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Everything posted by fumi

  1. Ignore the 80s New Age title. Remastered from 1982 tapes. Sonorous drift of trombones that are strangely alluring and comfortable.
  2. Still enjoy, (if that's the right word) this collection. It remains one of the most compelling, emotional and ground-breaking releases of the past decade - soothing and terrifying in equal measure. Breathtaking in scope and execution. An absolute masterpiece.
  3. Let's face it. Trump is so desperate to re-open again. His presidency depends on it. How can this even be on the table right now when the USA is still some way behind other countries regarding lockdown? I guess it's all numbers to him. As long as the death toll doesn't roll into hundreds of thousands then he considers that a good trade off in exchange for another four years in the White House. It's still all about him.
  4. This is just Trump facing huge criticism for totally inept handling of it. It's all political now. Deflecting blame on anyone but himself because it's election year. He doesn't care about the virus (doesn't have the attention span or the intellect to deal with it) and he doesn't care about people too. At the press conference yesterday, he didn't once mention the new death figures, just started focusing totally on how well he is doing and then parading out a bunch of stooges who echoed how brilliant Trump is. I don't know why anyone would watch this crap now. Every day is just basically an election campaign pitch - no humanity or sympathy for those Americans who have died. As someone else has already mentioned, The fact that the country has managed to hold itself together to the degree it has, despite being led by possibly the stupidest and most ridiculous world leader of a major nation in the history of humanity, is a credit to the overall structure of the USA.
  5. Some good points there. Also, there is the idea of fake conspiracies actually made up by the government. Back in the 80s during the Reagan Administration, this was called 'Perception Management' - a blurring of fact and fiction. The aim was to tell dramatic stories that grabbed the public's imagination - The Middle East, Russia and even Central America. It didn't matter whether the stories were true or not, provided they distracted the public and politicians from having to deal with the intractable complexities of the real world.
  6. Anyone watching the current press briefing from the US? Trump has put up video monitors playing back media clips criticising his handling of the crisis. Can you imagine this happening with the British Government or most of the European ones. America is almost surreal to me. Train wreck. It's all about the election.
  7. BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-51271037https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-51271037
  8. https://twitter.com/VHS_Head/status/1247954656866820096?s=20
  9. https://bleep.com/release/180464-alva-noto-a-forest This remix is incredible. One of the best things I think I've ever heard. Digitals are available now.
  10. Listening to this most of the weekend. All those samples of phone calls featuring people trying to contact FSOL remind me a lot of the the KLF. I'm pretty sure this album is a nod to 'The Waiting'. Also love that sample at around the fifteen minute mark of some guy saying "You will forget about me." And a woman replying "Why would I do that?" This album feels like falling through some wormhole back to 1992.
  11. It's been out a while and yet I couldn't find a thread about it. This is a surprisingly good album , harking back to those incredible broadcasts they use to do back in the day. It has all the copyright watermarks etc to give it a real archive feel. While there are quite a few new pieces int this continuous 49 minute piece, they cleverly sprinkle in lots of old early 90s samples that had me misting up. Great stuff. https://touched.bandcamp.com/album/touched-by-silence-please-note-fsol-is-cd-only-boxes-will-ship-in-early-feb
  12. Yeah, fabulous album. It's got a bit of everything in just the right amount.
  13. I don't buy his stuff anymore. He forces people to buy blind. No Spotify. Only ever previews one BandCamp track. Everywhere you look, there's nothing.
  14. Got a copy today. Very solid release which will please Skam fans everywhere. I think I'll be playing this quite a bit. It's slightly surreal working on stuff while a BBC News Feed plays on one of the office monitors. And I'm listening to a band called 'The Fear Ratio' whose latest album is called 'They Can't Be Saved'. Shivers.
  15. I think that first track off his debut is the finest thing he's ever done and for me I find it an extremely emotional experience. It is so evocative of that time when culture was transitioning from the 80s - it's an almost indefinable quality. When I hear that first track - two minutes and twenty-five seconds of ghostly, faded electronics - a whispered voice from a time long gone , a thousand images and memories tumble out of the dark - people I remember from that era, relationships I was in, places I visited, the fashions I followed. I cannot explain why but this image, an advert for a men's fragrance that launched during that same time period 90-91 perfectly sums it all up. Your mileage may vary.
  16. This was the last great thing he's done, IMO. The Bleep stuff was mixed and 'Age Of' just sucked. Period. Well, maybe the closing two minutes of Toys 2 were something very special.
  17. Thanks to @joshuatxuk for this excellent heads-up. Originally released on limited edition cassette for BEER ON THE RUG in 2015. track 19 is an added bonus track from Catalog sessions not on original release This will go some way to keeping fans of Sweden's Axel Backman (1991) happy. This is misty-eyed ambient and new age nostalgia, catatonic, detuned idents and pre-internet graphical demo attract sequences. It's absolutely lovely.
  18. All his stuff on Bandcamp is literally name your price. I bought everything.
  19. Thanks for the heads-up. Percival Pembroke is new to me.
  20. Sad news indeed. I remember hearing 'Smokebelch - Beatless Mix' back in the day - mid 90s. It was being used as a soundtrack to a documentary on future technologies - the coming of the internet to the masses, cybernetics, virtual reality etc. I immediately tracked down the Sabres stuff.. Also remember being really spooked by 'Wilmot' back in the 90s. He leaves behind a solid body of (at least to me) quite haunting works.
  21. Also still listening to this quite a bit. It's probably my favourite thing of the year. I discovered so many new artists thanks to this eclectic mix. Kudos to BOC - they have immaculate taste.
  22. Ah, I didn't think of that. Love that section of the tape.
  23. How was Interlude (The Elegants - Little Star) (1:48:00) identified as that? They were a doo-wop band from the 50s. Looking that song up on YouTube doesn't sound remotely like the Societas X piece.
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