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hello spiral

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Everything posted by hello spiral

  1. yeah everything is ready to go except for an intro that Fred has been writing for the zine (it will be 2xMC + zine) He’s told me he’s nearly done.
  2. I was hoping it would hang around for at least 48hrs (till payday) but the fucker has gone already ugh
  3. Mclusky and Future of the Left frontman's 'one man band' solo project Christian Fitness
  4. He messages me on FB pretty regularly, he's doing fine.
  5. I am of the opinion they (or maybe just Fell) were totally trolling tbh. The bit where Fell said something like 'it's like writing down all the moves of a chess game and then people watching two people recreate the game' had me lolling. Also, boy did they rustle some jimmies in the comment section.
  6. well, ya know. Gotta take a leaf out of the aphex enthusiast’s book at some point.
  7. They lost me at Yanqui for precisely that reason re: ditching the collage aspect and electronics. It just kinda became insufferably po-faced from then on.
  8. I got a lot of creative shit going on in my life that kinda rules and would have 25yr old me very jealous. But I am filled with ennui
  9. Yah, Os veix3 has always been a stand out track to me, even back when I didn't care much for the album.
  10. spam https://memoryglands.bandcamp.com/album/cycle-path
  11. Coffee, Asahi, maybe some bacon inna bit
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