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Satans Little Helper

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Everything posted by Satans Little Helper

  1. Arrived in '03. Perhaps earlier. But the internet archive doesn't show before, so there's no proof. But I remember buying Drukqs, and 911 and being on forums. That's '01 and '00. Went back and forth between this place and xlt though. (this is a new account because i lost my old one. not gonna name names) Also remember abusivegeorge from the thread where we discussed the death of amy winehouse. U used to be in the same clinic, i believe. Made impact
  2. Left wing right wing over wing under wing chicken wing allowing
  3. true. no need to be triggered, imo. waste of energy.
  4. To a certain extent Esther Perel comes to mind. But its an awful comparison and certainly not an equivalent. Personally, I believe the psychology/ self help stuff isn’t even relevant anymore when talking about current jp. To me at least. Because he mostly moved to political/societal rants with all sorts of bs about his views on ukraine or climate or some other political issue. Which is far beyond the sphere of self help. In short: Esther sticks to her lane while JP is all over the place and seems to be turning into some pseudo religious freak preaching against the evils of the world. Which is currently, wokism and globalists. (No psychology or self help here…)
  5. At a couple of points Lex seems a bit annoyed by “your boy jp”. I only watched the clip with his rant on climate. Which is the point, I guess. He’s on this endless rant which makes him unbearable. Regardless of making some valid points here or there. Which adds the other layer of toxicity. He talks about stuff as if he’s an expert without actually being one. He even asks being corrected. Vaguely aware of his own lack of knowledge of the subject he’s ranting about. But, even outside his expertise he still wears his persona of the public intellectual. Ranting away about anything bothering him. Just like us keyboard warriors. (The irony) In a way he’s become king of the online keyboard warriors. Just ranting away. Not just online, but also irl. 1337!
  6. LOL Came here just to post this exact video! XD
  7. Interesting first AE track to listen to. And enjoyable to see him struggle to explain. In the meantime I could only think "you need to listen to it three times before you can try to understand". That one time was just a bit too much for him to wrap his head around. Although he did have some interesting observations.
  8. So, the fact he uploads BOC tracks basically means this is not a different/new account of RDJ. (why would RDJ upload BOC tracks?! he wouldn't...)
  9. Interesting and promising study into long-covid. Seems that low cortisol levels might be a good biomarker to diagnose long-covid. Source: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.08.09.22278592v1.full-text (still in preprint!)
  10. Perhaps he should do a live session on Twitch where he's basically messing about and tinkering with tracks. We can finally watch him in his sacred habitat. ?
  11. Wasn't this already known in 2020? Not the 80% bit, which I wouldn't take too seriously btw. But that some percentage of people obtained dental issues after covid. As far as I'm aware, there hasn't been an established causal link at this time. So it might be that people with a bunch of (genetic) sensitivities or weaknesses get F-d up by covid in such a way that those weaknesses or predispositions suddenly show up as well. But stuff like this gets murky and complex pretty quick. Is there a causal link when someone with covid suddenly have all kinds of predisposed weaknesses popping up? You could argue either way, I guess. The latest I've read was that the process with which people can have effects in their brain from covid was uncovered. To me, that's the point where I'd argue: yeah, there's probably causality.
  12. "the" generation? i think there are a bunch of generations choosing to fuck it up
  13. Sad. He used to be an amusing presence around here. Many moons ago. Can't remember why he got banned. I believe he went for a verbal fight with papa J?
  14. Sean posting at watmm again! Sean, please name for my laptop! ?
  15. OK, so now I'm confused. Just went to Bandcamp. I bought both the digital album and the CD with the extra tracks. In my collection only one version shows. And the download only has the original 11 tracks. Please don't tell me i f-ed up because I've bought two versions of the same album. ?
  16. Wait, you can dl them from bandcamp (if you bought the cd)? Perhaps I misremembered, but didn’t he say these tracks wouldn’t be made available digitally? I hope they are…
  17. People compared Villalobos to Basic Channel?
  18. It helps to turn on the subtitles. He joked he thought it's all derivative to team doyobi.
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