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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. Also, it is possible to track whether someone is "Online" on WhatsApp, since this information is accessible publicly, and there's no way to turn it off. This has created a cottage industry of sites and services that will let you "snoop" on people to see if they're online at the same time as someone else, usually marketed towards partners who think they're being cheated on
  2. WhatsApp terms update looks like there's a bit more on it here, but basically it's still coming, and I'm still not okay with it. Fuck them.
  3. Not really, I meant for getting paid work you know? Flickr is just a place where you get "Internet Photography Experts" critiquing why you've taken a shot above base ISO, etc. Yeah I definitely agree on this — somehow having an active and prolific Instagram account has become the de-facto yard stick of whether someone is good or not. It's bullshit, and I'm not playing to it. If you get work through it, that's awesome news great job. But for me, the constant producing of "content" is bullshit. Elaboration (article is back from when the original deadline was sometime in Feb. Facebook had to delay the change due to the kickback, and that deadline is fast approaching)
  4. I just realised I was meant to tag @J3FF3R00 not @Dragon (sorry man) I clearly am having a bad day, sorry everyone
  5. I deleted my Facebook a couple of years ago now, after tentatively bringing it back into life in the hopes that it would assist in networking for photography stuff. It didn't, not really. I do not miss it, and it hasn't negatively impacted my life not having it. My Instagram account is essentially dormant. I have about 2 photos on there so that it looks like it's not a lazy bot, and I use it to keep an eye on friends photos etc. I am considering deleting it because of the same concerns you have @Dragon pretty much. This one will be a bit more difficult for me to delete because of contact avenues with people I'd like to keep in touch with, but not sure if they use Signal and I don't wanna be that creep that starts passing out his number anyway. WhatsApp is getting nuked before 15th May, due to the terms update. I have Signal, Threema, ProtonMail, and iMessage/SMS for anything else.
  6. oscillik


    I think Untilted might actually be my favourite Ardidger albumen
  7. Manipulated photo. The earth is obviously flat, so I dunno why you added a curvature unless you're part of the lie machine
  8. Yeah, the jump from mobile phone photography to proper camera photography is real and deep! Have fun with it man ?
  9. If they're "standard" Kailh switches, the stems are definitely suscepitble to being snapped off if enough force is applied at the wrong angle. It's very easily done by people who try to remove keycaps from their keyboads with something like a screwdriver (basically unless you're applying even upward force distributed equally around the keycap). The reason why I mention it is because with standard Kailh switches the stems aren't on the keycaps, they're on the switches themselves, and if you snap one you pretty much have to replace the entire switch.
  10. Unless it comes with a case that has been custom made for it, good luck putting this thing in your pocket and not having the keyswitch stems snapped off.
  11. Last I heard from Ade was that he was hoping it'd be out by November. All I can say is that as far as I know, the album is done.
  12. I'm hoping we don't have to wait too much longer for the next installment.
  13. I reckon you should make an ultimatum thread. Probably best to make it on twosim though, not here.
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