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Everything posted by Squee

  1. 7AC3BF15-C35D-44C1-A597-B9757C35D560.mp4
  2. I think this tweet works well here... (this was posted right after Will Smith smacked Chris Rock around)
  3. The LOTR series is so saturated it looks like the food from Hook Also, the lighting… the god damn lighting.
  4. I really liked the first half of Nope, but when it went full but half-assed Indiana Jones during the second half it really lost me. Also, what was up with the original music for the film? It sounded like it was composed for a completely different film? And another thing...
  5. I guess this place is kinda our Facebook in a way… just hidden behind stupid names.
  6. God damn, Japan... Japan.mov
  7. This is amazing! Thanks for sharing!
  8. Totally. And maybe I'm misunderstanding something here... but he's saying that a resonant frequency in the audio in music video would cause some laptops to freak out? So in theory, if someone did a sine wave sweep from 20-20000hz on one of those laptops it would stop working? Also, the speakers on those laptops can't have been very good, so it certainly couldn't be a low end frequency causing this. Looking at the spectrogram of the intro here and nothing really sticks out?
  9. That sounds like proper bullshit if you ask me. I just recorded the first 50 secs of the audio from the video and nothing stands out.
  10. I'm working on a film about "good sound" and the voice over was recorded in a room that isn't treated acoustically.
  11. Yeah, I've been thinking about that as well. I wonder how much of it is planned. Also, I'm getting strong Synecdoche New York vibes off of this new show. That's not a bad thing though and I don't mean to say that he has ripped anything from that movie. It's a great idea to create a show around.
  12. LOL! Oh, he's not going anywhere. He'll just hang around and be alternatively handsome.
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