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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dcom

  1. We're on the Brink of Cyberpunk (Slate): "It’s not just the technology, surveillance, and dystopian vibes—it’s the culmination of decades of deliberate governmental erosion."
  2. It's like William Gibson said in an interview in 2003 (I'm paraphrasing) - the future is already there, it's just not very evenly distributed.
  3. The Coronavirus Is Rewriting Our Imaginations (The New Yorker)
  4. That's the irony of it (and it doesn't escape me).
  5. I've watched that before, as well as his father's presentations as well as read the book - it's all about being (information, knowledge, statistically etc.) literate about things in a world where information is massaged to fit some preconceived reality. Could you point to something more specific?
  6. To quote Clay Shirky, it's not information overload, it's filter failure (but see also filter bubble). The main problem is the commercialized infosphere where dissemination of factual information has become subservient to advertising - people are getting their "news" through algorithm-controlled environments like Facebook, YouTube etc. and if you're not media literate and can't differentiate between sources whether they're factual, trustworthy, unbiased etc. or not or can't evaluate purposeful misinformation, superstitions and conspiracy theories from reality, you're not going stop making a fool of yourself. I find that it actually is society moving backwards because actual, proper, real experts, scientists, leaders of their subjective fields are being demoted to the level of vox populi, pitting a random someone's opinion against expert knowledge and stating that these are on equal footing. There's a lot of dunning-krugering goin' round.
  7. See also Anti-intellectualism in American Life (1963), and then there's this from Isaac Asimov (1980):
  8. For a long time I've thought of the US as Hieronymus Bosch's The Garden of Earthly Delights - it's breathtaking, beautifully colourful and a cornucopia of wonder - but when you zoom in on the myriad of details a different picture emerges: it's weird, messy, things are not as they appear at first and the longer you stare at it the less sense it makes (there's a guy with a flute up his ass). It's Up With People mixed with William S. Burroughs' Thanksgiving Prayer. It's like watching a super slow motion bullet time highway pileup animation drawn by Geoff Darrow. It's an utopian dystopia, 1984, Brave New World, Judge Dredd's Mega-City, Robocop's Detroit... it's a place of rampant capitalism and commercialism where any notion of privacy is sacrificed on the altar of making money, where you can actually fake it without ever making it and still get ahead, where Television is the Drug of The Nation and pharmaceutical companies are pushing medical-grade opiates to fatten the bottom line and for-profit prison industrial complex is an actual thing. It's a Chuck Palahniuk novel and an instance of Baudrillard's hyperreality.
  9. Big up for all of these, essential for any electro-leaning WATMMers.
  10. Boltfish Recordings' full discography is available for about 15 quid.
  11. I have become more and more unimpressed by most of RDJ's music during the years and I buy his new releases only out of habit. But then again, there's a 50/50 chance I don't exist at all.
  12. Social Distancing Laws (1970)
  13. -- Three Cheers for Socialism by David Bentley Hart, Commonweal Magazine (yeah, it's a Christian publication but there are plenty of valid points in the article that are not tied to religious views.)
  14. MICRO SOLCHI - Tutti Tranne Micro Solchi EP (Where We Met WWM 004 12") REKAB - Music Makes It Better EP (Where We Met WWM 007 12") ZETA RETICULA - Sonic Assault (Blind Allies Latvia BAREC 010 140 gram vinyl 12") DJ OVERDOSE - Hang In There (Curtis Electronix Holland CRTSX 002 12") HACKER, The/214/REEDALE RISE/DEREK CARR - Exit Planet Earth: Carbon (20/20 Vision EPE 01 140 gram vinyl 12" in spot-varnished sleeve) SLEEPARCHIVE - Trust (Tresor Germany TRESOR 316 180 gram vinyl 2xLP + MP3 download code) MSRG/REEDALE RISE - Aquatic Experience (Heretic Electro HE 01 12") DIE GESTALTEN - Widerstand (Die Gestalten DIEGESTALTEN 004 12")
  15. Whenever someone uses the moniker "bros" in any context, my first thought association is always this; I was a teenager when it came out and it was repeated ad nauseam on music video channels - remember when MTV stood for Music Television and was still playing videos? There's a recent documentary on them, After the Screaming Stops, if you're into pop culture. But I digress, carry on.
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