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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. As a thank you gift, I'll buy the album and force my (without a doubt) positive opinion about it, on to other people.
  2. Thank you 2013. But let's not get TOO excited, until we know if the EP will be available on CD or not.
  3. quote on front page

    1. Uniret



    2. MadameChaos


      says something that appears meaningful but is actually a quote from a film

  4. lame update with random lame quote

  5. lame update about nothing

    1. Uniret


      following the trend, i see?

    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      lame response adding nothing to update

  6. I just killed a bug that was flying around the room being creepy and now I feel terrible. I even used my electric fly swatter-thingy, to make its death as quick as possible, but still... Usually I would've grabbed it and put it outside, but that was just not possible with this one. I'm sad now :<
  7. lol the comments on that video are ridiculous, even by youtube standards.
  8. You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. /deep

    1. Npoess


      *tears everywhere*

    2. MadameChaos


      cri everytiem

  9. Today, I played with a guy online on GTA IV who made car noises with his mouth, every time he drove a car. He even altered the sound depending on the type of car. It was great.
  10. His best one yet, I think. Though it got a little scary with those dogs.
  11. I still haven't finished it. Let's be honest, this game gets a little bit boring. You spend the whole game doing the same shit over and over. You don't get new abilities or anything. You might as well just play the same chapter 14 times because they all involve you just killing a bunch of guys uisng the same old methods. Max Payne 2 was better. I don't even hate this game, it just pisses me off how uninventive they were with the gameplay. The music is kewl I disagree. Gunplay is sweet and the pacing is good. Doesn't bore me at all.No other shooter comes close to this.
  12. Finished Max Payne 3... again. That ending always makes me so happy
  13. I try to respect everyone's opinions when it comes to music, but if you don't like this, you're wrong and have bad taste in music. Just stating facts.
  14. Skippy the Bush Kangaroo

    1. hello spiral

      hello spiral

      dances the electric boogaloo

    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Sad the Melanoma Penguin

    3. ambermonk


      Spanky the Capuchin Monkey

  15. It's raining outside and it's totally killing my mood. I'm so depressed now. Dumb crappy weather. Lame.
  16. Me too. Let's feel like shit together, right here, in this thread.
  17. My copy of Tommorrow's Harvest finally arrived.
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