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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. imagine shop of sean with adam ant make-up here: __________
  2. I find this review a bit funny because it's so overly (pseudo-)academic. 30% is a historical outline of romanticism of questionably accuracy. The author obviously tries to sound smart and educated by using unusual words but doesn't really get to the point, e.g. piloerection instead of boner Sorry, I'm new here. Are you the sarcastic guy? Or do you really need a definition of piloerektion? i actually had to look it up.
  3. track by track revs are decent, the rest regularly drifts into a rather cringey namedropping fest imo. also the pointless and inconclusive reflections on the term(s) of romanticism in the first paragraphs come off as terribly forced. I find this review a bit funny because it's so overly (pseudo-)academic. 30% is a historical outline of romanticism of questionably accuracy. The author obviously tries to sound smart and educated by using unusual words but doesn't really get to the point, e.g. piloerection instead of boner yes.
  4. avant-techno, spergimentale <fixt. flol. classic.
  5. like even the overdriven distorted bass hits in debris_funk feel strangely honed. honed as fuck.
  6. i am completely addicted to glos ceramic. i feel the arguably sparser approach in terms of sound design on these sessions (and to a lesser extent elseq) really conveys a prim kind of elegance. same for the lack of straight up "tunefulness" in comparison to exai, which was quite "riffy". every sound is so polished and pristine, the transparency only helps to dignify the love that went into them. also the way they use the stereo field is something that's completely missing on old releases. if you turn these tracks up appropriately on speakers they completely occupy the space you're in instead of only getting louder, making you feel like you're right at the center of it all instead of only getting a wider shot through a window. this was also most apparent during onesix live experience bordering on spatial audio illiusions. very happy with these. still very hard for me to directly compare to elseq, tho. the latter to me basically is just one big ass album seperated into little suites. the sessions however... i really don't know yet about a bigger picture.
  7. devotion is the right word... according to my steam hours it took me approx. 40 hours just to get lvl 2 down, the same fucking 4 minutes over and over. at first i thought if i got the order in which enemies appear memorized the rest would come naturally (which took quite a while in itself... those fucking jet fighters in the beginning...) ... it didn't. i think half of that time was for the final jumps from s to s+ and s++ alone. this game does not fuck around. cuphead was a breeze in comparison in which i got every achievement in like 20 hours (didn't try to s all bosses tho). enjoy :) edit: dreamcast <3.
  8. finally got s++ on lvl 1 and 2 earlier this year (a+ on final), something i kept procrastinating to seriosuly try for the last ~15 years... now i srsly need a break before tackling 3 and 4 which are even lotsa fucks harder... this fucking game man. so beautiful tho...
  9. violvoics 2nd half is the sound of being peristaltically pushed further and further down a biomechanical digestion system. as tracts are getting tighter the grind gets more intense finally resulting in complete physical and mental disintegration. ouch.
  10. dafuq... the upper right corner is the cover of "into the pandemonium" from celtic frost, never noticed before XP... um yeah. i like this photograph by fabrice fouillet (main credit should probably go to the architect tho):
  11. Nice one this is excellent, got all nostalgic for Japan. And the picture quality! Lushness in overdrive. yes, this actually really wonderful, thanks for sharing!
  12. Same here. Just listened to LP5 the other day (u know, as a break from the sessions) and goddammn I love that album to bits. Imho it remains the best the 'chre have ever done in channeling the raw feels through their sound. Unbelievable that it turns 20 later this year and itll probably go unnoticed *cough boc cough* yeah LP5 was my introduction to ae, too (and still at the top in my estimation). fuck man, now that you mention it... 20 years. wow.
  13. it's a good one. it follows six of eight well. it follows xflood tho... well. edit: yeah great track, quite a meticulous one.
  14. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    I don't even know what that means. "give-ins" isnt really the correct choice of words. a better one would be "taken as read" but he explained it in another comment so doesnt rly matter 2 much now givens.
  15. we shall see about that! ^meaning: best of NTSes and best track overall. GÖ!
  16. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    the sequence of pendulu casual to freulaeux is one of the most intense musical journeys i know, be it from ae's discography or in general. special mention goes to spaces how which is pure magic. so many other hits tho... 13x0 step got its own thread from yours truly. mesh is so good it's unereaL. acdwn2 an obvious banger. surprised curvcaten and chimer don't get mentioned more often. in a perfect world those two could spawn whole new genres.
  17. yeah i'm afraid i drew similar conclusions... BUT: then again there is c16 deep tread on elseq despite being featured on every iteration of AE_LIVE before, so all hope is not lost!
  18. frane and column do feature beats as clear as day imo. and shrimp still has quite an obvious pulse going on despite the lack of actual percussion (might be me filling the blanks in my head tho since i heard the onesix version a gazillion times). anyway even a lack of beat still doesn't make an ambient track but apparently everyone got his / her own definition of the term so i'm hereby stopping to bother.
  19. +1 on that. lots of elseq is so tight it's almost suffocating, weirdly claustrophobic despite loads of reverb, tho i feel that kinda helps it define a very distinct vibe, appreciate it. but the dynamics on NTS certainly are refreshing.
  20. You could do if you wanted, you'd be entirely wrong, but you could. k i'm lost.
  21. Conversely to my ears I would say NTS4 is that ambient (in the traditional sense of the word) but then what isn't. might as well call xylin room ambient. dunno. whatevs. i remember them talking about the term in context of the onesix set and how they didn't actually go for it but they'd understand why ppl would call it that so there. semantics.
  22. hey check it out this autechrian thing of holding a note for an hour with lots of reverb really seems to catch on already: this one is even *drum roll* TWO HOURS!! next level!!
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