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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Ugh my illegal soccer streams all keep buffering today. My suffering is real.
  2. Yeah sure, but remember when Ye said "Bush doesn't care about black people" and now he's hanging out with white supremacists?
  3. I figure by using pirate streams only, I’m balancing out the morality of watching it. Most believable one in the group for them to fix for the qatari team.
  4. Probably Karma, Vigilante Shit, Anti-hero and then Sweet Nothing cause it’s pretty and I can play along with the piano easily lol
  5. There are dedicated hip hop and jazz threads in the music forum. i unironically love the new Taylor Swift album. You should share! Without variety this place will stagnate. I like to think most people here are at least open to trying new shit.
  6. Have you heard Outside Kickass Violin Solo? Sooooooooo good. Damn you @Rubin Farr!!!
  7. I was at a wedding on the weekend, and I suggested that song when they were looking for get up music on the party bus, it was almost unanimously disapproved of. LOL. Don't ask me how I still remember that comment (I didn't remember who made it) but yeah - there it is.
  8. I didn’t mean it in the sense of empathy…more like there’s no challenge in it.
  9. I feel like Charlie Kirk got dropped on his head repeatedly when he was an infant. Making fun of him is like beating up on a thalidomide baby.
  10. The Laura Ingram clip in there shows how out of touch they are. Republicans want to win over “young people too”? You’re going to have move your policies a whole lot to the left (in an American context). That compilation is amazing though. Fucking great stuff.
  11. Lol this guy really saying the quiet parts way out loud. What a fucking tool.
  12. That’s messed up. They should do some Soulseeking to right themselves.
  13. Fuck, the comments under that (assume 80% are bots/agitprop tools) are ridiculous in their cult like worship. So happy that the youth vote came out for y’all.
  14. This is not bad, but I’d suggest for large urban centres you’d probably want to have more than one to reduce waste on transportation. There are a lot of assumptions that are being made with regard to skill sets and learning but given a large enough population it’s doable (the example of bakers, not everyone can bake, but with a large enough population you could have skilled bakers every day, and some would still be able to have days off). The problems of course come into play with: not everyone wants to live in a city, you have greed and other negative elements of the human condition to contend with, and who does all the really shit work like sewage maintenance, plumbing, animal control etc. Other problems come when it’s more efficient to manufacture on economies of scale. And of course some resources really are scarce, and so competition for them will still exist.
  15. First listen today (yes I'm behind the times - I'm old as fuck lol) and Panacast, Pressure, Memories, and Drassanes are the standouts for me - although Amber is a lovely opener.
  16. First listen through this. I can see why some wouldn’t like his vox but he’s still creating great textures, and I guess the vox fit in as a textural layer (while sing-talking about the end of the world?). Definitely worth a few listens.
  17. Man. religion really fucks with some people. I'd be interested to see a venn diagram of hardcore religion nuts and people who believe in conspiracy theories about a global elite controlling things from behind the scenes.
  18. Skimmed it so far but enjoyed what I've heard. Not outstanding, but it's not crap.
  19. I've been digging around a little - I guess you have to discover instances to get the kind of material you want? Also looks like you could host your own, but then that would be too much like work...lol https://docs.joinmastodon.org/user/run-your-own/
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