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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. also wth how did i completely missed this: the vocal mangling and rhythmical intricacies kinda give me an ae vibe in a weird way...
  2. His s/t is one of my all time fav records. Truly an icon, musically as well as in terms of attitude. RIP. (also 64, what give mang=!?)
  3. socialism / capitalism as a dichotomy is long obsolete anyway (as is any 2 party system in the long run i believe), if there ever actually was one. also liberalism has vastly differing connotations if you compare the US / europe e.g. not considering shit. isms are so 20th century, like srsly.
  4. yes! prolly 2nd wave's late crown jewel. nother fav:
  5. Actually i'm still using the same pirate copy of Cool Edit 2000 since... around 2000 i guess. Still does the trick.
  6. fully realized. completely real. such being. wow.
  7. It doesnt have any of the elements that make acdwn what it is [...] the melody [...] it pretty much does tho, same key and everything... The squelchy lead melody synth sound also is pretty much the same in my ears. tempo / groove is also at least very similar. dunno.
  8. totally obsessed with the lick first time occuring at 55 secs into this atm (like every mega man theme ever condensed into one run): the whole thing is cheesy af and i'm not much of a fan of the singing style / gang vocal stuff but yeah... somehow irresistible. .
  9. (ORGAN-"whoo!"—ORGAN-"whoo!") ... screw interesting people.
  10. SF ~47 min... D: Denver: hints of hv moda / carefree from ~ 55 min. way the intro electro thing comes back in evil mutant form @ 45:37 ... fuuu. also Bloc teaser track extreeeeemly stretchy here. working my way through chronologically back to front. good times.
  11. this one turned out particularly nice imo. (artwork i mean, still dl-ing).
  12. It looks like you get a discount when buying the format that you purchased previously. I get the MP3s at 1 Euro. Yup: Vouchers Current Voucher Applied AE_LIVE_24WAV Total Savings 142.50€ 28.50€ in total for all of AEmerica. Not too bad. :)
  13. waking up to find this still not working...
  14. CHICAGO YUSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssss!!V3r0c2934t9iqa maek it work cmno! GIB!
  15. "Everything you are doing is bad. I want you to know this."
  16. Yeah, it certainly retains the original's charme in my book. It's just weak as a sequel, "technically". In order to be able to retell the story of them building rep from the ground up some weirdly unplausable premises are established (like being sued into oblivion for saving the world, rly?). Not that i cared as a 12 year old... or now rly. Sweet memories of spraying my room with shampoo, pretending it was "slime". Also Janosz <3.
  17. Yeah, objectively it's a pretty forced rehash of the first without much on top. Can't help but still love it.
  18. i'm genuinely interested where this is going because i ain't got the slightest clue what they might even be aiming for at this point with ramis being ded n all... also i can't deny my inner child is somewhat hyped against all common sense. played like a fucking fiddle. damn you, hollywood.
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