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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. Badass track.
  2. Wild at Heart. Came with a David Lynch boxset I picked up a while back. Not sure what to say about this.
  3. It's good that the track is so long. Really help you get lost in the sounds. 4:26 is mindblowing.
  4. This thing will probably be over when I wake up tomorrow, so I just want to say thanks again for doing this and releasing all that sweet music on a regular basis for so many years. It's been very interesting and fun.
  5. on good headphones track1: rollercoaster track2: ghost train track3: maze of mirrors track4: beach Those four locations should be pretty easy to locate. thanks (again again)
  6. Last last question. I just received L-event in the mail today. Where/how should I listen to it for the first time, for maximum extreme impact? Any suggestions?
  7. parhelic triangle wasn't algo at all sim gishel was slightly uviol was a lot but none of it's in the way you prob think of 'algorithmic' with loads of randomness. it was all planned out, with bits of it being executed after intervals etc like a track but codified that's the thing when u say algorithmic people think you mean unplanned and sprawling. doesn't mean that at all in our case, just means procedural cool. Thanks for clearing that up. (edit: both of you)
  8. Just how "generative" (not sure this is the right word for this) were some of the tracks on Confield? Tracks like Sim Gishel, Parhelic Triangle and Uviol, for example. I've read so many rumors and theories about this, that I don't know what to believe at this point. I mean, it sure doesn't sound like you just hit record and then left the computer running for a few minutes, since all the tracks seems to go somewhere. Were you adjusting stuff on the fly or? hella good album btw edit: also, last question. I promise. for realz.
  9. Would you ever do a Boiler Room gig? Or do you think it'd be as awkward as it looks in nearly all the vids?
  10. You should release a book containing these short stories. They're quite good. It'd be a best-seller.
  11. - wouldn't turn up if so - hahah What's the worst thing that ever happened while playing live? once my r8 caught on fire, and my hands were covered in vodka so they also caught on fire, and to put them out i starting clapping my hands together, and all the audience started clapping as well, and some of them started setting their hands on fire as well, as a kind of tribute i literally can't tell if you are serious or not that is amazing if it is real What a beautiful story.
  12. How come you often save the longest tracks for last? A lot of other artists seems to be doing it too, so I guess there must be some meaning behind it, unless it's just pure coincidence. Saving some of the best for last maybe?
  13. This is a good question. I can never quite decide on that myself.
  14. Aye I'd love to hear Arch Carrier performed with a string ensemble - Not sure how they'd do the percussion though ! Altibzz on flutes.
  15. Can you name my desktop computer? It's old and dusty, if that makes any difference.
  16. Is it actually possible to add too much reverb to a track, or is that simply a myth?
  17. it's pronounced "Aww-Tesh-Ray" obv http://vocaroo.com/ it's clearly pronounced "The 'chre."
  18. Weird question, and probably impossible to answer, but: Would you ever do an entire album without any drums/percussion sounds? Quaristice especially had some sweet stuff, like notwo and altibzz. Quite good
  19. lol Every movie should be watched on your home theater in laserdisc format. Stop using modern technology.
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