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Everything posted by thumbass

  1. Yeah I don't know. or maybe it was genuinely just a single.
  2. Second 2020 bump since they are fucken good
  3. Weird, if it was a new track than I must have missed it
  4. Yeah that lol, it was an funny attempt at a puzzle really.
  5. Yeah sorry i have a severe lack of patience... It's a weak point of mine lol
  6. Look, the problem for me isn't the fact that it's just a bass station. My problem lies with the way it was advertised and overhyped, making is crack codes and teasing a track and making people guess who made it for it to only not get released.
  7. How tonedeaf can warp and novation be
  8. It's baffling they didn't even release the promo track
  9. Yes! Usually not into Bibio at all but this album has always caught my ears well
  10. As far as I'm aware they don't grow naturally. These were planted by people and it's the only place that I have seen them.
  11. Lol you guys' views are so beautful compared to mine
  12. Pretty sad about it being a comp album lol. Makes it even less inspired
  13. Wonder if I'm going to receive my package today, my post usually arrives at 5?
  14. Originally initiated for the Merzbow, Kelly Moran, Prurient USA tour (representing three generations of heavy electronics), this archival recording is finally released as 'Chain Reaction At Dusk'. Moran and Prurient first met in 2018 in support of electronic music luminary Oneohtrix Point Never at his legendary debut of 'Myriad' at the Park Avenue Armory. The two bonded over an unlikely composite of piano, drone and noise synthesis (Moran from John Cage, while early Prurient tapes cut-up Erik Satie). A leader in the realm of prepared piano, Kelly Moran quickly drew attention for her massive and seamlessly complex juxtapositions of plucked icy melodic sequences and deep sub bass compositions, culminating in a stunning 2018 LP, 'Ultraviolet' for Warp Records. With 3-tracks of continuous intertwining melodic tension, Moran continues her juxtaposition of crystalline single note attacks upon a bed of massive low end prepared drones. Shattering genre, Moran culls from a broad palate of classical, post-minimalism, ambient and other forms to free the piano from convention pushing high and low frequencies through electronic pairing and coupling. Recorded at her home in fall 2018... more releases December 4, 2020 https://hospitalproductions.bandcamp.com/album/chain-reaction-at-dusk
  15. Tracks sound dece but maybe a tad tame? Idk i cant put my finger in it but it feels like sometimes it's missing something
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