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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Another 2015 watmmdad! Welcome to the club. Get all the sleep you can now. lol
  2. chenGOD


    the campaign ended- but for humor, you can always count on the pono player kickstarter comment page where people's souls are rediscovering music flol that comments section is pure rock
  3. chenGOD


    Already closed - they raised $8 of their total goal - or .0005%. toplel.
  4. Not just you, I'm pretty dumbfounded by it everytime... Didn't they just start again at the beginning of February? I thought there were 16 eps to the season, no?
  5. Am I the only one who read that as JESUS IS THE WALKING DEAD? Also this show, fuck.
  6. I mean, if it's not a busy street and you have a bunch of music gear you need to lug back to your apartment, i don't see a problem. although considering parking seems like a hassle then it's a busy streetResidential streets are usually quite narrow, so trying to get around selfish cunts who think it's ok to park wherever the fuck they like with hazards on becomes quite annoying as you have to wait for other cars etc etc. Sorry, just vancouver drivers are for the most part, absolute fucktards.
  7. street parking is not exclusive, although it is a pain in the ass. City of Vancouver has parking permits that allow you to park in certain zones. Anyways, your neighbours sound like real swell people. For the love of god, don't double park - people who double park and think it's ok cause they put their hazards on can go fuck themselves. In fact people who do anything illegal and think "oh it's alright, i've got my hazards on"can go fuck themselves.
  8. Thanks for the tip re: sleepbot. Seen some love for Celar - any more recommendations? From anyone....
  9. Delicious - "Totality" is a beautiful piece. And FLUX 140293 - hot damn. I want about 2 hours worth of that. Tom Plz.
  10. Also - trying to perfect an ambient list out of this - there is some true possibility for a SAW III. The ending of Rec Calx [slo] is awesome.
  11. Can we please leave the creepy Bjork stalker talk to whatever subreddit that's appropriate for.
  12. So many LOLs in that: Salmon Valley, heard it on the stereo of a Cabriolet, The Viking Posse - they were my descendants, Epic trolling.
  13. I thought some of the shots felt a little cheap: like the down through the ceiling shot - but I think Gilligan and his creative team are good enough to keep the cinematography fresh and exciting. The humour is very dark. very dark indeed. Also to whoever was postulating about time fuckery - they have already established that - the opening scene where Saul is working in the Cinnabon?
  14. Well that was not what I was expecting at all - but damn that's some good tv. Mike as the parking lot attendant is classic.
  15. Sound engineer jokes by Squee: the spoken word album
  16. Excel can fucking blow me. Whole day's worth of work gone. Zephyr - is he a hippy?
  17. Back to the tunes - I've solved my slight OCD by labeling the first dump as Disc 1 (that's everything up to [slo]w early morning clissold sunrise) and then the rest as Disc 2 (Phase acid to (HAb un23)(unfinished)). The album is of course "user48736353001" and artist is Aphex Twin Two playlists full of great tunes.
  18. Who also doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about [quoute]"11:43 PM: No sound known to man is as thrilling and perpetually perfect as the sound of the ring being pulled on a can of fizzy drink. The Blue Bolt has been engaged. “Renalgade Sonar”—another 90s shareware demo soundtracker—twiddles about as I think about how I’m going to ration my can of Blue Bolt to get the maximum hit from its 75mg of caffeine." Uh what? He's gonna be another safe middle-management corporate drone in 5 years anyways
  19. Even better. Amazon! Now is this mini-dump part of dump 2 or a third separate dump. Ah, my mild OCD is creeping back.
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