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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. may I suggest encoding at 23Kbps mp3? That way you'll get even more on your iPhone, and you'll also get some additional nulls.
  2. Apparantly, he has crashed a bunch of parties. So fucking great. Also, he's the only (at least according to a lot of articles) actor in Hollywood who doesn't have an agent. You just call his answering machine and if he's interested, he'll call you back. Bill fucking Murray
  3. hannibal lecter makes a cameo as a murderous replicant who eats other replicants. he was being shipped to an ultrareligious prison planet under the supervision of deckard before their ship fell into a wormhole and crashed onto the space jockey planet. when they meet up with shaw, there is tension with david, who thinks hannibal wants to eat him. this occurs through a series of witty scenes as the four survivors wander through the barren alien landscape, looking for the space jockey city. once they reach the city, they find out that the space jockeys want to wipe out humans because they think humans are genetically programmed to be violent killing machines and the jockeys are afraid of humans turning against their creators. after learning this, the humans and replicants go on the run in a dramatic chase scene with plenty of obstacles and close-calls. with a bit of bad luck, hannibal gets infected with black goo and turns into a cannibalistic alien-cyborg, becoming the only hope for the humanity's survival as the space jockeys' weakness is the alien lifeform, as seen in prometheus when their only weakness is the alien lifeform. however, david's new found emotions and "soul" (which are revealed in a touching scene in the desert where he has a heart-to-heart with shaw about her faith) make him unable to trust hannibal and he betrays the humans to the jockeys for their own good, acting like a judas figure (or maybe he's just a secret asshole). the jockeys transform david into another alien-cyborg and he fights hannibal on the top of the space ship that shaw and deckard have somehow commandeered in order to return to earth. all through out the movie, a romance has bloomed between shaw and deckard and we see the culmination of this as deckard must go outside the space ship to activate the relay that allows them to safely navigate the wormhole back to earth. deckard leaves the ship in an emotional moment with shaw, saying "i'll be back." cut to the outside of the ship, where hannibal has thrown david off the ship and deckard goes to comfort him as he dies where we learn hannibal has learned the true value of friendship through his time with deckard. suddenly, david climbs back to the top of the ship and deckard must fix the relay antenna before it is too late, while dodging attacks from the violent cyborg. as deckard runs away, hannibal uses his last bit of strength to fling himself off the ship with david. deckard fixes the relay and goes back into the ship, reuniting with shaw in a display of passion. as they set course for the wormhole, they find out they have a stowaway--the black goo has fused hannibal and david's corpses to make a super-uber-alien. this forces deckard to open the airlock to get rid of the super alien, however he is also pulled out of the ship and only shaw's grasp is holding him onto the ship. she shouts, "i'll never let go!" and deckard says, "i know." he lets go and hits the "close airlock" button conveniently placed near end of the airlock and it saves shaw. the movie ends with shaw in stasis and the pod showing that there are two occupants....... it appears her abortion didn't work as well as she thought, setting up the sequel prom3th3us. I'd pay good money to see that. As long as it's shown in 2D, sepia tone, silent, and with those cards that pop up for the dialogue.
  4. lol Dr. Gediman: In the... In the Company? Dr. Wren: Weyland-Yutani, Ripley's former employer. Terran growth conglomerate. They had defense contracts with the military. Oh they went under decades ago Gediman, way before your time. Bought out by Walmart. Fortunes of war.
  5. At first I thought the same as you. I liked the idea of man being the father of the xenomorph but then I had one of those Ren & Stimpy burp/fart realisations where I suddenly realised how lame that is. I don't want to sound like just another internet troll who hates on everything coming his way, but it's so cliché I can't even find words for it. It's like saying, 'man is the most dangerous animal of all'. Everything is a cliche, if you think too much about it. Also, clearly, man isn't the most dangerous animal of all - the xenomorphs are
  6. I wouldn't agree with the whole renaming LV-223 to LV-426, since in the Weyland Timeline they make specific mention of discovering Acheron LV-426. Either way, I still like your theory that humans themselves were the genesis of the xenomorph we know from the Alien series. It's a pretty interesting take on it all
  7. biking in to say that i saw it. it has it's flaws, the most glaring of which is that character development is pretty poor. The film could've done with being 45mins-1hour longer, so that the characters could've been fleshed out a bit more. the film didn't tell us anything more than we Alien fans had already theorised / been told anyway, with pertinence to the Alien mythology. But then, the film isn't supposed to be about Alien anyway, according to Ridley Scott.
  8. if you own the CDs of 26 Mixes For Cash, the evidence is right there. All you need to do is listen. Or if your ears are as fucked up as your head is, you could try putting them through a spectrograph. I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking this, but I'm gonna come right out and tell you that you are an annoying fuck, much like the religious cultists. Funny, religious cultists believe what they are told WITHOUT proof. Oh and eat a dick. Funny, religious cultists believe what they want to believe, even though proof contrary to what they believe is staring them in the face. Oh and you were wrong. if you own the CDs of 26 Mixes For Cash, the evidence is right there. All you need to do is listen. Or if your ears are as fucked up as your head is, you could try putting them through a spectrograph. I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking this, but I'm gonna come right out and tell you that you are an annoying fuck, much like the religious cultists. Hey now, there's a difference between poking fun like I did and being rude and mean. Chill. Multiple people have mentioned the multiple pieces of evidence that MadnessR demanded, yet it still wasn't satisfied.
  9. if you own the CDs of 26 Mixes For Cash, the evidence is right there. All you need to do is listen. Or if your ears are as fucked up as your head is, you could try putting them through a spectrograph. I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking this, but I'm gonna come right out and tell you that you are an annoying fuck, much like the religious cultists.
  10. it's a well known fact. you are free to be a skeptic, but be advised that if you take this stance, you are wrong.
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