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Everything posted by fumi

  1. Just saw 'US' this morning. It was good but not a patch on 'Get Out' (despite what the rave reviews are saying).
  2. Actually guys, I've been giving you some slightly wrong information. It's even earlier than I thought.
  3. care to illuminate a simpleton like me I'll pm you. Don't want to spoil it for those who are still on the journey through the albums. Would you be so kind as to tell me too? I half-think I know what it is, can't quite grasp it. (Which I suppose is the whole idea....) Sure. I've PM'd you. Could you share that piece of info with me as well, please? No worries.
  4. I also found this recently on The Wire UK. https://www.thewire.co.uk/audio/on-air/p=14858 The Caretaker - Recollections from Old London Town The Caretaker - Unreleased Memory (1998) Leyland Kirby - Days In The Wilderness (Excerpts) The Stranger - Kirkbymoorside The Caretaker - In The Swing Of Things (Unreleased) The Caretaker - Cerebral Haemorrhage The Caretaker - Memory 82 The Stranger - Kirkbymoorside (Reprisal) The Caretaker - Von Restorff Effect The Caretaker - Deleted Scenes/Forgotten Dreams The Caretaker - Unmasking Alzheimer's (Unreleased Mix) The Caretaker - Unreleased Memory (2009) The Caretaker - London Town You Haunt Me Night And Day Download the mix in its entirety by scrolling about halfway down the page.
  5. care to illuminate a simpleton like me I'll pm you. Don't want to spoil it for those who are still on the journey through the albums. Would you be so kind as to tell me too? I half-think I know what it is, can't quite grasp it. (Which I suppose is the whole idea....) Sure. I've PM'd you.
  6. care to illuminate a simpleton like me I'll pm you. Don't want to spoil it for those who are still on the journey through the albums.
  7. Pretty stunning conclusion, particularly the piece that comes in towards the end of the final track. Moments of heavy resonance especially if you know the name of the piece and where it comes from.
  8. I listened to IV and V again last night in preparation. Stoked. Just over 24hrs to go.
  9. The main problems I had were: Brie Larson was okay but doesn't have the charisma of Gal Gadot, at least not in a female super-hero role. The story was unecessarily convoluted. The effects were average. The big pay-off (the finale) never arrives. I won't spoil it but if you've seen the trailer, you've actually seen 90% of the final battle. Totally underwhelming. Where did all the money go?
  10. Saw Captain Marvel this morning. First hour I was really quite bored. Convoluted story that kept switching between two points in history so often that I couldn't be bothered following it. Brie Larson looked bored and the first hour of effects seemed more like the SyFy channel. It did eventually pick up but far too late in the movie and even then I was thinking 'What the hell is going on here?' For a movie with so much money and talent going in, it was disappointing. A generous 7/10.
  11. I excited and terrified in equal measure. Aurally, how exactly will it end? After this there's plenty of stuff he can do. More Leyland Kirby, re-release the V/VM stuff, The Stranger. I'm sure he's got things waiting in the wings.
  12. The music to my almost forgotten youth. One of my most cherished bands.
  13. had a few listens this morning. Mmm. I dunno. The title track and its haunting follow-up towards the end of the album are amazing pieces. Maybe the best PCA has done, IMO. I'm not sure about much of the rest. Nothing really stands out so far.
  14. a good ole 90s era DFW malls Just reading your reddit post from a few years back Re: 2814.
  15. The Soundcloud snippets sound very good. Per-orders are now up at Ghostbox.
  16. This album was a disappointment for me. Too much filler. I like the second half of 'Toys 2', 'Last Image' (for the Jon Hassell vibes) and that bonus Japanese track. Tracks like 'Babylon' and a couple of others were just embarrassing. However, I played 'Same' something like twenty thousand times - so it's not all bad. Lol. Also, this was genius.
  17. I just watched Overlord. The premise of Nazi's and horror had me thinking it would be sort of like The Keep. It wasn't. Disappointingly, it's just another stupid zombie movie. Ignore the hype. It's mostly pretty naff.
  18. If you're in the mood, check out You might also like this. https://forum.watmm.com/topic/94265-sd-vtol/
  19. https://forum.watmm.com/topic/95639-uon-superbath/?hl=uon+superbath
  20. Drops on Friday. New material on Huerco S. ambient label https://westmineral.bandcamp.com/album/collex-ouest096
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