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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. What interview? Translation anywhere? http://www.tsugi.fr/editions/2014/10/07/tsugi-76-face-face-avec-aphex-twin-7025 I can't read French (well) + I don't see an interview (yet)? Thanks for the link anyway :)
  2. Hate to say it, but have heard Syro only 5 times, haven't heard it for two weeks and I haven't had any urge to hear it again... Never had that before with any Aphex stuff. I played Drukqs constantly for years, I remember even playing the Analord samples from Boomkat for weeks and weeks in a row and I completely rinsed The Tuss when it came out. I just don't feel this (yet), even though I really liked it. It's like when as a kid you never wanted to shower even though you really like it when you finally do it. What interview? Translation anywhere?
  3. Thanks a lot for the translation, shows a darker side to Luke somehow. It's pretty sad that he didn't get credited for Produk (if that's the track he's referring too), like I (and everyone here) said, that track is so ridiculously Viberty. It doesn't feel like Richard's music at all. My interpretation of Syro was that it is intentionally accessible, with some typical trademark sounds from artists around him (Ceephax bits, Vibert bits, maybe Squarepusher bits?) so that people new to the music (because of Syro) will look beyond Aphex. He said the same thing in interviews, trying to reach the masses to get them out of the mainstream and into this stuff. Anyway, that idea of an Aphex & Vibert album sounds like the best thing ever. Too bad :(
  4. Last day at work today :( coming months will consist of trying to graduate and finding a new job.
  5. Are you talking about the locked groove? That's on the 12" too, completely unnecessary = why I hardly play it. Plus the quality of the production is a bit meh, Steinvord always reminds me of the colour grey, a messy and muddy / smeared out sound. The same vibe/sound I get with that radio broadcast. That's why I can't believe it's Aphex, his main focus this last decade seem to be to perfect his production skills, Steinvord isn't near that. Have you heard the production on the 2 remixes of cock10 and cymru beats? or mangle11 or run the place red remix? You could say exactly the same about these. The final CD release of drukqs was much more polished. These 2 remixes sound straight out of richard's computer/gear, without any polishing, it sounds really raw. I get a similar vibe with the steinvord production, i would even say it's a bit more polished than a track like run the place red remix or some of the other. Maybe nostalgia related for me, but those tracks sound really clear and polished to me :) Coincidentally, Grant spoke on Steinvord yesterday: steinvord is not rdj or tj, not even slightly, steinvord is a separate independant (younger) person (from an entirely separate country), without an extensive discography. He denied it with The Tuss too, but that was towards press (this is not) so that had a clear motive. I'm inclined to believe him (this time). That account being Grant is just another myth, proves (or disproves) nothing. I agree it (dis)proves nothing, the chances he's just stirring up are huge. But it's a nice confirmation of what my ears hear :) edit: What calx said.
  6. Are you talking about the locked groove? That's on the 12" too, completely unnecessary = why I hardly play it. Plus the quality of the production is a bit meh, Steinvord always reminds me of the colour grey, a messy and muddy / smeared out sound. The same vibe/sound I get with that radio broadcast. That's why I can't believe it's Aphex, his main focus this last decade seem to be to perfect his production skills, Steinvord isn't near that. Have you heard the production on the 2 remixes of cock10 and cymru beats? or mangle11 or run the place red remix? You could say exactly the same about these. The final CD release of drukqs was much more polished. These 2 remixes sound straight out of richard's computer/gear, without any polishing, it sounds really raw. I get a similar vibe with the steinvord production, i would even say it's a bit more polished than a track like run the place red remix or some of the other. Maybe nostalgia related for me, but those tracks sound really clear and polished to me :) Coincidentally, Grant spoke on Steinvord yesterday: steinvord is not rdj or tj, not even slightly, steinvord is a separate independant (younger) person (from an entirely separate country), without an extensive discography. He denied it with The Tuss too, but that was towards press (this is not) so that had a clear motive. I'm inclined to believe him (this time).
  7. Cold autumny weather outside + relaxing inside with thermos full of tea + Colundi Sequence = healing powers. First warmed myself up with Level 5 and 2, and I just finished MU4: that one is so good, strong contender for #1 album of 2014.
  8. You mean these? I think you're just really lucky! Must be pretty rare (or fake ) as you're still the only one here who has it.
  9. Are you talking about the locked groove? That's on the 12" too, completely unnecessary = why I hardly play it. Plus the quality of the production is a bit meh, Steinvord always reminds me of the colour grey, a messy and muddy / smeared out sound. The same vibe/sound I get with that radio broadcast. That's why I can't believe it's Aphex, his main focus this last decade seem to be to perfect his production skills, Steinvord isn't near that. Or maybe that's just what he wants you to think! Mwahahahahahaaaaa!!!!! Let's face it, for every argument there can be a counter argument... Until anyone gets some real clues or evidence (*coughstephengcough*) I'm not really that interested :) Exactly! I try to give up but everytime this thread pops up I want to take another well thought-out guess. Hopeless :)
  10. Are you talking about the locked groove? That's on the 12" too, completely unnecessary = why I hardly play it. Plus the quality of the production is a bit meh, Steinvord always reminds me of the colour grey, a messy and muddy / smeared out sound. The same vibe/sound I get with that radio broadcast. That's why I can't believe it's Aphex, his main focus this last decade seem to be to perfect his production skills, Steinvord isn't near that.
  11. The card was only for pre-orders. Maybe just the sticker? Maybe nothing. I wouldn't expect too much from Bleep!
  12. Untitled 9 is about the most un-Aphex track on there, it sounds like Wisp (or, comparing with some of the EDM stuff, Jodey Kendrick). Compared to the rest it's also standing out, so I wouldn't be suprised if it was an umbrella project ala Gescom. That Untitled track that everyone sees as a Drukqs outtake is more akin to those new EDM tracks (based on the samples). So I still have my eye on Jodey Kendrick, just listen to this: http://youtu.be/SZbUWKlk2Vw?t=31m52s That said, I can also sort-of agree with Ehrlichman, and since I'm a noob on production chops I'm inclined to believe you. On the other hand when taking into account the high rate of progress in Jodey's tracks I wouldn't be suprised if it was him. ...I'll never figure this out. I don't even play it that regularly anymore, the 12" is a bit of a mess.
  13. Haven't listened to Syro in almost a week, somewhat purposely (I was also just buried in new good music) as to not overplay it. Just got my Japanese CD that's currently playing, and I really agree it's getting better every listen, especially the faster tracks that I really wasn't thát impressed by at first listen. From now on I'll play the absolute shit out of this album.
  14. I think this little nugget (from a recent Analord thread) has something to do with it. Those three little dots say so much... No "new" music, but a nice comprehensive outlet for the old stuff? Entire Replhex back catalogue to be released through major digital distribution. Confirmed. Fabrizio Marco D'Arcangelo - Facebook post - Sept 6th. JOYREX? I think they meant that all the D'Arcangelo albums that were on Rephlex will be released on bandcamp (eventually). Every artist is releasing their Rephlex albums themselves basically.
  15. https://soundcloud.com/cnlab/anubis-mix
  16. Yes, they were sent out a few days ago!
  17. There were 3 exclusive tracks by Jodey, more to follow next month, cos he's a fucking big man. We hope you enjoyed tonight's show, thanks for listening, next show is 25th Oct Tracklistings and boarding information to follow drekkly Keep listening online now for a rewind of the first 2 shows to take you through to the other side PSA Yeah, I wrote that only after the first track was played :) the other two were equally mindblowing. I hope that you mean the show will be uploaded? Thanks for the show anyway! Still tuned in :)
  18. Still listening (to an older broadcast on Source FM now?), just lovely!
  19. Yeah, this is really top radio, really glad I tuned in :) amazing tunes that really scream for a proper ID. And that track by Jodey was incredible!
  20. Cool, tuned in! Hearing one of those upcoming EDM tracks already, awesome I understand this won't be recorded? These guys have every right to do so.
  21. So you'll be 'err Jan' from now on then? Yes, Becuga. Yes it is.
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