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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. Where? Need In any case Obscure Research is being reissued on Wil-Ru Records soon ( ^2 ) - there was also an update about the Expedition Beyond being reissued soon, I assumed that's a cassette release as well but who knows?
  2. I'd say that's really plausible, the only thing that keeps me believing this is that Mike did mention the CAT# being WAP146. Also Grant saying "i got it too its the bonus tracks of polygon repress aint it, smart..." doesn't really sound like he's the one that pressed this up. Again, just speculating (you never know with Grant of course). I'd like to hear about that other release you're talking about though!
  3. Just listened to the whole album straight on headphones, no pauses. One of the most intense sessions with Exai so far, the album is finally sinking in and is becoming a favourite over here, can't name any weak track. Deco Loc and Spl9 always stick out as the best ones I guess. YJY UX and Key Osc are the perfect outro tracks, I was slowly dragged me back out of the madness that is Exai. It's pretty much how Obel describes it above, it's almost a cliché that I'll know I'll fall for. And everytime, I fall for it.
  4. So Grant stepped in and confirmed it's the two bonus SOSW tracks. It could well be that the 12" got the CAT# well ahead of time, according to Mike this is common practice by record labels (but 7 years ahead is pretty much).
  5. You know about the track on the other side? Again, can't imagine it's something else then Redruth School.
  6. Just posted about this asking for your help in the rare RDJ pics thread hehe, there's something weird about this release. I asked Mike (that's where this originates from, he posted this picture on facebook here https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204087543017672&set=a.2723964707139.2144558.1497771259&type=1&permPage=1 ) about it, he was sure he received it in 1993, which makes it even weirder because that 12" has the CAT# on it. It's probably an additional single release to be released together with the rerelease of SOSW, but that story is pretty doubtful now seeing how there already was a testpressing for it back in 1993.
  7. Wanted to share this, for a good cause (see here http://forum.watmm.com/topic/84311-scanner-trawl/ ): https://scanner.bandcamp.com/album/trawl
  8. I played Super Metroid on my smartphone using the SNesoid app, and used ROM Gripper to download ROMs. That's the most available handheld platform I can think of for playing SNES games. I'm sure one of us WATMMers who is more tech-savvy could provide a better recommendation tho. I guess that's available on the appstore? Did find Snesdroid on Play Store, now only need to find a decent ROM download app. Thanks, this'll work fine for me for now :) Have u heard of the Retron 3? 3rd party console that plays NES, SNES, Genesis, and with an adapter, GBA games. Very cool. http://hyperkin.com/retro/retron-3.html This is pretty much what I was looking for, awesome! Too bad it's not really suitable for PAL-systems, and for the price of this (+ international shipping) I could buy two original SNES consoles. Why isn't there a European market for these things? Only one EU distributor for that handheld emulator and it was sold out on there...
  9. So Aleksi just posted this: Even more Colundi stuff :O? Weird that cassettes are suddenly all over the place @ Rephlex crew (Photodementia, EDM, CN cassette (re)issues) Maybe that D'Arcangelo artwork was more of a hint of the future:
  10. So I haven't played a proper game in a looong while. I own a (recently) broken SNES and a PS2. I finally ordered ICO on PS2 yesterday because of someone on here that posted the soundtrack, which was totally lush. Anyway, I really want to replace my SNES or something similar. I did see someone posting that handheld emulator (GCW?) in the Super Metroid thread that looked brilliant, but that wasn't available in Europe (to my knowledge). Are there any similar products like that that anyone could recommend?
  11. Really had to decipher your message, but do you mean Venetian Snares sampled someone? Deep Dicking isn't a Vibert track anyway :) Btw, nice one again solarion! I'm special - the track is "Deep Down" not deep dicking lol. All the wonderful slurping and sex is from Sublime, track title "Oh yeah lets go get stoned". 1:15 I imagine the original sample is from elsewhere of course I can see why you would think it was called Deep Dicking lol Nice find!
  12. Really had to decipher your message, but do you mean Venetian Snares sampled someone? Deep Dicking isn't a Vibert track anyway :) Btw, nice one again solarion!
  13. Wow, I was at Dour as well and I thought I saw quite a few acts but I haven't seen a single act that's in the video. Really bummed out I missed this Autechre cover now ( and Cypress Hill & Madlib), sounds like it was a good party! Nice compilation anyway :)
  14. Just a heads up for everyone, Level 3 (the 12") can now be pre-ordered through ovuca.com (email to sales.apmusik at gmail.com): The Colundi Sequence Level 3 Clear 12" 180g vinyl, half-speed mastering Exclusive 300 limited edition Manufacturing now, ETA early September £9 + p&p via Paypal Pre-order now by emailing your postal address to sales.apmusik at gmail.com You will then receive payment info A1 UK74R1405016 [6:06] A2 UK74R1405026 [5:45] B1 UK74R1405036 [8:30] [APMU5] : )
  15. Good initiative Stephen! I'm a bit floored by the fact that he's got so much stuff done. I only have Dystopicus + the Rolando Simmons albums through watmm and those are top notch. Next on the list are the two official albums.
  16. Depends on your taste, you don't have to listen it in order or something. This is all part of the Colundi Sequence: - (Boom Blaster album, there was a 12" and a digital only album on rephlex.com, not available anymore. Not really part of this series but included this because the track "the Moon" was the first released track where he experimented with this scale etc.) - Mental Union 1 & 2 on CD (might still be available somewhere, Norman / Juno / ?) - Mental Union 3 CD (might still be available somewhere) - Colundi Sequence set = Mental Union 4, Colundi Level 1 & 2 + Ovuca Bonus (sold out, bandcamp only now) - Level 3 12" = coming soon - Level 4 USB release = sold out - Level 5 = bandcamp only I like MU4, Ovuca Bonus and Level 4 the most (at the moment), but it really depends on what you're doing. The Level albums are the best for sleeping / deep concentration. MU1 and MU4 are really playful, fun and with loads of acidy stuff.
  17. Sort of an update, the Level 4 USB release is sold out (I guess it'll appear on bandcamp in a while, at least I hope for the ones that missed it). Also Level 3 (12") is now on top of the ovuca.com site with the comment 'coming out next'. This is easily the most listened series of albums of this year (and probably of last year), I still can hardly comprehend it all even though I listen to it almost on a daily basis.
  18. Woa, nice! Just catching up with this thread, so much good stuff :) And yeah, the Planet of the Apes one here:
  19. Just heard two piano tracks from Drukqs on a Dutch documentary about oysters... Oh, and now Nannou (from Windowlicker) starts playing.
  20. Yeah, just joking :) and it wasn't aimed towards you, more towards the guy starting the kickstarter.
  21. Who's to say the original DATs weren't full of noise and compression issues ? Bear in mind they were sent to Rephlex for their approval before being released This is most likely the case, seeing how all the older AFX albums were delivered. There's even a picture of a collection of DAT's that ZoeB recently posted here that I think contained one of the CAT023 tracks, dating from the very early 90's (maybe late 80's). If you are this disturbed by surface noise on a 20 year old Caustic Window record (you know, the most raw and abrasive project by RDJ) you seriously need to reconsider your taste in music and just go buy German minimal techhouse records But besides the whole audiophile discussion, wasn't it decided to leave the CWLP without post-production because they wanted the rip to be exactly like how it would sound on a turntable? That was also what was communicated by Joyrex if I'm not mistaken. And even more important: RDJ approved this rip.
  22. Wow, what an ungrateful spoiled """audiophile""". And to think that he'll just get the rights to those three albums from Grant (áfter starting the kickstarter even) is top lel.
  23. This being part of his learning curve is a major part of the appeal imo, you hear elements of other tracks everywhere in this album (the SAW 85-92 percussion, etc.). Just like the other older stuff (MFM, that other tape) and it gives more insight in the process and his way of thinking back in the day. For myself, I'm absolutely loving this for the simple fact that I've listened to his older stuff for so long now, it's unreal to hear these elements again, but in a new context. And to have even a few really good tracks on it is more then I could ask for. I'm mostly suprised by the variation in styles, there's obvious CW tracks, Polygon Window, GAK, AB5, older AFX (AB3) tracks. All leftovers from all those projects into one.
  24. Oz Rephlex show? I only know that Belgian version one? Revpok was played at STRP 2009, right before he dropped Cunt as well. I remember going absolutely nuts when those dropped, although I thought the Revtok track was some sort of LFO (Track 4) / Autechre mashup, but it was marked as an old AFX track when the tracklist of that recording was being made on watmm.
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