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Everything posted by sweepstakes

  1. So excited to get my shit hooked up again. Everything is in place, just need to hook it all up. It's good to have the computer back too. Now I can multitrack with 21st century technology again.
  2. I set my alarm for 2:30 (went to bed @ 9:30) to make sure I was kinda tired today so that I'd sleep on the way home. When the alarm went off, I hit the snooze button 12 times, with 10 min between each, which actually felt like about 5 seconds. Each time the kaleidoscope of dream sensations paused while I re-familiarized myself with the idea of the snooze button and subsequently pressed it. Around 4:30 I hit "dismiss" instead. I finally woke up at 7. Not tired at all.
  3. I got drunk and woke up with dicks Sharpied all over my intestines.
  4. He was all grinny right after Quaristice was released, too, though. And their livesets in 2010 are still pretty bangin'. MoT was a total wankfest. Track 1 is all I really got out of it, which was still pretty wanky but in a pretty sweet way. I like about 40% of Oversteps. The stuff that I don't really like isn't like it was on previous albums where I didn't mind it because it was still providing a nice mood or background noise - the stuff I don't like on Oversteps is a fucking buzzkill
  5. Something with rough edges intact like any past album, not sanded down and child proofed like most of the 2010 stuff.
  6. I swallowed the temporary crown on my tooth. I made one attempt at um, extracting it - not going to elaborate further on that. I've decided it's not worth it.
  7. My hair is getting shaggy and looks like shit, but I've always wanted long hair. Can't decide whether to cut it. Plus I'm almost 30, probably not a good age to be growing my hair out.
  8. Trying to set up windows rdp in Linux or recover XP partition (after ex house mate chose recovery boot option in grub & fucked up mbr) so that I can work remotely while visiting my dad in the hospital.
  9. It's kind of nice that there's this really juicy stuff just floating around out there, though, innit? I like it that way.
  10. Yup, I love that set, mcbpete. One of my favorite EP-length stretches of music. It brought up my spirits so many times after lonely nights working retail. They did another set earlier where Crankshaft went under the name Origami but it wasn't nearly as good.
  11. - I feel stupid. My attention span has become noticeably shorter - I can't find enough time to play with my new toy - I can't find enough time to get started w/ Android development which apparently is a bitch to setup in Ubuntu, at least for my dumb ass. - I still can't find any tunes as rich as Autechre or Gescom but that's all I seem to want to listen to and I've heard it all a million times so I'm kind of sick of it. Everything else is too simple or corny or something. - Conflicted between feeling like I've become an asshole and feeling like I'm still not assertive enough
  12. It's something I have to be in the mood for, but he does that mood so well that it's like a dark, warm cave I can just hang out in. I can still listen to it on repeat for hours. Best p-mu release I've heard in quite a while, probably best release of 2011 along with Replica. God, the last track is weak though!
  13. (not that I'm one to talk AT ALL)
  14. I was just joking, riffing off the "Christmas is ruined" post. Sorry, didn't mean to get anyone's hopes up.
  15. Hay good job you got the reference!! CHECKMARK GOLD STAR
  16. You got WATMM problems? I feel bad for you son...
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