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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Yeah I feel sorry for this guy - scared at a changing world he doesn't understand (never mind that the rate of change is glacial - in his spoonfed world, the honest working american is very soon going to be non-existent), ignorant of how to interact with something outside his community in a rational manner. He'll stew in his unemployed state (does he accept EI? Is that socialist? Will Karl Marx give him a rimjob?) and blame his firing on "the hippies and that nigger" and pass on his ignorance and fear to whoever will listen, but mostly to his offspring. If I were those protesters - I'd be fearful of becoming another shooting statistic soon.
  2. Yeah sorry I was being a little facetious - obviously there are public pay phones in most major cities - but the speed with which the ubiquitous phone booth has largely disappeared from the urban landscape is pretty astounding. Crackers and people involved in identity theft are going to find ways to do this regardless - the other solution is to have excellent 4G (5G in some countries) coverage everywhere - with reasonable data plans available. LOLOLOL Sorry for veering off into pure fantasy world there (Canada's mobile providers are, believe it or not, worse than the US). Public Wi-Fi should be a basic infrastructure investment, and city planning should include it as a part of the city's growth.
  3. 1)public phone booths? Do those still exist? Lol I remember living in Seoul in the 90s, everyone had a pager-the lines for the public phone booths were immense. Then going back in late 2001 the transition to cell phones was well underway and the lines were almost gone. By about 2005 you were hard-pressed to find a public phone booth. 2)all cities should have free wi-fi. It doesn't have to be blazing fast, but there has to be enough bandwidth to deal with the user base. Awesome that NYC is doing this,lets hope they implement it well.
  4. Apparently it was just 80km from my mom. Their friends all felt it, pictures crooked on the wall etc. She slept right through it. lol, and SHE slept through it. cray cray we need a bunch of small earthquakes to lessen the impact of the one (neo, jk) It was the first earthquake I've ever felt. it made my bones vibrate, whole room trembled. It even fixed the "burnt out" light in my bedroom... guess there was just a wire that needed jostling. I'm wondering if I should jump ship to somewhere else before the big one hits. We are right on a fault line after all. Here in Van I thought some drunk had rammed his truck into the house. That was only a 4.9 - imagine what a 9.1 must be like. Fucking mental.
  5. Ugh my copy of Office 2016 is a little flaky.
  6. Star Wank Episode VII: The Cock Awakens The Hatefuck Eight
  7. Incredible. I find it really hard to think of other reasons for this lack of cooperation and respect for the president by the people of the pentagon than the color of the presidents skin. Must be me being ignorant, but i used to think people at the pentagon didnt have problems with taking orders. But suddenly, when a president with another color got to live in the whitehouse, they got the ability to think for themselves and ignore orders. I must be imagining things though. There must be a better reason for this madness. It's all about power and access. I'm sure the same shit went on in previous administrations - maybe not to the same degree, but I'd argue that's more a result of how the political culture of the US (and the "west" in general) has changed dramatically over the course of the last two presidencies - largely down to changes in how the public discourse is carried out - through the global soapbox of the internet. The image of power and access is more important than before. It reminds me in a way of politics in Japan - factionalism is huge there - and again it's all about power and access. Obviously there are some differences, but it's interesting to see the parallels.
  8. Factional politics in the US of A. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-gitmo-release-special-report-idUSKBN0UB1B020151229
  9. Let's try not to make this thread just a complete /b ripoff.
  10. How is this a FWP? Not enough of it? Q: What is it? A: It is what it is.
  11. It's pretty stupid of him doing this kind of shady thing with, you know, being the most hated man in America and all. Pretty sure they'll go over this with a fine comb. what will happen to the Wu album though!?! FBI: we don't have the Wu-Tang album, leave us alone I hope Wu does the right thing and releases this album for free, so this fuccboi gets nothing from his "investment".
  12. the Rabbithole of Stupid deepens. turns out, no, there are no 'missing' pieces, the set is 'complete'. it only comes with 10 pieces and I have all 10, but the fucking package has empty spaces for three other keys which simply aren't included. wtf is this chicanery? one of those was the exact size I needed. You're brave, posting a picture of yourself with tools. Clearly trying to construct some sort of explosive device imo.
  13. Haha, O'Reilly finally understands what it's like to be on the receiving end of trying to interview crazy. Holy shit - I just read some of the youtube comments. Scary. You guys might just be fucked after all.
  14. step one - get a bike. ;) Nah but for reals, you just gotta prioritise things. I mean with the bus this afternoon, that's just a cunty bus driver. But with the thing with the music? I mean - you're going to an event that will not be there tomorrow - the music on your computer will be there to transfer to your phone tomorrow. I used to be really terrible about that as well - I would just assume everything would go well, but relying on public transport to be efficient and on time has bitten me in the ass one too many times (at least in Canada).
  15. chenGOD


    The obvious reality is that planning raids takes more than a few hours, and thus it is highly unlikely the release of the report (again on a site I'm relatively sure the AFP spends little time on) was what "triggered" the raid. My preference is for examining the facts in front of us rather than idle speculation, and has nothing to do with authority and power. It seems it was a tax return from his failed bitcoin bank that triggered the investigation (last year) and subsequent raid: http://www.businessinsider.com.au/revealed-the-ato-hit-suspected-bitcoin-creator-craig-steven-wrights-company-with-a-1-7-million-penalty-2015-12
  16. chenGOD


    delet - the total value of all bitcoins in the world is somewhere around $6 billion. That seems like a lot of money, until you compare it to the pools of cash floating around. 2/3rds of all bitcoins have been mined, and unless people are eager to hoard them, they will lose worth as they become more liquid. So why the fuck would "bankers" (that international conspiracy that you, as a WATMM moderator are a part of) want anything to do with him? blockchain tech is open source, easy for banks to utilize it and make that available for the "plebs", without the risk of negative publicity from kidnapping some guy who may or may not have invented this tech. So instead of tossing pejoratives around, just think.
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