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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. seeing this again after having watched the original (without the narration... for the first time I think) so maybe i'll like it better... not sure but
  2. because you can select your seats and you dont want to get a shitty seat. makes obvious sense
  3. ahh i see it's a different trailer than the one I saw at blade runner here in finland. i've now watched this one and it looks even worse lol however expectations are insanely low due to rogue one being garbage
  4. how does he manage to get completely hilarious LA idiots. or is that everyone in LA right
  5. the women were the best part of this. The bad girl was actually convincing and a 2049 where I can have Ana de Armas do sex talk to me is a future worth fighting for. Gosling gonna gosling. (Tremble and stare) but wow. Jared fuckig Leto. the worlds best con artist? Complete fucking trash. His acting chops consists of not moving his neck, starting some POS dialog about angels by looking up at the sky (wow,deep) and then slowly sweeping his head down. He *literally* did it three times in one scene. Audible lol produced from me in a theater of completely silent Finns. It sucked. Stupid film. Plot made no sense at all, there was absolutely no reason for any drama or tension. Script needed major rewrites. Edward JO fan service was pathetic. Deakins can do no wrong with some nice shots and color but honestly most of the actual production design was done in 1982. Nothing that novel except the kiss scene which was actually v cool
  6. one of the dumbest things I’ve read on here in a while
  7. no. I’m infuriated that anyone would even attempt to cover subject material even remotely related to boogie nights
  8. from this prick's kickstarter for mastering which somehow reached its goal. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1943554911/steely-dance-needs-mixing-and-mastering
  9. do you think some weirdo made this for their community college web design course thinking no one would visit it? BUT THEY FORGOT ABOUT THE WATMM FACTOR
  10. https://steelydance.bandcamp.com/releases flol i would recommend the "hey 19" [sic] cover
  11. why isn't this thread in the rephlex forum
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