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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. the civil war one was legitimately important when it came out. it's very good and i remember watching it as a young teen and getting weirdly engrossed in it (cause i was usually playing video games etc) the jazz one is terrible and is ruined by wynton marsalis who is really annoying and has a very myopic view of jazz and a very large view of his own self-importance
  2. oh cool, she's a net artist and painter who tweets about game of thrones
  3. too soon? i thought it fulfilled all its objectives perfectly? was there an issue where they had to terminate early?
  4. there are about 3-4 episodes that are some of the funniest tv ever and then a whole bunch of decent ones but don't binge watch because it will becoming incredibly samey. It starts as a sitcom of invented problems for a rich guy but then develops into this bizarre borscht belt routine with j b smoove. It's funny
  5. hate to break it to you but that's the laptop he used for the concert in Helsinki
  6. i rewatched the trailer. it looks retarded sorry folks
  7. probably because I don't think it gets its own phone number
  8. i actually might "downgrade" to the SE and get an apple watch with the rebate
  9. how dare you insult the greatest hoosier of his generation, mr. redenbacher
  10. "Lovely stuff. Not my words michael, the words of shakin Stevens"
  11. none of the watmm shareholders agreed to this and we certainly dont approve of a "costs are rising post" two months down the line
  12. their idea of "creativity" and "inspiration" is going to an apple store and seeing an attractive person draw something shitty on an ipad while woke people stand around going "mmmhmmmm" this is about as far from any creative process in any field anywhere
  13. I mean the type of method acting that is done exclusively for IGN leak a listicle of the craziest things Jared Leto has done to get into character
  14. why is everyone comparing this to stranger things? Is it made by the same people? the drangus brothers or w/e? I'm genuinely curious and too lazy to look it up
  15. i hope this means i can get an iphone 6s for free and get an apple watch when I trade in. or at least the earpods
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