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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. Even though Windowlicker was supposed to be the 'single' for the then upcoming full-length that turned into Drukqs, strictly speaking you could say that no Aphex Twin full-length was ever accompanied by a videoclip, so I'm not betting on it. But who knows?
  2. You got a mail confirmation about that? I guess EU will be sent out later :) The tape was announced later but is done already, the vinyl probably got some delay because of all the massive queues at pressing plant. Can't wait for both!
  3. there's hope ! If you should believe any of the interviews, you could assume that he's finally back in the schoolbanks. He updated his fb with adding a College of Arts to his educations starting from 2014 or something. Also from those interviews you can conclude he was working towards an end, sort of. Ironically in that Improvearts interview he also asks why Aphex should still release anything, because he'd done everything already. Now Rephlex quits, partly because of that reason, and now Aphex releases again...
  4. A part of it is explained in the interview: the money lost on the Analords release (for example). Just the manufacturing of the binder was between 80-90 pounds a piece so they lost on that big time. He notes there are more reasons the label is now defunct, but they aren't mentioned yet. yeah but he sold the analord stuff aswell If I remember correctly, the binder was sent out with one record (Analord 10) and was sold for about 40 pounds. I'm not sure on the amount of binders that were sold, but even taking the massive succes of the whole limited Analord series into account, the profits couldn't have been very high. I've been holding that opinion for a while now because of all the non-facts out there, but this new tidbit doesn't help... Let's hope you're right And welcome btw!
  5. There are pictures floating about of Richard on set in Los Angeles where they filmed it playing chess... Can't remember that one! I did found these though:
  6. lol, sorry, imma let you finish next time
  7. 1) Defunct in Dutch means defunct in English. Exactly the same. 2) Richard goes along with the question in his sentence saying that the expensive Analord binders played a part in the now defunct Rephlex label. Translated exactly he said: "Is that (the expensive binder) the reason for Rephlex now being defunct?" It didn't help in any case, no, but there was more going on as well.
  8. And Jodey and Dave? Does anyone know where I can keep an eye on these three? Jodey: follow him on facebook, he releases on WeMe, Signals, has his own "sublabel" called EDM ( https://edmsoundwave.bandcamp.com/ ) with more upcoming, etc. Dave: yeah, good one. No idea. He just released a remix through Love Love records. Also check out his facebook page. Wisp: where are you man :)
  9. Those will be taking care of: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/83233-braindance-record-labels-thread/ :) What I find more disheartening is the fact that Rephlex picked up on so many good new debuting artists/genres that later went on to do great stuff on other/bigger labels, who will take those same chances? Also with offering stuff like Freakwincey, Pierre Bastien, Slipper, Hecker and Voafose next to the more electronic side of Rephlex (the braindance). All the Rephlex style labels only pick up on the electronic braindancy stuff. It explains a lot in any case, the end of the CAT#'s, that huge Rephlex sale on Norman, etc. I really hope Grant and/or Aphex will try something different in the future, they were my absolute favourite music 'filter' / supplier.
  10. Good one. I assumed it mostly because I figured there was a cut between the rest of the conversation where he maybe already spoke about Rephlex. I reckon they (the journalists) would ask Aphex about it before just claiming the end of Rephlex. Plus, Richard doesn't deny it and goes with the claim in his answer. Aphex said the same thing to messiaen as well (about killing off Rephlex or something?) Well, sort of, after those last releases (APmusik - MU3, BW and D'Arcangelo) SRD stepped out the picture, since then all the releases were directly via the artist / bandcamp plus suddenly had no barcode or CAT# anymore. Those last releases were out in september 2013.
  11. A part of it is explained in the interview: the money lost on the Analords release (for example). Just the manufacturing of the binder was between 80-90 pounds a piece so they lost on that big time. He notes there are more reasons the label is now defunct, but they aren't mentioned yet.
  12. Thanks for the heads up! I'll be definitely grabbing that mag when it comes out! The stuff they're already revealing in this bit is very interesting btw, firstly the confirmation of the end of Rephlex, it seems :( also the bit about Fader breaking the code of silence about the interviews. That's why Pitchfork immediately followed... and yes, he confirmed he's the Tuss in here. I'll try to translate the whole interview when it's out! strange to use the term defunct. Don't the new direct from artist (aleksi, jodey kendrick etc) releases hold CAT#s similar to rephlex? Can't wait for Herr's translation Not sure how Klobjob did it so fast (you speak Dutch mate?) but his translation of this part is decent (except for 'Also state that between?' lol). I really hope to read more about Rephlex's demise in the full interview though, this is sad. I think the last albums to contain a CAT# were D'Arcangelo's Audiovisual Designs and BW's Good Programs. Those were both #235. APMusik - MU3 also got a CAT# (234), after that no Aleksi release had a barcode, CAT# or anything... The last official Rephlex release, bearing the logo and name, was Pierre Bastien - Machinations. Currently listening the demise of Rephlex.mp3 :(
  13. Thanks for the heads up! I'll be definitely grabbing that mag when it comes out! The stuff they're already revealing in this bit is very interesting btw, firstly the confirmation of the end of Rephlex, it seems :( and yes, he confirmed he's the Tuss in here. I'll try to translate the whole interview when it's out!
  14. They almost always get a bonus track. Like Sean from Autechre said: "really it's just the fact that CDs are so expensive there that they need something exclusive, otherwise everyone buys the import"
  15. My point is, how could colunga be making bootlegs of AB5 in 2002 when it wasn't given away/in the general publics hands until 2005 lol am I englishing improperlies? I think it was already ripped before 2005. I still have a really old bad rip but I'm not sure about the date... Yeah i remember having a shitty rip from before 2005. Then downloading it again after Analord release and being blown away at how good quality it was. I still havent listened to the joyrex tape cause the quality is a little too shitty for me.. Interesting! I didn't know that. Thanks for the tidbit. I really thought that white label that came with the binders was the first the world saw of it. learn something new every day =) Even the discogs reviews from AB5 date back to 2003 :) looked it up from the ancient AFX FAQ file (from around '98): B:5 "Was there ever an _Analogue Bubblebath 5_?" Yes, Richard did _Analogue Bubblebath 5_, but he has no plans on releasing it. When asked why not he responded: "Because I don't like it, no, I do, but not all the tracks, I want better ones on that. Quite often, if you make records, very soon after you did the tracks, you change your mind about them." However, you never know. There have been indications of AB5 eventually being released on CD one day, but there is no date set as of this writing, so don't hold your breath. So it has been leaked somewhere between 2000 (after the FAQ's last update) and 2003, but no idea by whom though!
  16. My point is, how could colunga be making bootlegs of AB5 in 2002 when it wasn't given away/in the general publics hands until 2005 lol am I englishing improperlies? I think it was already ripped before 2005. I still have a really old bad rip but I'm not sure about the date...
  17. I thought AB5 came out in 2005 Erm, ABB5 was scheduled to come out in 1995... I think Stephen means the couple of AB5 copies being given away with the batch of binders that was delayed, seeing that as an official release date?
  18. They are on the net, like he said himself, but they aren't bootlegged as in: pressed up on vinyl by shady guys without permission. Well chuffed at the fact that AB5 will perhaps be released on Warp :) sounds like there's alot of stuff happening in the Aphex camp in the future.
  19. Both Pitchfork and the Fader announced a Q&A running in the coming couple of weeks. Are they being told what info/tidbits they can publicize on what day? Is Richard doing an AMA for press only the next couple of few weeks? Glad to see the mythmaking still going in his interviews (the 5 y.o. downloading software off Pirate Bay, lol) anyway. Nice read for both sites :)
  20. If you've read them you know what we mean by them :) Metz has just been confirmed. You can't expect the track lengths to be the same as the live ones, for obvious reasons. You can however match the BPM's, which have been released. So there are already four tracks identified. Nice work!
  21. Sounds like https://ner-plusten.bandcamp.com/track/rickshaw-funk , it's also being hinted at in the comments.
  22. Your video may include music that is owned by a third party. Third party just got owned by you.
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