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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. The number of billionaires has grown in China, not shrank. And the point is not so much about billionaires, but the increasing wealth inequality in China. Is that anti-cummunist?
  2. China has had a wealth inequality problem for decades. It's gotten worse under Xi. Depending on which report you read, China either has the second-most or the most billionaires per country. I wonder how many billionaires are in the CCP. If Ayn Rand and Karl Marx had a child, it would probably look like Rand Paul.
  3. It's not for phones, it's certain computer equipment, probably that the US believes is dual-use. The Canadian Crown attorney even says that obviously some business transactions with Iran are completely legitimate, otherwise there would be no point in having the trial. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-huawei-iran-sanctions-exclusive-idUSKBN20P1VA And there's all kinds of weird fuckery going with Huawei and Skycom (the company Meng said Huawei has nothing to do with). https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/2177512/huawei-and-skycom-firm-accused-breaching-us-sanctions-shared-web?module=perpetual_scroll&pgtype=article&campaign=2177512 Also, I have little sympathy for Ms Meng. SHe has been living in her giant fucking mansion in Vancouver (she owns two mansions in Vancouver, so communist), is allowed to go out and about, can travel within the province of BC, has been allowed family visitation during a global pandemic. Slightly different from the treatment my friend and Mr. Kovrig are receiving: https://thediplomat.com/2019/12/the-cruel-fate-of-michael-kovrig-and-michael-spavor-in-china/ https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2021/03/29/2003754667 https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2021/06/22/maggots-threats-abuse-new-report-details-conditions-in-chinese-mystery-jails-where-two-canadians-are-believed-to-be-held.html
  4. May not be illegal to do business with Iran in China, but Huawei wanted to use the US banking system. Whether or not the sanctions against Iran are a valid tool of international diplomacy is not the question here (for the record, I don't think sanctions work at all, and should be scrapped and replaced with actual diplomacy). This article is a good overview: https://biv.com/article/2021/08/updated-judge-meng-wanzhou-case-challenges-crowns-position-fraud As usual Ian Young has done a great job of reporting on the issue (ignore the truncated headline - it is not representative of the balance presented in the article): https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3144741/meng-wanzhous-dishonesty-abundantly-clear-and-she-should-be Now whether or not she actually committed fraud in order to maintain the use of the US banking system is a matter for the US courts. Canada is only involved because of the extradition request. However, at least everyone involved is very clear about what the accusation is, what the process is, etc. Transparency absolutely matters, it is one of the fundamental building blocks of a just society. So is rule of law, and Canada is simply following the rule of law with respect to the extradition hearing. So I think your argument that transparency and open courts don't matter is completely wrong, because otherwise the Canadian courts could simply change the proceedings as they see fit, to ensure the desired outcome is reached. To be clear China didn't arrest the two Canadians in retaliation, but to use them as leverage in the extradition affair, after economic approaches to effect leverage failed to sway the Canadian government or Courts. Although the formal extradition hearing began yesterday (scheduled to run until the 20th), I don't expect a ruling anytime soon, and if the ruling is unfavorable for Meng, I expect it to be appealed, and the case to drag on for another couple of years. Which sucks incredibly for my friend and Mr. Kovrig.
  5. Kind of yes kind of no tbh. Canada’s population is mostly urban, but there are definitely a lot of redneck urbanites. Kanata anyone? And of course there’s good ol ‘berta (‘cept deadmonton).
  6. Canada definitely has them. Fewer guns (though they still have them) but same idiotic views on “being oppressed” and “tk r jbs”.
  7. Blame the Quebecois (and my poor French...hangs head in shame...)
  8. bruv uh not at all? the whole origin of the winnie the pooh meme is cause the pose was remarkably similar. You're the one reading racist commentary into it. The meme was started by Chinese netizens fyi, so yeah, Je dit "non" à la racisme... Yeah, is that bad? I'm just saying he's not going to give you a reach around, no matter how much you suck him off. The only negative thing is that you won't get the reciprocity you obviously crave. Nothing wrong with the act itself. 95 million people (total number of CCP membership) is just under 7% of China's population. But you're right it was a lazy rhetorical flourish on my part. My issue lies with the Central Committee of the CCP. The top 200 or so leaders where the real power lies. whats shes accused of doesnt sound convincingly any worse than what hes accused of. and personal friends claiming innocence doesn't hold much weight The difference of course being that Meng's trial is being conducted in open court in a transparent manner, whereas both Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig have been tried in secret courts.
  9. lol since when is protesting acting like a separatist group? sinophobia would be hating Chinese people and/or their culture. I have great appreciation for Chinese culture, they have provided some truly great philosophical thinkers (both religious and secular), an incredible array of art in various media, have wonderful food etc. Nothing against Chinese people at all. The CCP on the other hand. Serious issues with them. But you do you. Do you guys seriously have a hard time with understanding the word "phobia"? Nothing in my quote indicates a fear or hatred of homosexuality.
  10. Winnie the Pooh isn't gonna give you a reach around you know.
  11. Yeah it's completely fucked. If Spav is a spy, I'm the other member of the Aphex Twins.
  12. Except for all the anti-depressant meds and self-help books that get sold... ?
  13. https://www.propublica.org/article/secret-irs-files-reveal-how-much-the-ultrawealthy-gained-by-shaping-trumps-big-beautiful-tax-cut https://taxfoundation.org/biden-tax-plan-tracker/ ThE tWo sideS are EXactlY the SamE!!
  14. Can't believe they would consider banning the classic Fart.
  15. China, the upstanding bastion of workers’ unions: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/3144518/hong-kongs-biggest-teachers-union-set-disband-after
  16. You know some people are smashing that $5K donate button to "win" the MAGAT. Big T may be incompetent at a lot of things, but the art of the grift is not one of those things.
  17. Read this article about how Canada Geese are fucking up New Zealand. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/07/the-rabbit-of-the-sky-flocks-of-canada-geese-plague-new-zealand-countryside
  18. I want a job where I get paid for doing this type of important research.
  19. This is essentially what I use it for. I've never used it for a news (like current events sort of news) source, but there are a couple of academic groups that are well moderated (although they let remain as a member...) that keep me up to speed on a couple of areas of interest, as well as keeping in touch with friends that are not local to my area. As well, for some reason, FB marketplace is way more popular than craigslist and kijiji in this locale, so it's somewhat useful in that regard.
  20. The second half of Phantasia II is fucking well good. FI3AC2151080 is magic.
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