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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. One of the best tracks in human history
  2. Yes! But when trying to download it gives a 404 error, for now.
  3. Thanks for these, user with the creepiest avatar I've seen in a long while! And welcome!
  4. Even Rush Hour in Amsterdam already have them... That's it, no more pre-ordering through Bleep.
  5. We are kindly asked to hurry up with this research so that FACT and NME can post another simple clickbait article with no credits for it. Laura Snapes‏@laurasnapes Have We Are The Music Makers unearthed Aphex's kid's Bandcamp yet?
  6. Haha, that's fantastic! Great job!
  7. Apparently the syro2xb.. etc website will be updated on the 22nd. From what I've heard. That's why everyone got those green cards with their pre-order. They wouldn't put the website title on the cards if the site was just there to reveal the album. It's just a gimmick card. Just like with Tomorrow's Harvest. Won't do anything (most likely).
  8. I'm not seeing it as being sold out. Weird, I just refreshed the Bleep homepage and the LP was out of the list, only digital and CD were still up. Now it's back.
  9. They were probably choosing between two options: go with the flow and also upload (better) samples (so they were already preparing for the whole explosion), or just hold it up for a bit longer and ask that retailer to remove the samples. Let's not post these samples up anymore, Warp obviously didn't intend on this. P.S. - Vinyl is sold out on Bleep. That's quite something I'd say!
  10. Noice, the same poster I got at the listening session :)
  11. I once had PC-speakers delivered by me by the mailman throwing (!) the huge box at me from 5 meters away. The same guy placed a poorly packaged order (containing SAW II on cassette) in the freezing cold of december somewhere between the lamppost next to my door, where it lay all day, deteriorating, for anyone to grab. Was really glad to get him fired over those incidents though, so my point being: report him :) It's amazing how much I've been playing all these levels by the way. Since receiving 6 and 3 I'm playing them out everyday, alternating with a lot of the others. So much love for this!
  12. Thanks psn / tri, makes a lot of sense considering the concept :) *Hoping Warp manages to get around these hopeless figures* "Sent to Warehouse" Do they plan the dispatching and stuff according to countries' distance? Yes, I guess they try to estimate it like that, but ultimately it falls into the hands of the postal system of your country.
  13. Those pics are from here. What is that thing on the label though?
  14. Just means they are getting the shipment ready. Download button is only for Minipops 67.
  15. Some clickbai reading you can do while waiting for Syro : Top 10 Aphex Twin Quotes
  16. Was it Grant's copy? I thought it was some other Rich's friend. I tried to search different threads but couldn't find any info about this. At least it hasn't been mentioned in this thread since the last pages seem to try to find an answer to the question of how many members are from New Zealand and other important stuff. OK, me being funny = It was Grant's copy - Aphex tells about it here: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/84679-syro-period-interviews/page-9?p=2218807&do=findComment&comment=2218807
  17. That seems to suggest (as I've suspected) that this has been a process that's been a while in the making, and that the Discogs listing of "Caustic Window LP" was part of the plan all along. CW LP was not a part of the plan, just coincidence. It was Grant that pulled that stunt off for other reasons, had absolutely nothing to do with Warp. Besides that, Richard had no clue about the marketing planning of Syro at all. He didn't even know about the blimp. The whole Kickstarter did trigger Richard to start thinking more about sharing his music with his fans more.
  18. Had a really great listening session yesterday evening with a new pair of headphones, totally chilled me out. High quality braindance from start to finish - the production is absolutely top notch too, my ears are loving it. Incredible work noise! Now listening again while waiting for the vinyl :)
  19. AUS is first to release on the 19th, and because they want to prevent leaks Bleep will probably release the digital versions that day (worldwide) too. UK/EU is 22nd US is 23rd I'm guessing it's something like that.
  20. Freshly found! http://www.discogs.com/Ronald-Snijders-A-Safe-Return/release/1464354 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pf6gDcJCo3c
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