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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. Show me the passage in Marx where it says the countryside should be starved to death or the bit where Lenin claims it’s a good idea to have high school students beat their teachers to a pulp. Stalin, of course, did starve out the Ukraine, so there is that, but by and large China is in its own league when it comes to murderous politics, especially murderous politics *within living memory*. Ideology is nothing more than window dressing. What actually matters are facts on the ground.
  2. Good point. And as usual, what makes China worse isn’t so much the horrors themselves but the scale at which they happen. In China everything is always larger and involves an order of magnitude more people. Yup. Extremely callous. I was surprised to learn, however, that that was nowhere near the worst thing the US did to Japan: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Tokyo Japan had been so thoroughly brutalized by august 1945 the nukes aren’t mentioned at all in the meeting notes of the Japanese cabinet for when they were discussing whether to surrender or not.
  3. Must be me, then. I read it as much more hesitant than the evidence warrants, sorry.
  4. The horrors of the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward before it are *very* well attested. Hundreds of thousands of eyewitness accounts exist and they’re even studied (and acknowledged) by official Chinese historians.
  5. From that Wikipedia article, a quote by someone who lived through the Cultural Revolution: If you consider the horrors everyone in mainland China who is older than 40 has gone through a lot more about the country makes sense. From the absolutely vicious behavior when queuing by way of the completely obscene obsession with material goods to the stupendously dark world view that shrugs off internment and worse of millions of Uighurs and Tibetans: it all makes much more sense if you remember this society has had just about the worst imaginable atrocities possible inflicted upon it within living memory and that with hardly any of the perpetrators being held to account for it.
  6. Hancock couldn't possibly be a good teacher. He's too much of a musical genius to impart onto mere mortals how it's done.
  7. Really nice. Except for the bit where they start singing. I wish people wouldn't do that.
  8. There's Nokia sounds in here, and gameboy sounds, but it also just plain sounds good.
  9. I can also imagine the ministry of information technology not being big on curtailing information technology companies. Anyway, really interesting to see how all this clamping down on tech will unfold. Probably best to do it from afar.
  10. Hong Kong protestor is dumb ass. Honestly, what do those protestors think they’ll accomplish?
  11. Video gaming culture as a bunch of nerds building fun things for using computers as toys is not inherently bad at all. Video gaming culture as a bunch of multi billion dollar companies leveraging addiction science to milk their customers for all they're worth very much is. EU countries mitigate the effects of this by, for example, prohibiting loot boxes. It's not much, but it's a start. China probably thinks they're pussies for not doing any more, but would probably be wise to read up on the effects of prohibition. That never seems to work to truly stamp out something - quite the opposite. What do they think is going to happen once people turn 18 and can start playing games unfettered?
  12. The state is more powerful than parents, though, so probably better equipped to tackle behemoth companies that target children. Not saying I agree with this policy, but I could see how this would be the reasoning. This seems to be a more draconian version of the rules in EU countries that prohibit (or at least limit) advertising aimed at children. EDIT: which is probably a fair summary of everything China does: - Bigger - More people are involved - More draconian
  13. In her defense, Julia Ducournau is quite the Cronenberg, so you might just watch her films because they’re good, not because they’re sentimental sepia tinged bits of nothing with hints of pedophilia.
  14. Titane (2021). By the woman who brought you Grave (raw). This one’s less straightforward (I got some Dupieux vibes from the scenes with the firemen having fun together) but nevertheless engaging from start to finish. My wife found some bits a bit gross. I didn’t and I’m normally the squeamish one. Highly recommended.
  15. 85 with that lifestyle. Wow. But yeah, what a legend. One of the handful of people without whom this forum wouldn’t exist.
  16. Coincidentally I just walked past a record store that had “Their Satanic Majesties Request” in the window. That’s not following the Beatles lead, that’s straight up plagiarism. Plagiarism filled with mediocre pub rock, of course. That band truly is the very definition of middle class kitsch.
  17. Ah, the death of a Rolling Stone. While sad for his family and friends (condolences, of course) it does provide me with an opportunity to once again put forth that The Rolling Stones are the most overrated band in history. If you want to listen to mediocre pub rock, there are tons of others that are nearly as good, if not better at it.
  18. This looks really interesting: Singaporean movie about a guy whose life is controlled by an algorithm that seeks to maximize his happiness. Read more here: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2021/08/review-tiong-bahru-social-club-asks-wont-you-be-my-algorithmic-neighbor/ If you’re in Canada, apparently you can watch it online for $8 at https://fantasiafestival.com/en/film/tiong-bahru-social-club The rest of us will have to wait, I guess ?
  19. He did. Not sure those can handle such weight either, unless they’re the type you can grill entire pigs on.
  20. 23 pounds ... not sure home ovens are made for that kind of weight ...
  21. Gloaty McGloatface tbh that *does* look fantastic
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