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Amen Warrior

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Everything posted by Amen Warrior

  1. My point is why would he have started a thread called 'coronavirus covid-19' in January 2020 if he didn't believe covid was an issue. BCM was the original watmm coranavirus-issue-believing-person. He was into covid before it was cool.
  2. BCM started this fucking thread you helmet
  3. Im not sure if I think trump's funny per se, but I found the whole situation deeply, darkly funny and still do. I would argue that he's probably one of the most unsuitable people in the entire country to lead, on basically every metric that you can think of, so it's absurdly funny to me that muricans made him president. Then again we've got de pfeffel johnson and I'm not finding that funny, so I think a bit of distance helps
  4. While we're still nominating things that aren't actually viruses as viruses, I'd like to put forth consumer capitalism. Also indie rock
  5. Someone on a work call just referred to southgate as gareth gates and no-one was arsed to correct them. The spark is gone. Football is dead
  6. Don't knock Zizzis, where else are teenage lads in regional towns meant to take girls that think they're classy?
  7. I actually can't believe England fans are being racist about saka and rashford and not about the Italians like I am
  8. Going out and smashing up the nearest fiat 500
  9. Jewels remain still gleaming (dont mansplain to me the actual lyrics)
  10. Baddiel & Skinner must be raking it in
  11. What's 128 degrees in the normal temperature scale that the rest of the world uses please
  12. This is all so depressing, it's making me think I should stop powering my music studio via coal furnace/ diesel genny and just plug it all into the mains
  13. It's camin owm, free lines on the shirt
  14. Observe my Firmy Paradong
  15. Imo the aliens from Ancient Aliens are back and are gonna use their space technology to carve up some rocks all nice again
  16. My grandparents didn't win 2 world wars for this kind of discusseding altitude
  17. He mentioned in this interview "(dont) go plastic" is a misheard song lyric. He said the same thing about shobaleader one...how many pusher songs and albums are misheard song lyrics, and who can guess where dont go plastic is from? This is what watmm detectives decided shobaleader one was from ("im your...shobaleader one")
  18. It's just not as well connected as other nearby places. Can't get anywhere quick, no tube and the overground there doesn't go anywhere useful quickly. Plenty of bus routes but you can generally cycle quicker than buses. When I lived there I used to have to cycle or get the bus to fisbury park tube to get to work (oxford circus). It was a pain. If you think you'll be staying around east London you won't notice, if you'll be commuting to a different area of London for work it will be light to moderate annoying.
  19. Cos I genuinely want to, but he's somehow making tracks faster than I can listen to them in real time, and Iiterally all I do is listen to aleksi tracks. I've even given up sleeping so I can keep up with aleksi tracks.
  20. Thanks, and congrats ? I'm beginning to think we should do the same as you. It's not such a concern at the mo because we're not really mixing with anyone, but loads of different people are going to want to come see us and the baby when he comes. I think that part is going to be risky for them both if she hasn't had a jab and delta is raging at that point.
  21. I'm pfully pfizered now, my now heavily pregnant wife is completely unvaxed because the guidance (UK) for a most of the pregnancy was to not get it. That guidance has subsequently changed, as of a month ago I think, but the reasons were a bit wishy washy so we decided she should just get it after the baby. Due august 9th. We keep swinging between "it's the right decision" and "we're making a terrible mistake". Give us medical advice please watmm
  22. I don't want to sound like a cunt, but this is just getting ridiculous. It's too much. There's too much. I'm still listening to sunshine 3. I don't have the money or time. I can't tell any release from another. All the track names are the same. All the tracks are the same. It's all really really good, but can he fuck off? The rest of us are trying to make music too. He makes 3 albums in the time it takes me to do 1 track, and it's all better.
  23. I moved out in 2013 but luvved it, not boring, loads of nice places to eat and drink and decent nightlife walk or short cycle away (dunno if all that has survived gentrification and lokdownz, not been in ages). Public transport is a bit shit for getting into central London for work or whatever, nearest useful tube is finsbury park. Abney park cemetery is the most interesting jogging spot in the whole of London (I said jogging not dogging), and quick bike ride through clapton gets you to lea valley marshes which are really nice to visit to feel like you're in the countryside
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