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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Can't speak to nova, but frontline produces some excellent shows.
  2. Just finished season 2 of Fargo - i know i know...been done to death by the cool kids already. Holy fuck though if those werent 2 of the best seasons of TV ever. I think I liked season 2 even more than season 1. still though, just fucking great great tv. Now to finish off season 3 of Hannibal.
  3. Drinking some scotch and listening to Xerrox 3. I will say that Subliminal Sandwich is a wonderful album.
  4. You seem to not know anything about a man named Bernie Sanders... Watch this and then enjoy your game... https://youtu.be/hVNxjPcBufQ That doc looks great - thanks for sharing :)
  5. Lol trump's "official jam" has been removed for copyright violation. http://www.mediaite.com/online/trump-cheerleaders-bizarre-ameritude-video-quietly-removed-for-copyright-infringement/
  6. Retitled the thread to be a bit more general purpose. Trump reveals himself to be akin to a 3 year old in temperament, snubs Fox news debate: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/donald-trump/12124100/Donald-Trump-snubs-Fox-News-debate-over-biased-presenter.html Fox replies that they won't give in to "terrorizations": http://www.ew.com/article/2016/01/26/fox-news-donald-trump-gop-debate
  7. lol Klopp losing it on Moreno. The best bit is actually Hughsey, he's giving his own players a bollocking then looks over and sees Klopp losing it and decides he'd better sit this one out.
  8. You want the Oscar Peterson Trio. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhfIH7j5rLI
  9. Awesome, thanks for the summary. Das ist ein groovy beat, ja?
  10. 3 minutes was all I could take. Her voice makes me want to do violent things.
  11. Palin scares me more than Trump actually. If he died in office, and she had to take over... *shivers*
  12. lol Palin has endorsed Trump. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/01/19/donald-trump-big-announcement/79001308/ A Trump/Palin ticket would be the greatest thing ever.
  13. A colleague at work made the observation that if Sanders and Trump end up being the two candidates, you basically have a Latin American contest - a wildly populist oligarch vs a socialist (yes the don and bern are much milder versions that their latin american counterparts but it's good fodder).
  14. A lot of ear wax in my right ear - too lazy to get up and find a Qtip though.
  15. I actually had to watch it in pieces because of how cringe-worthy that was... I don't want to live on this planet anymore Also just realized the riff is very similar to Blondie's "Heart of Glass".
  16. Have we all seen the OFFICIAL DONALD TRUMP JAM?????
  17. excuse me, how dare you try to paint this as a predominantly white crime?
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