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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Bubba69

  1. I'm not sure where this constant attitude that he is lying or trolling in his interviews. Yes there are a couple of interviews where he takes the piss but the vast majority of things he says in interviews are true. Yes he did record/live in a bank, yes he DOES have a fucking tank, yes he has all that crazy gear, yes he had hundereds upon hundereds of unreleased tracks. That shit is all fucking real.
  2. My guess is that is was track 3 of his "cheetah" EP back when he first recorded tracks for the EP and put them through some TEAC tape recorder or something. when he bounced back digitally he just named them cheetah[X] TEAC which made it straight to soundcloud that way. But the original true name was cirklon3, as in the 3rd track he did on the cirklon.
  3. This sounds like it was re-recorded almost. Could be my different headphones or the mastering. EDIT: i take that back. I think it's just the mastering / my setup.
  4. Cool, that's like the track we've heard before tho yeah?
  5. He actually said he would do something like that? When? I thought it was just an idea generated by watmm speculation when the flyer surfaced. I know Joyrex mentioned something about gear, but he said he was going to make his own soft synth and make tracks with it too? Hell yeah. Somebody in the cheetah thread dug up the comment. http://forum.watmm.com/topic/87906-cheetah-ep/page-33?do=findComment&comment=2456840 EDIT: He didn't say the word "release" - i was wrong.
  6. I doubt he is release his softsynth yet. He said he wouldn't do it until he'd created and released tracks with it. It doesn't sound like these tracks are related to that softsynth.
  7. I think it's weird to buy CDs. I'm much more into the analog formats as a physical/collector's item than cds. I will listen digital all the time as downloaded files. Though, I used to have a pretty sweet IDMz cd collection back in the day so maybe I'll find those and put them up on a shelf somewhere and start ordering cds again.
  8. I mean, tape is also a pretty popular format at least in local scenes here in the US. It also looks cool. I mean, I rarely listen to vinyl either but I buy it if it's something I want to collect and put on every once in a while. I ordered the tape and the vinyl.
  9. no man he's working on his best tracks right now. Have you read his comments? He's quite excited about working on new music.
  10. that's it I'm going to reddit for me aphex from now on.
  11. not sure what you are talking about but there are a couple tracks that didn't make it to syro that rich said he would upload at some point.
  12. I think it's going to sound like modern dubstep(like bro-step dubstep wubs) but with aphex-level special effects. Just speculating but I think I'm probably right.
  13. wait so let me get this straight. First we get syro and it's like the first aphex in 10 years or so and it's all of our favorite live tracks and other ones that are just mindslappingly good. And then we get hundereds of unreleased old tracks(holy shitting hell, basically a dream come true for me, i mean like, actually). And then he also gives us a drukqs piano pt.2, and THEN we get even more tracks from around syro days (orphaned deejay seleked which had my most anticipated live track, simple slamming). and NOW we even are getting this EP? I mean holy shit. Crazy all this that we get to hear all this and there's even more on the hype radar. (MFM, soundcloud tracks release, whatever else thing project that's being worked on).
  14. I don't think the cheetah stuff is that old.
  15. Bubba69

    elseq 1-5

    I like autechre tracks that are longer and more jammy than the cut down 3-5 minute tracks. I prefer the quaristice companion releases to the actual album.
  16. He just said he found it though, and at some point in the past I think he said that if he found it, he would put it up somewhere. So, there's an implication.
  17. holy fuck I can't wait to blast that windowlicker scratch track in my car as I roll up on some friends. This is very exciting news for me. That scratch is ridic.
  18. hmm I wonder what sequencer he used on that track.
  19. I like that we keep getting these glimpses into some of his production tools of older stuff. Supercollider, whatever tracker he mentioned, etc.
  20. i believe his story that its just a made up word he uses with his kids
  21. Bubba69

    elseq 1-5

    honestly I like this shit better than most of their albums.
  22. decided to randomly log in, noticed richard responds to a troll: http://imgur.com/a/FOIfv
  23. well, didn't he say he would probably change the results a bit if he didn't like them?
  24. Also, I really wonder if he'll be digging more into trackers like renoise (I know he's got it because he's got his kids set up using it) or something else when it comes to the Casio track I mentioned above, although it's probably hard for him to get in that computer mindset when he's surrounded by all those studios and old samplers and fancy cirklon sequencers. Hoping he'll come out with something more sample-heavy at some point, either way. /baseless speculation
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