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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. still a v good album. 512521 is corc (v.2) . that might be a bit crass. either way the music is excellent
  2. i've warmed to this show i guess. only good when you really have nothing to do but i do appreciate that it understands it is pulp. at least i hope it does, because it is very silly but easy to watch. The kids are p good which is almost impossible to pull off and david harbour is actually not bad. big fat sean astin is great ruuudyyyyyyyy
  3. thatch once magically produced 5 different plateau album mixes. If I can dig them up I’ll post them here. I’m sure she won’t mind the old bag
  4. nice. ultraworld looks like just 2 lps. the record store day one released last year was 4 lps...
  5. So which one is it?latter is essential for the former
  6. lilium kobayashi / lily / ultrademon as i said before octo octa's album this year was really really good jlin obviously i know lots of queer / trans / etc "artists" from college but they all fucking suck at what i feel is the most important part of being a musician: actually being able to make good music or actually knowing anything about electronic music. They all talk like "yeahhhh haha im so down with this dirty baltimore sound" but seem completely clueless about any important / good artists thru history. It's just contemporary shitty "dance" DJs they care about it. There is this one girl I know who calls herself FXWRK and makes footwork i suppose but knew not one chicago artist, from planet mu or otherwise, save rashad when chatted with her. in some respects I'm envious of the brazen confidence to set up a soundcloud and just throw up some shitty tracks without knowing anything but i also think it's just insane naïveté and narcissism brought on by the hellscape of social media. w/e this is not really an issue with them being queer at all, that's just another arrow in their hipster quiver.
  7. how could you. how could you do this to this family
  8. i'll rephrase: this release sounds like it's rehashing the same sonic territory that I thought was explored more interestingly in Herva's release from earlier in 2017. Would be nice to listen to them side-by-side and do a comparison. edit: @ blank. I honestly think we just go into different threads on this forum because I speak lovingly and positively about lots of new music I just don't think you read them. I don't log on to be "nice" I log on to talk about music and some of it is great and some of it is bad.
  9. im very happy actually. i really liked that octo octa release this year (v good electronic music by a trans woman)
  10. hey cool this is like a shittier version of that nice herva album that came out in February
  11. yeah we're saying nothing of her looks, her identity, sexual or otherwise. this song seems like a personal track, a cathartic statement about herself. that's fantastic. it is bad music.
  12. well in the first film it seemed like the replicants had some sort of tapetum lucidum which was a cool visualization of their non-humanness. in this new one jared leto has fucked up milky eyes but he's a human he's just blind. from the trailers i thought he would be a replicant. a little confusing esp when eyes are clearly very important narratively. w/e
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