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hello spiral

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Everything posted by hello spiral

  1. There's a guy at my work that I used to work with called Bradley. He's a young, camp, muppet-like, spotty bean-pole with a head the shape of a pickled onion. In my dream last night my girlfriend and I had killed him and planned to eat him. We were rubbing his dead, naked body with maldon sea salt. The way you usually prepare pork belly or similar.
  2. Finished Ulysses over Christmas, which I'd started a month before. Bewildering in a good way. Really enjoyed the surreal/dada brothel part that was written like a play. Thought it would be more impenetrable but found out when researching afterwards that Finnegan's Wake is the hard one. Will probably want to reread it in about six months, which is how I felt after finishing Gravity's Rainbow (still haven't reread that though). One of those books that's just as fun to read about as it is to read. Since finishing that I've read the Wire published writings on Scott Walker book and The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (both xmas pressies) Now reading 'Everything That Rises Must Converge' by Flannery O'Connor. Very enjoyable so far.
  3. This just nearly killed my girlfriend and I.
  4. That's one of the best things I've ever seen! NEED ON T-SHIRT! (lolled when I spotted Eddie)
  5. Yes. Yes. Downloading Gremlins now, because it's one of the all-time great fucked up Christmas movies. Just downloaded Gremlins cuz my girlfriend has never seen it. Turned out to be dubbed in spanish. Now don't have enough internets allowance on my broadband dongle to download another whole film. Don't know whether I should show her Gremlins 2 (which, inexplicably, I have on DVD but not Gremlins) or just put on another film she hasn't seen, like Goodfellas. Probably should've posted this in the FWP thread.
  6. Yep, 'tis AE and I are excite and enjoy but fer'shore 'tis verily lowe qwalitee. A lot can be heard to be gwanin' in tha mix, even in the 2D ultra compressed fermat...
  7. Do like. There's a skull right in the middle of that one.
  8. Had one of those this morning. I can vaguely remember lots of strange events happening in a warehouse, but the only bit I can really remember is feeding a jar of garlic, cheese and onion jam to a horse, just before waking up. Also, upon waking, I thought "that's not jam, that's chutney."
  9. They didn't. Correct. Alexander Rutterford. Also done da Draft.
  10. Oh my goodness! oh my dayum! LP preordered! Just let my lady know (who I wasn't with when Oversteps came out that) she may be a WATMM widow until march. "What's that hun? You wanna share some secret pain? Hold on one minute love" *hunches over laptop* "Some guy in Oregon has a theory about one of the track titles!''
  11. A while ago I had a dream in the form of a documentary. It was about Rob and Sean of Autechre and the guy they'd been looking after for years. He was a blind guy from their neighborhood. The documentary was like the usual rough around the edges type of thing that you'd usually get on BBC2 or Ch4. It showed them chatting to him and winding him up in an unpretentious manner and also sleeping top and tails with him when they stayed at his place. In one scene the blind guy started to act up and get all egotistical and they had to talk him down and calm him. there was another scene where they went to a party in the late Dean Martin's house and they were sitting around in Dean Martin's 'sound room'. They were talking about how great he was at making mix tapes and they were listening to one at the time. At one point the tape fizzled out and went into a slowed down version of Je'taime, much to everyones chargrin. Just as they all looked like they were losing their patience, the tape immediately cut to some kind electro/hiphop. Rob and Sean started laughing and saying "That Dean Martin, He was such a joker!"
  12. Deep fried tofu and and cold cans of Grolsch.
  13. Need to be more specific with this. Which album with which film? For Human Centipede I would nominate one of the ridiculously over the top 'dark' early 'Snares LPs, Doll Doll Doll perhaps? Also, 'Songs About My Cats' for the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Maybe begin the album when they first set foot in the factory. Trying to think of an Autechre-worthy film.....Draft 7.30 may work with A Scanner Darkly...
  14. Just got my tickets through the post and STILL not received download codes, GAAAAHHHH!!!!
  15. sean has a very distinctive drum programming style. he can pick up a drum machine and make it sound like him, if that makes sense. his style sounds hip-hop influenced, but with a very clipped, almost militaristic feel to it. he's got his own unique sense of timing. robs got a looser, funkier feel to his stuff, much more improv based. you really get a sense of how they interact listening to their concert bootlegs (esp. the untilted & quaristice tour stuff). of course, i have no way of knowing for sure how this track was done. maybe it was a jam the 2 of them did, maybe it was sean intentionally trying to do a rob-style track, who knows. just from an initial listen, my first impression was that this sounds more like rob. on one hand, i don't like disecting this stuff. i like the 'autechre' mystique and the sense of mystery behind it. on the other hand, the fanboy in me can't help but want to peek under the hood a little bit and figure out how this stuff is made. Funnily enough this totally checks out with something I downloaded the other day, check it out: http://mytapeupinhere.blogspot.com/search/label/Rob%20Brown
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