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Somanymachines last won the day on May 4 2019

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  1. I thought it was reasonably well known even since the early 90s that they did in fact 'do it live'. Given Paul's knowledge of gear and how to use it, I'd say it's pretty unlikely it's prerecorded. Their setup has obviously changed over the years, but why resort to 'miming' and other antics if you already know how to do it 'properly'? Rehearsed and pre setup so it fits the visuals is more likely. They know all their tracks by heart so they probably have a basic structure rehearsed then jam over the top of that.
  2. It's cheddar cheese af. Just use that opportunity to go for a piss or get a beer. You will get Satan after that, so best not to disappear entirely.
  3. I was at the London gig on Saturday. It sounds like they did mostly the same, although I Think It's Disgusting was the intermission track on a loop. Sound and visuals were awesome. Encore was exactly the same. I don't care for their newer stuff so Spicy and Dirty Rat are lost on me, but the place went wild when Satan hit (A mix of the original, spawn version and then slowed the main hook into Beelzedub. Pretty epic). They know how to do it live that's for sure. Agree the encore should have been comprised of their main EP tracks of that era though. First half of the Brown album was the best part for sure.
  4. Digitals are finally out for anyone wanting to grab them
  5. The dude who did the soundtrack to the original game and contributed to 2097 as well has remasters of all his tracks on bandcamp... The original Wipeout and 2097 were probably my most played PS1 games.
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