person seem happy, carefree, good-natured...doesn't complain about things, and instead can easily go with the flow. personality characteristics like this in a person that are genuine, are the things that imo naturally keep one human attached to another human long term. has worked for me so far. good luck with finding that.
  15. where tf is @brian trageskin "difficult for human brains" - we need him to go far, far down this rabbit hole...thankfully these AI thingy's haven't been fed his watmm posts yet - like this one https://forum.watmm.com/topic/102229-harmony/. then we'd be in danger of letting them get their digital minds on all this human brain powered musical knowledge...
  16. absolutely surreal this show is still going... yeah don't torture yourself watching bad tv. I've tried watching Simpsons a few times probably over the past 15 years, and didn't last more than a few minutes. just can't do it. even some of the '90s classics have lost some of their appeal at this point. although the Halloween specials still hit hard on the nostalgia factor.
  17. fwiw I went to mine, and wasn't that bad. it's sorta a trip actually to be in a room where you know the names of so many people. most of it is just alcohol fueled harmless small talk.
  18. I remember in the '80s / '90s young-ish kids would travel by themselves places. like when I was 10, I flew on an airplane to visit a relative by myself. that's back when you could still go to the gate without a ticket. my friend was telling me how when he was 10, him and his 8 year old brother would travel on the bus by themselves to another city to visit relatives. this can't happen anymore here in the US. the kids flying on plane thing obviously can't happen anymore because of security policies enacted thanks to 9/11. I curiously checked Greyhound's website, and says you have to be 16 to travel alone on the bus.
  19. ^ seems like you answered most of your "why" questions in your post... bureaucracy preventing progress. changing things costs a ton of money. humans have a tendency of not agreeing on shit, prefer to argue/point fingers and get nothing done. you said it all there between the lines. IMO getting all the end of the line consumers on board with changing our usage habits is futile, if the producers themselves don't comply. there are always work arounds once you move way up the chain, to avoid so called regulations that any environmental governance body enacts. spill a bunch of toxic shit in the ocean? get some public shaming that will be forgotten about sooner rather than later, pay a massive fine, make some fake ass announcement about making corporate changes...then keep on drilling whatever the fuck you want out of the planet to make a profit for your board of directors. yeah fairly simple example, but this seems to me what happens time and time again, to an extent. then you have the politics of the problem. a dip shit capitalist like trump, or similar ilk, coming to power, and behaving like a belligerent toddler, backing out of any agreements meant to help the environment. we know politicians love to play the whataboutism card. what about China? Russia? all the 3rd world countries that have totally corrupt governments, heads of state in it for the $ and power, nothing more. what are they doing about the environment? they are worse than us! so yeah man, a global paradigm shift involving all the countries, citizenry, and resources to save the planet is absolutely what is needed. can that be done? I don't think so. why? way too many delusional human beings out there. the focus needs to be on re-adjusting everyone on this planet's view of reality, to think clearly about this issue. this involves selflessness though, and sadly I see the bulk of humanity heading the other direction toward selfishness. fuckin social media and selfie sticks. it's all for the gram. not for the planet. the fuckin FB tweeting gram, man...
  20. weirdly interesting take on AI from a slightly cult-y Buddhist monk: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/06/buddhist-monks-vermont-ai-apocalypse/674501/ here in case it's paywalled: the concept of creating an AI deity to help keep all the eventual AI bots in check to I thought was unique. if they are super duper smart tho, they'll probably figure out it was just something made up to keep them under control...and from uh wiping out all the humans.
  21. yeah for sure. but here's hoping vladdy boy gets "the Gaddafi" treatment...bayonet up the ol arsehole. or maybe that'd be letting him off too easy. he needs a good old fashioned torture chamber to hang out in for the rest of his existence. what that mofo has done here, and I mean this entire fuckin quagmire mess, is so stomach churning, so incredibly pointless, all these innocent people dying for a deluded man child, deserves punishment I don't even have the evil minded brain power to conjure up. he has fucked his entire country for no reason, other than he thought he could play god, and do whatever he wanted. I know he's always been a snake, but I sorta gave him some mental props at one point long ago, thought he was a skilled chess player. thought his power over Trump was well played. but once again, we see how having too much power has corrupted the human mind. he has lost complete touch with reality, and doesn't seem like he'll ever be back. mad king syndrome.
  22. I definitely remember your username. I really can't recall much about interactions I had with specific members, and/or their posting habits exactly from that era...there were of course the stand outs like Theocide, pen expers (sp?), vik, Sini (RIP), ~ism, Fred McGriff, Essines, Encey, Zelah, etc., etc., which were all quite memorable "characters." I do remember that overall, watmm was far, far more NSFW, argumentative, weirdly philosophical, and a totally off the wall non-stop black comedy show compared to how it is now. which is fine. people age. sorry can't help on tracking anyone down really. I know Fred has his own beak forum, where I think a bunch of pre-2005 watmmers post. may check there. and here's a reminder on how a bunch of people looked back then. I see you're on there - https://forum.watmm.com/topic/76034-post-your-most-recent-picture/?do=findComment&comment=2852592
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