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Everything posted by zero

  1. the narrator of this vid used the phrase "bock fans" lol. don't think I've ever heard that used before. B-O-C fans is what I always assumed they preferred to be identified as.
  2. first heard it in '99. dudes I was hanging around with back then heavy into the rave scene somehow had a copy. this was the burgeoning napster/CD burning era, so a lot of stuff I heard around then I wasn't sure where the hell it came from, some was of questionable quality. was this some bedroom producer trying to make a knockoff of something, I had no idea. anyway, I recall not being immediately taken by it at first. the stuttering beat on Telephasic Workshop seemed a little off to my Mowax/Ninjatune loving ears. I dug the more hip hop oriented beat stuff then, so the middle part of MHTRTC certainly had appeal. it was Pete Standing Alone that kept me coming back for more. the mid section kick drum break with hi hat interplay was just so fucking dope. that was it. the rest is history. down the warp rabbit hole I went.
  3. for sure. he's an idealist. well thought out ideas are valuable/lucrative. that's where he's been able to successfully convince people he knows his shit, and to listen to him... I totally get the old adage of breaking a few eggs to get it right...but when you big picture it, what has he really done that has had a net positive result for all us? it seems to me he wants so bad to be a guy to change the world for the better, yet his ideas so far have crapped out after a few years. like Tesla had all this positive momentum when it launched, now it seems like overpriced garbage. Hyperloop? dead. these exploding rockets don't add a lot of confidence to Elon's good idea ability...IMO he needs to stick with one thing, work it through to success, THEN move on. he seems to want to conquer space travel, public transport, EV driverless whatever, all at roughly the same time at this point in human existence. the failures gonna outweigh the positives, damage his brand, and push him more to a laughable spoiled rich boy. only reason I say this is because I thought he had potential early on. now? yeah, not so much
  4. so...Elon's rockets blow up...his cars catch on fire...twitter's breaking/tanking after he touched it...his underground people movers in tubes project died... fair assessment at this point to say he's a total con man?
  5. figures. odds seem to be favoring Alan Musk as the guy that starts skynet. what evil scheme is he up to now - https://www.reuters.com/technology/elon-musk-plans-ai-startup-rival-openai-ft-2023-04-14/ some sorta get more rich plan to pay back the twitter $ loss I'd say. that and to rule the world with the other tech bro gang members https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/14/nvidias-h100-ai-chips-selling-for-more-than-40000-on-ebay.html Musk + Meta bros + a bunch of GPUS / chips = skynet when
  6. I think there's been enough proof by now that furthering along AI is only going to lead to more things on the "bad" side for all of us, rather than the good. greedy humans will fuck it all up as usual, think only on how to utilize AI for personal gain/capital, with some half-baked BS about how this will somehow be helpful. yes I know we are not even at "real" AI yet. but by the time we get there, it will probably be similar to a fckin salesperson trying to sell us stupid crap we don't need... and maybe we won't even know if it is some actual AI consciousness or some AI lite chatbot, because we will have all been so desensitized to this nonsense by then. and then of course we can't even define our own consciousness, so it's just a great fckin idea to invent an artificial version.
  7. lol - https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/04/melania-trump-statement-ai-chatbot-meaninglessness.html AI chatbots for the win!
  8. yeah bud light is the worst tasting beer anyway. my generic American piss beer ranking goes something like this: miller lite > michelob light > coors light > bud light here in TX we have shiner light, which is very decent
  9. totally not creepy at all - Robot helps spread Buddhist teachings at a Kyoto temple https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14861909
  10. and then there's those Kurzweil type transhumanist dudes, who believe that it is a natural evolutionary progression to let the machines supercede human intelligence, and willingly WANT them to climb above humans in the food chain. y'know those wild theories that AI robots are gonna be the "children" created by humans, to take over the planet and run the show, because we've gone as far as we can go with it. we've fucked the place well and good now, so we need to become slaves to them, let the next gen super intelligent AI whatever take over, and they of course will know what to do. ha! I don't believe this btw. but the fact that there are crazy humans out there have no problem with letting some misguided version of AI run wild out there, is what is the real threat to humans. once again, crazy delusional humans are the enemy...
  11. I see one good by-product of this recent frenzy of AI news, is that it hopefully has got people thinking more on the philosophy of life. maybe future AI nightmare scenarios scare enough humans into waking up, really ask why we need an "artificial" intelligence at all. if there's fear/anxiety about it now, then what do you think it will be like later when minds are locked in some AI run dead mall / retail hell / matrix la-la land metaverse? IMO we all need to remember we are animals that through evolution took thousands of years to get where we are today. we started from the elements, grew limbs, brains, then all the rest happened (capitalism lol). if all the electronics we're all addicted to went away, we need to be fine with this. they're helpful, yet distracting devices, that IMO have done more harm than good to the human pscyhe. can't stop it tho. just gotta keep technology from taking your mind to a dark place, best to keep that in check. and keep on surfing the reality wave. keep on paying close attention to the present moment.
  12. no doubt he didn't give a fuck about people dying from covid, and his lack of taking it seriously led to unnecessary deaths. but based on some stats I loosely remember, wasn't his base (or R's) one of the groups dying more from it than his enemies, the dems? if he could have steered covid to spread anywhere, I would think it would have been to target the dem population, and let his brothers in arms survive so they could vote him back in. if he consciously spreads the rona to his base, then he loses soldiers for his coup, no? sorry it wasn't exactly clear to me the correlation you were making. the coup (at least to me) seemed to come more out of desperation, rather than some machiavellian level scheming donald had concocted before the election occurred. trump chases the ball in whatever direction it goes in. then he lies/cheats/bribes to get his way, whenever the proverbial balls starts to veer away from the goal. maybe at one point a long time ago he had the scheming part more down pat, could see moves ahead. but he's stretched way too thin now, his mental capacity for that crap I think is gone. he's bull in the china shop donald now, a completely toxic stupid human being.
  13. so now we wait...and wait...and wait...for this to get dragged out in the legal system for even longer. donnie's lawyers file appeals, or whatever they do to make this drag out more. this is where donnie's carny smarts prevail...have allowed him to survive all these years as a con man out in the open. twist the legal system around and around and around so everyone is so confused, meanwhile donald slips out the back door. sadly, I don't think there will ever be true justice for what trump has done to America. you could argue if it wasn't him, would have been someone else of his ilk. that he was elevated through the disgruntled maga population, and if not donnie than someone else would have been in his place. but it wasn't someone else, it was trump. and he deserves to be hanged in public for the hatred/violence/bigotry he has sought to normalize in this country. but that won't happen. he'll never get the prison ass rapings or cartel style torture he deserves. instead, he could very well come back from all this, and eek out another term. zero lessons learned. modern day reality is such a fuckin trip man.
  14. that's it right there. some of my closest IRL friends are Russian, and it's a slippery slope discussing the Ukraine situation. one of them is still very pro Russia, despite living in the US for decades. most of his immediate family are still back in the motherland, all brainwashed under the regime. I try and put myself in his shoes when talking about this, and remember that any Russian person anywhere now has to discuss this confusing clusterfuck of a quagmire situation their home country has decided to get into. IMO Russia and Russian people by default are not bad, their mafioso crazy person led government are bad, and have knowingly warped the minds of millions of their citizens. when my friend says stupid shit like Ukraine will become a vacant country, or other such propaganda fueled delusions, I don't argue, and normally try and highlight basic non-violent universal principals such as killing civilians is wrong, pointless destruction of apartments/houses is wrong, war in general is wrong, etc.
  15. I'm with you on this. the idea of AI wiping out humanity is a bit of sci fi humor to me. I see the irony in these tech associated big wigs like Musky jumping on this bandwagon that AI development needs to be stopped, or slowed down all of a sudden. and the idea that various government's across the planet will have to step in and regulate AI somehow is even more ludicrous to me. and yes technological progress has not solved any of those glaring problems like food shortages, housing, income inequality, or climate change. the overarching vibe regarding humanity is that shit keeps getting worse, rather than better... but it's good to keep in check that humans have been saying "shit's getting worse" for thousands of years now. of course now everyone can plaster their unhappiness/negativity all over the internet, so it's in our faces a hell of a lot more. staying above all that is all we can try and do.
  16. elon, woz, and a bunch of other dudes are asking nicely here - please sign this petition to stop AI from wiping out humanity: https://futureoflife.org/open-letter/pause-giant-ai-experiments/ hmmm...which will win....capitalistic AI labs...or the greater good for the rest of us. stay tuned! I wonder what all the great governments on this planet will think about this "institute a moratorium". ha!
  17. correct. I have to go in them on occasion for the job. it's a bit of a trippy experience.
  18. when you descend through here: this is what you will find:
  19. this dragonfly died on my window sill, outside a room I meditate in. I saw it when it was alive in this position, the eyes were blue. its position looked to me as a very zazen pose. I checked on it later and it was dead, eyes were black. there's a lot of stuff going on right in front of us that can be interpreted to have deeper spiritual meaning. this is one of those events.
  20. I thought this one had a bit of a Hum Inlet vibe in spots: https://deafheavens.bandcamp.com/album/infinite-granite
  21. haha yeah those "wild rides" with non intoxicating prescription drugs are intense. a few months ago I had to take a prescription drug for a viral infection, which on the label says MAY interact negatively with alcohol, but didn't say DO NOT drink alcohol. since I grew up actively looking for the shit that would add to your buzz, I drank some wine, threw a thc gummy down the hatch for good measure, and took the medicine. wrong move. within an hour I could tell something was not right, like my thoughts I was having were not my own. I became transfixed on every single second of reality passing by, like obsessed on paying attention to the passage of time. like laser sharp focus. I passed out then woke up a little while later and it was like someone else had taken over my body entirely. I couldn't get my mind back to "me." I didn't sleep after that, just rode it out like some bad acid trip. this was all 100% my fault, so I accepted the consequences. that shit took like almost a day to wear off. lesson learned haha.
  22. bruv how many of these cruises u got left in you? u seem to be getting pissed off a lot these days...maybe time to buy a boat, sail the seas of cheese on your own terms. be like John the Fisherman dude
  23. I know there is no way to stop the flow of technological progress. humans have an innate drive to keep advancing toward something. but what? we don't know exactly. something about making life easier, a better life for the next generation...I suppose. why not stop all this AI advancement and just be happy with what we have achieved technologically so far? why do we have to keep going toward something newer and shinier? IMO humans need to focus more on reality, truthfulness, what is right in front of us, instead of a life online. the natural world... AI advancements are going to make it nearly impossible at some point to discern what is reality, and what is a computer-generated version of reality. I'm already really creeped out by some of this AI porn crap I see. this is going to set off even more of a myriad of psychological catastrophes. the last 25 years of internet/social media have shown millions of humans are unable to mentally handle a digital version of themselves. AI is going to fuel more of an addiction to the online fantasy world, less on the real. but whatever man...this shit is all out of our control. next 40 years should be fun lol
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