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Everything posted by fumi

  1. [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=925171450 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=2958134514]
  2. yeah, it's not new but it's awesome. [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2722667365 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=629389174]
  3. He does have good taste. But it's his aesthetic that really nails it. Even down to the zipper sweater that kid wears on the cover of his debut album. It's the sort of thing you could pick up at a sports shop in a mall somewhere in the early 90s. Not designer gear but not bottom end either.
  4. I've got those saved on a NAS somewhere. I got them back in 2012, I think.
  5. Coming to terms with the knowing that the new Star Wars movie is utter shite. Deep breaths. Hopefully I have the will to go on.
  6. Yeah. that Leia bit was without doubt one of the worst sequences in the entire SW history. Momumental facepalm. It was like something you'd have seen in a Star Wars spoof movie directed by Mel Brooks. Laughably bad on an entire other level.
  7. Also the dumpy asian chick was unnecessary. It just felt like the studio had inserted her to appeal to some new demographic - Chinese market for this is huge.. I assume we'll get some neutral gender nonsense in the next one. I dunno, the whole movie felt flat, contrived and full of wtf nonsense. Honestly, some bits looked straight out of an 80s B-Movie. Not a multi-million dollar franchise.
  8. I just got out from this. It was very by the numbers, join the dots. It's still fun but there were many major problems for me. Can't say what as it would spoil it for those who've not seen it yet. Here's one though. Luke asking what happened to Han? Like he wouldn't know - didn't feel a tremble in the force? And that was in the first ten minutes. Cannot quite see how the (paid?) critics loved it so much.
  9. never a bad time to post more 1991. And this sublime piece - a chase sequence from some made for-TV cop thriller on some late-night cable channel in the early 90s. All imagined, of course. Stunning.
  10. Some still here. https://www.youtube.com/user/axelbackman/videos Also this.
  11. As mentioned in another thread, there is the S>>D album dropping in early February. It's not VHS Head but it did get the seal of approval. https://www.kudosrecords.co.uk/release/cpu00110111/s-d-co-intel-pro.html
  12. Some stuff in the Eccojams vein. https://blvckceiling.bandcamp.com/album/b-o-a-r-d-w-a-l-k
  13. Digital HD Release is the 26th of this month. Physical Media Blu-Ray/4K and so forth is 16th January.
  14. Reddit scene is there but I can't navigate it anymore, a lot of it is shit and people talking out of their asses. That said there's still good stuff: some of the other guys on here who produce and follow vaporwave can tell you what's up. I've been lost since like 2015 or so. What is exciting and infuriating in equal measure is that the scene naturally keeps dividing and morphing into ever more obscure niches. Vapourwave doesn't really exist anymore.
  15. If anyone wants a reengineered version of the Wallace Startup Sequence, I took a sample of the original audio, messed with it in Audacity a bit and sped it up slightly (as it is the movie)and made it a little more synthetic (as it appears in the film). It's probably the best I can manage to do until Sony or someone releases it - i.e never. wallace-start-up.mp3
  16. I thought this was from Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire, oder? Here's a shot from the 2049 book where Gosling talks about the delivery though: Finally saw this last weekend; truly loved it. Went in thinking it be too much of a rehash in every way, but was gripped the entire time. Can't wait to binge on dem speshul feetches K has a copy of the book in his apartment. Joi picks it up at one point asks him to read.
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