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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. its obviously because of. this type of "method acting" is unilaterally retarded
  2. no wtf she looks like a fish or something exactly
  3. the point is that the superficial, disaffected insanity that comes with being a piece of shit wall street bro rotely listing every bergdorfs brand in a room is identical to the superficial, disaffected insanity that comes with being a serial killer rotely describing sexual torture etc. i cant believe im explaining this
  4. American Psycho is a comedy and doesn't involve little kids banging each other. It glorified murder a lot more than It glorified all that. lol way to miss the point 100%
  5. kendall jenner is so fckin hot i hate myself
  6. stav soundboard ep of cum town is a hall of famer
  7. yeah it's super hipster now but it's great and ironic because it's a possible source of the word "hackneyed"
  8. i had a deece burger yesterday but forgot to take a pic
  9. ssshhhh now, more burger pics and less chitty chatty. you tal a lot about your food creations, and yet no pics! are you the David Lynch of this forum? always promising, but just teasing. ..... it's troon.
  10. im pissed no one on here cared about walter becker. like?? huh???
  11. what i dont understand is that star wars is like THE least risky property. you are guaranteed to make a shit zillion dollars no matter what so why not let a young director make the exact film they want with limited kennedy interference on the off chance that it might actually be ok? im not saying treverrow or w/e is good (he doesnt seem to be)
  12. can you change your signature please tho? just the n word part, seems in bad taste to have to read it every time you make a post
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