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Amen Warrior

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Everything posted by Amen Warrior

  1. I have one thing to say about this track-
  2. I imagine all the motorway verges in Kent will soon be barren, all grass and vegetation burned away by rancid lorry driver piss
  3. Yea but we're still in the transition period to sort everything out, which was completely arbitrarily set at 1 year. 6 working days left to sort out every single aspect of our relationship with the EU, I'm sure it will be fine though and de pfeffel knows what he's doing, despite all the evidence and his track record of being a dim posho cunt with 0 qualities
  4. You're trying to sniff out nuanced argument there chengod, but there isnt one. De pfeffel and his gang of stupid clueless wanks have fucked it. Not the EUs fault.
  5. Speaking of open source software I wrote a twitter bot yesterday that replies "haha that is such a cool and funny opinion" every time people like peter hitchens, toby young, paul joseph watson etc tweet. Where should I share it if github is capitalist scum comrades?
  6. Why are muricans so susceptible to cults? Is it as simple as there being tons of thickos, and no-one has any scruples when it comes to exploiting them? There's like (at least) 5 or 6 intersecting but distinct cults involved in trumps base.
  7. The difference is I'm pro all those things, especially the expedited guillotining of our royal family of parasitic nonces
  8. I give it a decade before England and Wales join our neighbours the Republic of Scotland and unified Ireland in the EU. We'll be forced to speak German, adopt the Euro and the French will guillotine the fuck out of all our royals. It will be mandated that ALL British jobs must be immediately surrendered to unskilled migrants and that we must pay 100 years of reparations to the EU for being cunts.
  9. I'll be washing my crab n beets down with a nice glass of scottish whisky
  10. We're completely fucked. If I was any kind of small to medium business owner I would be absolutely sick with worry and rage right now (luckily I'm a lazy bastard and never want my own business). Bonson should be strung up. Cunt
  11. Fanx man! I really appreciate it. Vol 2 has landed https://acidwaxa.bandcamp.com/album/superjovian-tracks-vol-2
  12. One off Vol 2 which goes up next Fri Where can I hear beercan5000 on the web? I want to hear how much I've inadvertantly ripped him off. He already got fucked off ROTR did a track called emotinium. He must hate this label lol
  13. Well, it already turned up, and I absolutely love it lol. No regrets. Anyone in here want to buy my 202 before I stick it on ebay?!
  14. I have no opinions on the bs2, never used one. Just find the 202 is getting a bit annoying and time consuming to use in my current set up, and looks like the bs2 can do a decent 101/202 impression with fuck loads of extra features and modern workflow I would definitely use. Plus I'm the exact kind of rube this has been marketed at, despite all my guff about jamie oliver earlier in the thread. Embarrassing
  15. Did anyone get one? Looks like these are now available (rather than pre-orderable) for £400. Considering selling an mc202 and replacing it with one of these.
  16. Nope! Can't find it on the interwebs either... apparently he did it for a film called The Thingy: Confessions of a Teenage Placenta? Why do you ask?
  17. If that's the best the stupid fucking alt-right dweeb cunt that cut this video can come up with, then that's a big win for america. If you did the same for Trump it would last 6 hours + your brain would be dribbling out your ears by the end.
  18. Cheers for the support, lots of other cool stuff on the label too
  19. Thanks Mr Mughnus, yeah I'd totally forgot about that one! It's here https://hyperchambermusic.bandcamp.com/album/uncool-fill-ep I really need to sort out my own bandcamp but I'm generally a lazy bastard when it comes to the admin side of doing choons.
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