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Everything posted by zero

  1. oh shit...I missed the part about them being "digital" cards lol. these are NFT's ahahahahaha https://www.coindesk.com/web3/2022/12/15/trump-announces-99-digital-trading-card-nfts/ hilarious:
  2. baseball cards...yeah I've been there before back in the late '80s/early '90s. still have boxes of them. we were all under the impression back then that if you hold on to them long enough, they'll increase in value. nope. I looked into offloading some complete sets and it's more of a PITA than it's worth. have to get them professionally graded now for a fee, then haggle with the internet marketplace. no thanks. will let them sit in boxes I guess until someone throws them out for me. but that jackass image above did remind me of the Marvel comic book cards from 1990 I still have a lot of. those were fun. I was like not even in the teenage years yet, and all the cool kids collected them. kids. collected. them. who in their right mind is gonna spend $99 on some crap image of donnie boy's head on rando spandex man? who in their right mind even comes up with this idea? people on lots and lots of drugs. coke probably. that's who.
  3. they're only really interested in attacking things/ideas that are rooted in logical thinking. that's exactly why they don't go after other whacko shit like scientology, because that's like their kindred spirit in a way. scientology is complete fantastical bullshit, exactly the same as what maga/Q push out. what would make more sense is if they merged their beliefs with scientology, or scientology absorbed them, and formed some bizarro world axis power of clown car evil mega conglomerate.
  4. amateur hour. everyone knows if you want to be taken seriously wearing a cat costume, you need a mask:
  5. sidebar here I know...but wanted to slightly correct the hardly anyone part above. at any gig I've had in the US working for a mid/large company, paid vacation is always part of the deal. sick pay as well. it usually has to be accrued based upon time at the company, but it's there. parental leave isn't common for guys here of course, you have to provide proof as to why you need to take off. obviously with women that isn't an issue. but for any small business employee, yeah, I think those things you mentioned above are not a guarantee. healthcare...yeah that's another beast entirely. it is a completely broken system here...IMO it's a massive scam bigger than all the crypto bro shenanigans combined worldwide.
  6. the people he's surrounding himself with can't be helping him make smart business decisions, that's all I meant. from my armchair quarterback perspective, Elon today is worse than the Elon that was trotted out to us years ago. his image used to be of Elon the smart engineer, now he's Elon the idiot cosplay cartoon character fuck up. you're right it's his fault and no one else's for behaving like an asshole. I mean he could realize this at some point, accept accountability, and stop behaving like a self-righteous spoiled rich boy. he could do something to ground himself in reality and make smart decisions, as opposed to whatever he seems to be doing now. the group of enablers he must have in his social/professional circle must be giving him total shit advice, don't seem to be helping him, and yes he's at fault if he's listening to it. but fuck if I care really. I never used twitter, despise social media, and am glad to watch this comedic spectacle play out in public.
  7. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/12/elon-musk-booed-by-crowd-at-dave-chapelle-comedy-gig.html seems that someone posted a video of the boos on twitter...then had their account suspended lol at one point in time, I really thought that Elon was a smart guy. his ideas were grandiose, but he didn't come across as a total narcissist shit head, like trump. there's no way he has any of what he's doing now game planned out. it is all spiraling wildly out of control for him. I thought maybe he is purposely trying to tank twitter, perhaps to try and tamper down on the social media juggernaut machine that has negatively impacted society. but that doesn't add up, since his reputation is now circling down the drain, and he no longer is going to ever be taken seriously on anything ever again. just another example of a one-time smart dude, who got sucked into the world of vulture like con men, all trying to give him "advice" or something like this, when they're just using him for their own personal gain.
  8. it's like in the past few years elon, trump, Putin, crypto, Kanye, Q, maga politics, have all blended together and formed into one great big glob of primordial bullshit, hellbent on the destruction of an age old concept known as common sense. they all seem to be riding the same wave, one in which a factual based reality is non-existent.
  9. environmental factors should also not be overlooked if your goal is to try and keep some sort of cohesion to what you want to produce. I sit in front of a big window, and know things like is it sunny outside, cloudy, summertime, winter, etc. all play into whatever sounds I come up with. think this is why bands sometime rent a house or studio in some different location, in order to feed off of the change in environment...hope to hammer out an album unique to that experience. Josh Homme from QOTSA has these desert sessions where he brings random musicians out to an old house in the desert to record on vintage equipment. that's definitely gonna be something that will change a person's headspace, and their creative output. from wiki: and p sure it's very common for musicians to be night owls, make/record stuff all in the late PM - early AM hours. would say that can definitely have an effect on your music, and may play into the cohesion factor. I know I've read some people say they only work best in the twilight hours, can't be as creative during the waking hours. I know this definitely has a sub conscious level effect on whatever musical sounds will naturally flow out of a person.
  10. sitting comfortably, and being able to sit still, is not just the key to productivity, but is the key to life. if the whole world would learn to sit still and comfortably for a little while every day, then we'd all be better off for it. this is what those dudes back 5000 years ago in western Asia figured out. crazy that very few people in the modern rat race really get this.
  11. correct. no hopping online and finding out about everything you want to know about in under a few minutes. I wasn't into electronic music back in 1994 because I was happy finding stuff with a lot of distorted guitars back then. I found out about Aphex in '94 through the On video. it was on a VHS tape of a bunch of alternative music music videos I ordered through one of these BMG music club type catalog services. think like Radiohead, Breeders, Afghan Whigs, Blind Melon, Nirvana, videos were on it...and Aphex! so to answer this silly question, Aphex, because I had no idea abut Ae until sometimes toward the later '90s.
  12. may sound harsh, but you coming to the realization there isn't anything you can do about your father's issues is something you should view as a positive. best to figure your own shit out first separately than whatever he's going through. we often times think we can solve other people's problems when we can't...it is up to them to solve their own shit...come to their own rescue, so to speak. best course of action would be for him to talk to a psychologist/psychiatrist...but I know people don't like doing that. especially people in their 70's. I want my own parents to do this and they won't. my mom says she's been like this all her life (she's 74) and won't change at this point, so I just have to deal with it. I think that's bullshit. it is never too late to change.
  13. zero

    Now Reading

    how do you like it? I've read most all his stuff, will give this a shot at some point.
  14. completely agree. I started watching this series about Teal Swan - The Deep End - and it was making me so angry listening to this woman, and hearing from all these sad sappy people she duped into believing her BS. why am I watching this is definitely what hit me about 30 min in, and so I turned it off! so many other shows, not worth wasting time on stuff that you know will irritate you.
  15. 2 guys have dinner and talk. that's the whole film. their conversation goes deep into trying to understand the human experience. one guy is pragmatic, the other is spiritually eccentric. both guys have strong theatre backgrounds, and use this to make their points. a lot of discussion on experiencing reality as it really is vs. living behind a mask of illusion. very philosophical with Buddhist undertones. highly recommended if you have patience and are into discussing life philosophy and humanity.
  16. would be nice if the global media behemoths come together and agree to give trumps 2024 campaign zero coverage. we know his twitter is coming back soon, and we really don't need every tweet of his being covered 24/7 like it was back in round 1 of the insanity show. I don't think this will happen, btw. I'm sure once he fires up the tweet device, it'll be the exact same thing as last time...his game plan of saying outlandish shit on twitter to get everyone with intelligence facepalming, and the other group with non-correctly functioning brains all fired up. then keep doing this over and over. the media can't escape their addiction to him, and this is how he keeps going. the tried and true trump game plan: 1)tweet bullshit in order to get online commenters all fighting amongst themselves. really enforce the us vs. them mentality. no way to work together on anything. 2)convince people to donate their $ to his campaign. pure grifting. we know from experience this works. 3)get together as often as possible in an arena and waive flags. listen to liars up on stage go on and on about nothing, insulting anyone in disagreement with donald. get the crowd to cheer wildly, repeat chanting mantras, becoming one with the bullshit. sell maga themed merch. 4)keep doing steps 1-3 until Nov. 2023. this should secure at least 40% of the vote. the super important remaining % needed for the W will come down to the wire on election night. I of course don't want this to happen, but unfortunately can see it all playing out in some version like this. if the media would not give him any coverage - or at least put him on page 24 - then this is one way to stop his brand of insanity.
  17. indeed. calculated in a way that makes no sense to most of us observers at the moment. what he's doing to twitter right now is pretty far out of whack from what we would think of as normal behavior in this type of situation. one would think that he would decide to buy the company in order to somehow improve it, in order to grow and become (I guess) even more financially successful. at this time this appears to not be the case. so wtf is the real goal here? I had sorta joked a page or 2 back that perhaps he bought twitter to tank it on purpose. like buy the thing to take it straight to bankruptcy. but that also doesn't really add up because like it was pointed out here, he had to take a loan to buy it, and he used some of his personal $. does he like losing money? I dunno. most people don't. but he's a big fucking weirdo, so who tf knows...
  18. the silver lining for me here is that I thought that I worked at a company that is currently being completely mismanaged, but seeing all this twitter meltdown stuff makes me realize it could be much worse. this was from a twitter engineer a week ago - https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/11/08/1062886/heres-how-a-twitter-engineer-says-it-will-break-in-the-coming-weeks/
  19. since she's just throwing around non-correlating statistics with one another, she could also point out that an average of 4 million birds migrate from Canada to the US each year, so we should be EXTRA angry at the bloe Jiden corporation for allowing this travesty to happen!
  20. the trump 2024 flags were flying high out in my neck of the woods today. the insanity show continues... can't wait until the orange con man is back front and center on all our news outlets. every.fucking.day
  21. I read that too - https://www.npr.org/2022/11/15/1136768133/kyiv-ukraine-missiles-russia seems too early to tell what happened in Poland. logic dictates it would have been from a stray missile(s) fired by Russia, since they are launching them toward the western part of Ukraine. but until all the facts are in, best I don't speculate. all...so...pointless
  22. lol man...I was having a boomer rant moment. I seem to be unable to escape these rant urges as I get up in years ? what I was thinking about when I said that is the tendency for people to always post these happy pictures of themselves on their FB/gram. like that's the fake shit I was meaning. pictures that make it look like everything's fun, happy, life's a blast...its the same shit as all the advertising and marketing pictures out there. yeah I was having a fight club rant moment. like anything, social media has its pros and cons. another outlet for a person to express themselves, either good or bad, is of some value. if it helps someone out by saying stuff online, when that person may not be able to say that stuff IRL (and its genuine), then great! but the downside of course is that by sharing that shit online, like you said, it can make the person look like a fool, and possibly draw in negativity from the comment brigade... I'm also in the watmm only club. no one knows me here either.
  23. remember the days back when internet trolling was fairly harmless? when was that, like 2005/2006? before social media took off I know. the "hey let's make fake celeb accounts on here, then post a bunch of hilarious dumb shit from it." that was all in good fun, no harm done because it was obviously all fake. now - a fake, impersonated account costs a company actual $. what is the term for that? like when Idiocracy becomes reality? side rant: this social media, living your life online stuff is all making it harder and harder to connect with reality for a lot of people. virtual life we know is a version of the best side of the person, hides the ugly real stuff. I can see how this is very very attractive for a lot of people - sell this image of yourself as a happy person, when you're really not. IMO we all just need to get back to more of the things that remind us we're all human. then work on fixing ourselves. not more of these distractions that promote blowing smoke up everyone's ass for personal gratification. I could do without it, TBH. just keep watmm plugged in lol.
  24. always wondered about the "stable genius" thing... was this the moment the power of stable genius ability entered into him? or this one?
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