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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. I have a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering but I didn't want to work in a chemical plant so I started specializing in Rheology, which is the study of how things deform and flow. I have a job at a personal care products / pharma company where I work with the people who make the new products such as sunscreens, lotions, body wash, soap. I develop models to predict the stability and aesthetics (look, feel, overall consumer acceptance) of the products. Generally work 8 - 4, M - F and really enjoy my job (at the moment).
  2. I honestly do not know what I'm gonna do if it goes to a contested convention and Bloomberg gets the nomination because he's "bought" enough superdelegates. I'm fine with voting for the "lesser of two evils" if my favorite candidate doesn't get the nomination and the nominee won fair and square (as fair as it can be), but I don't yet know how I would feel if I was forced to choose between Trump and Bloomberg, the latter having secured the nomination through the shady scenario described above.
  3. I'm almost never in Jersey City but I will have to stop by there next time I go into NYC.
  4. Word. I lived in Hamden, CT for a year and would occasionally swing by Pepe's for a margherita or clam pie. Damn, I miss it.
  5. Seems like in most countries other than the US, people tend to eat pizza with a fork and knife.
  6. it's the same ending as when i built my first one as a kid. it's the only part that i kept intact.
  7. Finished the first complete iteration of my Lego Rube Goldberg machine:
  8. Look at those claws, and his face. He's just ready to claw the shit out of any dog that's not orange/red like him.
  9. There are some second-hand Lego shops around me that sell bulk bricks by weight. I'm thinking of buying a bunch of technic / regular bricks because I'm building a Rube Goldberg contraption and just making it up on the fly as I build.
  10. i pick #3 Read more Isn’t that effectively handing a vote over to the republicans? I've thought about this a lot, and my original position was to do a write-in, but I've changed my mind and would vote for Biden if he got the nomination, but not be happy about it. My original position (write-in) was to give the Dems the finger because they didn't nominate who I wanted, and if enough people did that, maybe they'd change, but I realize now that that's pretty stupid. However, I now think that it's much more important that people get out and vote in the primaries if they wanna effect change in their party. If their candidate didn't get the nomination, they could still feel better about perhaps voting for the lesser of two evils.
  11. I love lambics in the first place, but this has to be my favorite. Usual sourness and bit of funk perfectly balanced by a little bit of brown sugar sweetness. It's amazing how consistently good it is with wild yeast.
  12. Trying to drink up my sours before the weather gets too cold... Man this one started off with such a funky smell that it scared me a bit. It calmed down quickly, though, and turned out to be a great geuze.
  13. I haven't tried the Java Head stout, but I did get a stout that I knew was good in CBS (Canadian Breakfast Stout, brewed with coffee and chocolate and aged in bourbon barrels that had just aged Michigan maple syrup). Take a gander.
  14. I have to host the in-laws and extended family for a Christmas dinner party. Only good thing is that I get to choose the beer. They better enjoy drinking some Troegs perpetual IPA, mad elf, java head stout; founders CBS and blushing monk, and victory sour monkey. If not, then I am still stocked for the holidays. Win-win.
  15. Eat some greasy southern food, then 8 - 12 hours later this movie will premier in your toilet. Private screening, hopefully.
  16. Nice, looks fully electric but I don't think that glass is bulletproof, might be golf ball-proof.
  17. I heard someone say that the ideal corporate tax scheme would be based on what is produced. Companies that actually manufacture tangible goods and services would be taxed much less than those that make money just by moving money around or collecting interest etc. Nice in principle but too difficult to successfully implement without loopholes. Not to mention that it could never possible be implemented considering how much power the financial lobby holds.
  18. Listening to this now at work, some really great stuff, thanks! I am so glad that people like you are out there curating things like this so that newcomers to the genre like myself can have touchpoints from where to start exploring.
  19. I agree that they're very competent and quality vehicles, but around here I see them only being driven around Princeton by wealthy housewives, which is what I can see happening a fair bit with the cybertruck.
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