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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. I've found myself leaning more towards films that have more of an interesting visual identity as opposed to storytelling ability. One need only look through my DVD collection and most liked films to see this. Does this make me a shallow person? lol Do you own "the cell" and "what dreams may come?" I'm losing my shit. It's way too early and i'm freaking the fuck out. I'm going to have to go on meds until this summer, and then I'm going to have to go on more meds after I see this movie that will no doubt ruin my life. DVDs in my case (nope those films aren't in there, but I shall have a look for them) for relaxing times...
  2. I've found myself leaning more towards films that have more of an interesting visual identity as opposed to storytelling ability. One need only look through my DVD collection and most liked films to see this. Does this make me a shallow person? lol
  3. you're just stating your opinion, it's all cool...so long as you realise that it is your opinion and not objective fact :) Interesting point. I personally take the same stance that Ridley does himself, and he said as much in the extras for Alien - he got actors that could actually act, Sigourney Weaver and Rutger Hauer being perfect examples of actors chosen for their respective roles that absolutely fucking nailed the characters. What input Ridley had into it, I don't know and I wouldn't pretend to know. Of course, this entire paragraph is just my opinion.
  4. http://youtu.be/Ua5smxPXy8E Cool idea. But still doesn't magically cut the price of the ticket, which is a major gripe of mine. While I understand your point of 'progress', 3D stuff gives me headaches. sadly those with poor eyesight tend to suffer more from this i.e. if you have wear glasses for everyday use the perspective your brain is used too with be different from what the 3D cinema will force on you hence your eyes will strain more to compensate to how you normally see things. You cant please all of the people all of the time and Im sure there will b plenty of 2D showings too especially as this will be 'the' film of the summer (shoot me Marvel) Yep, being someone that has to wear glasses all the time, it really fucks with my eyes. As for it being shown in 2D, I dunno man.... TRON Legacy wasn't shown in 2D at all around here...not even in Liverpool. Only 3D showings. and that was a pretty 'big' film. I can easily foresee the cinemas only having 3D showings so as to rape people's wallets.
  5. I really hope that, because of this bit of exposition, that the film is going to be long. I am hoping for 3 hours minimum. Agreed. I usually hate extra-long films. Inception in particular felt too long recently. I often quote Hitchcock who believed that 'the length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder'. But I'd be more than willing to watch 3 hours of this. of course, it's all academic if the cinemas around here are only going to have 3D showings of it. No fucking way am I watching this in 3D
  6. I FUCKING KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING ABOUT HIS ACTING YES! Dick Tremayne! "But what I'm trying to make clear is that using a stuffed animal to represent an endangered species as an ecological protest constitutes the supreme incongruity."
  7. definitely agree. I've told Ade this too, and he kinda hinted that it might be on the cards. But this was a while back now, so I dunno if it'd ever happen. Probably not considering that Video Club has been out since 2009 (and was really old material before that) oh cool. what did he tell you about vieo club/other stuff? as a huge fan i want to know and feel too silly to hit blacow on facebook with 'tell me everything' inquiries. i even feel silly to ask you. All I know is that Video Club is essentially the demo he sent out to Skam, and this was sent to them years before it was released. The whole 'lack of credits on the release' wasn't done intentionally, and Ade really didn't expect all the hype surrounding it with regard to "is it a BoC side project?" etc etc. On a side note - the last couple of times I've seen him live, he's been playing this absolute blinder of a track that has a 303 line in it. I am desperate for this to get released. Its Neil Sriven isn't it? He's the third musketeer who swapped demos with them for years, and his primary alias is now Phono Ghosts. Or at least this is what I believe. Yeah it's Neil. I'm hoping they put another night on in Blackpool soon, would be good to hear if there's anything new and to catch up.
  8. definitely agree. I've told Ade this too, and he kinda hinted that it might be on the cards. But this was a while back now, so I dunno if it'd ever happen. Probably not considering that Video Club has been out since 2009 (and was really old material before that)
  9. Thanks for the heads up on that. I've told Neil he needs to put his stuff out for download! He played some awesome new stuff as Phono Ghosts at the last gig I went to in Blackpool. Shall be plopping down some money on this when I can afford to.
  10. I got this recently too, I used a boomkat gift voucher that someone gave me for Christmas. To be honest, I find the mastering to be way too bass heavy. Really not so sure that it's an improvement on the original... And yes, it is pricey. I could understand the price if it were 180 gram vinyl, but it isn't...
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