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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. why did people stop trying to figure out if there are any clues on that back cover? last 13 pages of this thread have sucked
  2. venetian snares is like a low-grade samsung but aphex twin is still the iphone
  3. Yep - time to take my waitmate
  5. it would appear so. also lol at his last post in the 311 thread.
  6. Ok my 2¢: 1. Joyrex is being coy about the barcode. I scanned it but some prince of darkness video game came up. Haven't been able to really figure out where those numbers lead. 2. The shrink wrap looks totally fake and maybe some artifacting from encoding something in that image? anyone want to try and "decode" or what ever like people were doing with the foldface? 3. we still don't know where that back cover image came from ... but papa seems to think it's legit so let's stick with it? 4. to me, fold face looks like richard is holding up an lp cover. the thickness of the curve, or fold line, looks exactly like the thickness of an lp and not a thin computer paper fold.
  7. where did you find this? is this the first post of this ITT? who r uuu?
  8. don't forget the 53 sticker maybe?
  9. _______ |/ | | | | | | _ |___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hangman time! is there an R? throw us a bone here joyrxxx M4BfkIJ.jpg Note the fake barcode someone decode it lol
  10. .... i'm still confused by miim's initial claim
  11. cryptoburners is mastered so quietly in comparison to all their other stuff. REMASTER PLEASE
  12. i really like the album art
  13. dumb starbucks was one of the best things I've seen in a while
  14. try that with sriracha and sweet potatoe fries, you won't be sorry. On the whole mayo/ketchup debate going on here, most germans eat their fries with only ketchup afaik. Some like to mix and call it rot-weiß (red-white) or even put some mustard in there (rot-gelb), which I'm not a big fan of... not sure who eat the above stuff though. My (american-) wife only eats her fries with mayo, not sure if she picked up on that over here though... one of the weirdest things I found living in germany was that a lot of sauces come in sterile toothpaste tubes. really unpleasant.
  15. mayo with fries is the only way to fly
  16. one time I was sleeping in my car (long story) and I woke up to two cops with their guns pointed at me yelling at me to show my hands. this was in the winter and I was in like 3 sleeping bags...I'll never forget the anxiety as I struggled to unwrap myself from the sleeping bags that maybe they would get jumpy and shoot me. bastards. we have time it would be difficult to truly tell the whole story but when I was 18 I was briefly homeless and lived in my car. I was trying to make the transition back to chicago after spending my teenage years in a wealthy suburb with my mom but various complexities and missed opportunities left me without a place to stay for a month or so. nearly all of my friends had at that point left town for college and I felt too embarrassed or proud or something to approach anyone's parents so I just ended up living in a Pontiac. plus growing up lower class with a single mom in a wealthy suburb where everyone lives in mansions and no one gets divorced definitely alienated me from most people's families, either through my own insecurities or outright judgement on their part. I was, however, really close with a friend's family and I ended up living with them for a few weeks after they found out. but when I lived in my car it was the dead of winter so I'd often spend the evenings getting scattered sleep where I'd wake up and my windows would be frozen and i thought I was going to die so I'd often go to Denny's and just drink coffee until I could go hang with some one and catch a few zzzzs. the cops accosted me a couple times bc evidently it's illegal to sleep in your car but only once were guns involved. I'll never forget that peculiar feeling of driving around trying to find the perfect recondite spot to park my car and then bundling up in like 20 layers just like "fml." not recommended. damn. *jots it down*
  17. one time I was sleeping in my car (long story) and I woke up to two cops with their guns pointed at me yelling at me to show my hands. this was in the winter and I was in like 3 sleeping bags...I'll never forget the anxiety as I struggled to unwrap myself from the sleeping bags that maybe they would get jumpy and shoot me. bastards. we have time
  18. P&P to the UK £3.5, Europe £5.5, rest of the world £8. thanks, dutch people!
  19. nice. I've considered ordering colundi 3 but.... something tells me it might be on bandcamp soon enough. I'll hope and wait.
  20. feel lucky i got that USB stick. It's fucking great. IT'S ALL SO GOOD. my compy died unceremoniously recently and haven't had the chance to listen to these wonderful things yet through my nice sound card. Plugging away now and I'm just so happy. ... now just waiting patiently for the bandcamp of level 4 so i can get some official digital album art
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