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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. tec


    I dunno man, I half expected it to be in Scary Movie.
  2. Kong Skull Island - I am so thankful this film didn't bother with a slow reveal of Kong tediously drawn out over the first hour. They get to the island, he's there and immediately smashing them out their helicopters. Not a bad film for a lazy Sunday. I fear what Adam Wingard will do with the next one after seeing his past work.
  3. This has been my favourite game in years, loved it. Fallout 4 is basically Fallout 3, I wish they'd had more ambition.
  4. Life - it had a big budget and an A-list cast but it could have been a mid-budget B-movie from the 80's, which is maybe why I enjoyed it. Not remotely original but I like space and I like squid monster things. Spoiler - that Japanese actor now has two self-sacrificing deaths in space, who holds the record?
  5. Far too much Phantom Menace, those droid things are awful.
  6. tec

    Now Reading

    Finished The Wake by Paul Kingsnorth, takes 20 pages or so to get to grips with the language then you're off. Fantastic protagonist that really takes you there, maybe the best I've read this year. Up next, I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Read.
  7. I'm sure I got a copy at around three, did I lose an hour somewhere?
  8. I really liked this film and genuinely think she should have been showered in awards for her performance.
  9. The Monster - By the end I felt sorry for me. I could have been playing my keyboard. I could have been doing anything else. If I had known it was by the bloke who done The Strangers I wouldn't have bothered in the first place. Almost as bad as Blair Witch but far more irritating. I am angry.
  10. tec


    I have an annoying tendency to buy novelty t-shirts seen on dayoftheshirt.com and then realise I could never wear them outside.
  11. And that bit where she hypnotises him eh? Why didn't they use Paul McKenna?
  12. tec


    I love Lynch's goofy sense of humour. The first two were great. Also, lol at James "has always been cool".
  13. Public affection with the opposite sex is frowned upon so she was sadly helping him out.
  14. Mad Max Fury Road. A part of me would have loved to see Mel Gibson return but otherwise this is still great. What's the game like?
  15. I realised whilst watching this boring trailer that even if I'd only heard the Vangelis soundtrack and never seen the film Blade Runner would still be in my top five movies. It is astonishingly good.
  16. tec


  17. Spoiler alert - you have to pay to access the bit of a cinema that shows the film.
  18. In Aliens they have the tracking sound slowly build whilst it dawns on them that they are in the ceiling. I'm hoping for the best but comparing that with that mother saying it's above you shit, hmm.
  19. I can't care how badly it may have dated, that's the nature of most comedies sadly, but the dance number that opens the film is fantastic. Do one Vice.
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