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Everything posted by prdctvsm

  1. f priorities. real 1's, not $. $ is an abstraction, & abstractions r dangerous - particularly in their distracting from lived humanity. ethics, & improved consciousness, higher learning, free heath care & education, what was once called "common sense" might help keep capitalism in check. increased regulation, democratic oversight, & punishment of the inbred corruption - the bs & fake shit. esp. w/r/t property, banking, big data & big tech, the media, & military spending. given the situation rn, this may not be possible. the dictatorship might have 2b overthrown, any witch way. the capitalism as we know it now is corrupt af; so unregulated & undemocratic, & so possibly beyond redemption even - given that most, if not all of, our basic life freedoms are in such thrall to its broken system. a system cheered on by McSlaves, but run by a handful of greedy power trippers steering their off-radar mega-yachts unchecked into icebergs @ everyone elses' expense - the planet & her citizens, her creatures incl. evil is knowing better, & doing worse. democracy v2 pls
  2. but dats all jsut post-interpretive marketing whoompdie-doo from a creative, & specaultive pot-stirring by content provider platforms, imo. however objective it can aim 2b, art is a subjective experience. any 'artist' that tells u what their 'art' means - is a bs artist, tbqh.
  3. "How SUVs conquered the world – at the expense of its climate", by Oliver Milman
  4. iHad 2 google what an OnylFans is lol, probly she duz yeh, o look she's got an Instagran: https://www.instagram.com/flotus/?hl=en
  5. The Trumps are Gaslighting a Collapsing America Ever Wondered How Authoritarianism Happens? Exactly Like This. by Umair Haque
  6. sad 2 learn bout thing / debacle )):: they do make f awsm dub techno tho, so damn shame sumbody trustworthy can't step in & manage their production & distro.
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