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Everything posted by zero

  1. no clue. load of BS is what it is.
  2. the red hat collective aren't budging, donnie is doing a good job at managing the outbreak. like I said, he will get away with everything he's doing (or not doing) right now, and will no doubt survive to win 2020. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/23/poll-half-of-americans-approve-of-trumps-coronavirus-response-144197
  3. this album should be the official soundtrack to the current world crisis. nothing captures the overall unsettled mood and paranoia we are all experiencing better than TH. listening to TH outside on a warm, bright, sunny day = a no go, but listening to it inside locked doors on a cold, cloudy day during a world-wide pandemic = perfect fit.
  4. or chemtrails, if you believe they are actually nefarious gasses being sprayed on the populace. and I could of sworn chemtrails was a BoC track, but google says it is Beck.
  5. it really sucks knowing that despite him ignoring advice, not caring, doing nothing, providing the public with wrong information, shouting at reporters, etc. - he still will claim he defeated corona virus in the US single-handedly and half the country will believe it...AND he will probably get re-elected.
  6. since all the salons/barber shops are closing, guess we'll become a planet full of long hairs just like our cavemen ancestors.
  7. I was thinking about this recently, I wonder how badly the US health insurance companies are going to totally screw us over. Since this is all unprecedented, they are going to act like they have carte blanche to charge whatever they want (more or less do anyway). They already made it a point to correct president idiot when he said corona would be covered. I fear the hospital bills I will get should I get the virus, more so than actually getting sick with it.
  8. his press conference today was beyond embarrassing. his lack of leadership skills were on full display. he has no idea how to respond to anything. classic shithead donnie below:
  9. toilet paper's still pretty scarce around these parts. actually had a momentary flash of panic while sitting on the commode earlier, starring at the half used roll next to me. I need to adjust my diet to stop crapping so much, maybe learn how to perfect the art of the clean break as that mcgriff guy used to describe in detail...
  10. why did she stay in so long I wonder...wasn't she polling at like 1% the whole time?
  11. I just don't buy that fascism is something he is striving for. This would imply he has a plan in mind, and he's proven time and time again that he sucks at strategizing and only reacts to what is in front of him. He's an asshole and a racist, and doesn't really like anyone outside his circle, but I don't think he has any true desire to change anything, only do stupid shit that pisses a lot of people off to his amusement.
  12. Negatory. The man hasn't an altruistic bone in his body. Everything he does is straight out of a get rich quick scheme handbook. He's not trying to do anything, he only stumbles around relying on dumbass luck. Even this thing about giving all Americans $1k is his way to buy votes in November. Totally agree about this having nothing to do with fascism. I don't see his administration having any grand plan in mind, other than being useless yes men catering to his clueless, juvenile behavior. Turtle man and the rest of the team are too busy focused on keeping their seats and doing whatever else they can to defy common sense and fuck up the planet.
  13. this is something I can totally see happening...corona virus gets under control over the next few months, just in time for november. donnie spins it so that he's the hero, mindless toilet paper zombies buy his BS, and voila, he gets re-elected. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/18/coronavirus-campaign-primary-135107
  14. Season 3 of The Sinner. Started out pretty good, but one major plot element seems a little too far fetched and unbelievable. It's not over yet though, so maybe will be justified once the mystery is revealed.
  15. well how about call it "dem virus" or just a simple "fake virus" should do. I mean look at where it's hitting hardest - Washington, Cali, NY - all dem states. this clearly isn't a republican problem, it's a dem problem.
  16. lol @ equatorial guinea. makes me thing of those tribes out in the jungle, rockin' loincloths, shooting arrows at planes. those guys have no clue about corona. maybe eventually there'll be a corona that does wipe all us civilized folks out, and it will be just the tribes left in the jungle. the planet will be just like 10,000 BC again.
  17. my parents, who are in their seventies, returned recently from a trip to california and now both have coughs/colds. before I'd be like "get well soon!" but now I can't help thinking about another outcome. they were supposed to come stay with us for a few days, but have now wisely decided to remain at home. I'm very concerned about people's mental health through all of this. this is a lot to adjust to in a very short period of time.
  18. guns & ammo are to ward off the corona zombies from coming into your house and stealing your toilet paper. I wouldn't think those dudes would be attacking the military? I agree military takeovers are not something to look forward to, but when the other option is to let an orange man and his sock puppet turn this into another finger pointing shouting match, well...
  19. ^ that's some A+ leadership right there. he could of just said "ain't my fault" or "not my problem." instead he gave us some virus history, named the villains (dems), provided statistics, AND he (as always) is the hero of the story. nicely played donnie, nicely played.
  20. fuck toilet paper, has anyone checked in on the world's booze supply? only half joking here.
  21. I'm actually hoping the military steps in sooner if this continues to escalate. letting a completely unqualified lying salesman and his yes man pence steer the ship at a time like this just adds to the insanity.
  22. good news 'mericans...we might get an extra grand thanks to corona: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/addybaird/mitt-romney-1000-dollars-coronavirus-yang-ubi
  23. holy shit I joked in one of these threads we need to build a wall to keep corona virus from getting us, and now the idiot tweeted something to the same effect: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/10/cdc-director-border-wall-coronavirus-125007 good thinking donnie...the wall will save us...all hail the wall...in wall we trust...
  24. toilet paper? f that! time to start loading up on guns people. it's gonna be every man for himself pretty soon. everyone knows the guy with the most guns always wins.
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