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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. Have you played Falcon 4.0 too? It was quite an amazing simulator which I played way too much back in the days. The flight model and physics were very accurate, and missions were part of a theater-level operations, and were dynamically generated. It was quite buggy, but who cares lol. Falcon 4.0 BMS was a refurbished successor with many fixes, however, soon after was DCS announced which, coupled with VR goggles, is as good as it can get. I can never find enough time now to play it, not to mention buying VR or HOTAS systems - too expensive.
  2. It is very likely I watched this thing when I was a kid, I have some vague memories of it. It might even be I took it unironically for real, like "wow, what a story!" It's like when I first saw Hotshots. Me being all crazy about jet fighters, I thought it was seriously amazing; all the puns and jokes just flew right over my naive head (pun intended, sorry).
  3. no, barrack, no matter what shirt you put on, your nobel prize is undeserved
  4. Lol, i would like to know how he thrashed it. Can you provide a link, or sum it up, please?
  5. that's what my ex used to say
  6. dude, you just brought back one of my oldest quests for music titles given up. that track is sick. i completely forgot about it by now.
  7. i'd like to trade weed for zeff, please it's like hostage swap, look into the movies if you don't know what i'm talking about, it usually works
  8. unmatched atmosphere. it was so long ago when i first played it, it seems like another life, but it still evokes it anytime i hear the soundtrack.
  9. it's the small arms manufacturers, as a part of military industrial complex that is controlling the government. riding on the Manifest Destiny crusade from the past, now it's about personal liberty and fucking amendments. but in reality is brain washing people so they keep buying guns. the entire culture is riddled with it. similarly to tea culture for the british - it's a part of national identity at this point. because markets and consumers.
  10. no doubt. even Mercedes with their newest high-end S model, introduced the same bullshit touchscreen controls via the central console. granted, they have the crucial info still projected on heads-up (windshield), and the usual up-front, but setting the AC, radio, navigation, etc, is now done by touch on the central console. i don't know whether they followed the tesla trend here, either way, it's super retarded. especially with a manufacturer with such a long legacy and with a high-end model like this, where usually they make an effort to make stuff crazy expensive and dandy.
  11. I gave Tesla a spin around the block once, and the biggest thing I could not get used to was the central screen, and how information is displayed. Maybe I'm too used to conventional design, but I think glancing to the right all the time and having touchscreen UI for all functions is just retarded. Things need to be tactile for me, and able to be muscle-memorized, idk.
  12. vincent cassel? i though he would be the one vandalising the grave...had to read this twice
  13. sometimes i get out of the loop with these new slangs, but isn't fuckboi reserved for teenage, early 20s boys who only think about sex and getting bitches?
  14. on the contrary, you don't need emotions to drive you in this case, only sober rationality, otherwise, it will only turn into an angry mob so they can send robocops and watercannons or something. that's what they want.
  15. no worries, i've had plenty of norm's humor in my life i also laughed at bushisms many times, but i once realized that me being desensitized about this stuff in a way helps the lying crooks in power to go on doing their (war) profiteering agendas. our tolerance, and indifference towards abuse of power is one of the ways the evil keeps going on. we, as a democratic society should be vigilant, and exercise our prerogative. not being indifferent, because every time we do, a new bar is set, and we stray further from our ability to make criminals accountable. by doing that, we let up the space for them to do evil, which we're not going to get it back so easily (if ever). i bet you wouldn't be laughing when your house gets bombed, and you'd be raining hell down on anyone who would laugh at that. i guess you'd say i'm overreacting, but i guess i'm just fed up of panem et circenses
  16. i doubt you'd say that if you found yourself on the receiving end of laser-guided democracy
  17. w is a disgusting imperial henchman and a criminal this is not funny
  18. strap in, you're about to witness the full power of the darkside this battlestation they get away with so much, they are laughing in our faces right now
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