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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. Archer is amazing. Currently watching Frisky Dingo season two. Way better than the first one.
  2. Super cool mix for WATMM:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus
    3. MadameChaos


      listens to mix, bangs head into wall in time to the beat

    4. Npoess



  3. The same fly has been keeping me awake for two nights now. I'm tired :< Edit: Didn't see the convo above me. Sorry to hear that Stephen. As everyone else have said, don't waste any time.
  4. I'm going back to school in less than a week. Which is lame. Very lame.
  5. One of the hardest lessons in life to learn is figuring out which bridges to cross and which to burn. Crying doesn't indicate that you're weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you're alive. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
  6. Update about something I dislike.

    1. Npoess



    2. Uniret



  7. An update from something.

    1. triachus


      lol is this from s- *implodes*

    2. Hugh Mughnus
  8. Bibio

    1. Uniret


      One remix of a Lone track I can't bother looking up, is purdy sweet. Something quiet.

  9. After watching the video up there, I think I see why people all over the place dislike this guy so much.. Actually, a lot of those indie people are painful to listen to. If the games they made were actually fun (or at least interesting) for more than an hour or so, after you get used to the one gimmick that make their pretentious games stand out from the rest (rotating the screen, manipulating time and all that stuff), maybe their weird behavior would be kinda justified. As it is now, all they do is make mediocre games and hiding them behind stylish visuals and paper-thin plots that makes vidja gamers feel all deep and smart for figuring them out.
  10. For the last week or so, I've managed to limit my daily internet use to less than ten minutes or so. I had to check my e-mail and stuff after all. Other than that, it was pretty enjoyable. Will try again.
  11. Another deep update to make you think.

    1. Uniret


      another deep-throat to make you feel

    2. hello spiral

      hello spiral

      You can't make me! *hides*

  12. Tried that Candy Crush game everyone have been talking about. Awful cheap crappy game with zero originality.
  13. Update on how my day was.

  14. Exai's got lots of "catchy" tracks..
  15. Emotional update.

    1. Uniret


      Emotional cry

    2. Npoess


      You only YOLO once

    3. MadameChaos


      cri evryteim

  16. I hope the packaging will be as cool as it was with Move of Ten, even if it's just four tracks.
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