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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. I watched Super 8 on TV the other day. It was okay I guess. Nice to look at, though it went a bit too Spielberg-y at the end.
  2. Told you Yes... Really sweet how the disguises (the only thing that sets the Hitman games apart from other stealth games) are completely useless in this one.
  3. I'm starting to understand why people didn't like Hitman Absolution at all. These developers sure know how to screw up a very simple concept.
  4. Finished the main story of Far Cry 3. Why is it that video game developers always fail miserably at ending their stories? Pretty much all games these days end with some half-assed cutscene with zero closure or effort put into it. I know most 'gamers' are idiots, but when you spend this much time and money coming up with these games the least you can do is end them properly. Either that or just drop the stories entirely. At least it's fun to play.
  5. Burial's musical appreciation goes against my principals as a human being

  6. Marimba Warrior - Rock And Roll In Portugal (Official Video)

    Marimba Warrior - Rock And Roll In Portugal (Official Video)
    Marimba Warrior - Rock And Roll In Portugal (Official Video)
    Marimba Warrior - Rock And Roll In Portugal (Official Video)
    Marimba Warrior - Rock And Roll In Portugal (Official Video) http://www.youtube.c...
    1. Ivan Ooze

      Ivan Ooze

      i'm a huge fan but where is the bass vomit drop

    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      oozing vomit bass drop

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      it's cold in the ooze d

  7. Deadly Premonition is one of the best games of all time. Or at least the past generation. I mean as a game, it's pretty shit... but it's just so charming. Noice vidja.
  8. Been constantly moody/grumpy for the last month or so now. Not as IDM as it sounds. Boohoo.
  9. Still playing GTA V after two months. Only game that matters right now.
  10. Angry update

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. usagi


      so many ting dey get me angry and so many ting dey get me mad

    3. Npoess


      Comment that is not random

    4. ambermonk


      take a dump, that'll make ya feel better

  11. What kind of dogs, some dogs sound like hell beasts Rottweiler. Sounds a bit like an air raid siren.
  12. My dog has begun howling in his sleep nearly every night and it scares the shit out of me. Hella scary sound when it wakes you up at 4 am.
  13. Completed the 30 minute triathlon on GTA V today. My thumb is dead now.
  14. Well, one thread per user would certainly make it easier to find what you want.
  15. That'd probably be a bit much, yes. A minimum of posts would probably not have a huge effect on things other than a huge amount of "thick, solid, tight"-posts all over the place. I don't know. Maybe just keep things as they are and then throw a link to this thread in every thread that breaks the rules.
  16. Honestly, I don't think there'll ever be actual guidelines for this forum like that. Squee tried by creating this thread, and while it did seem to create a spike in activity on here, there's still a handful of people who either feel they're above the rules or just don't care. So meh. Pretty good as it is imo.
  17. I really enjoyed the modern sci-stuff in the first five (lol) games, but after the ending if AC3, I honestly think they should just drop it already. I have nothing against all the God/Pieces of Eden stuff during the historical segments, but the modern segments are completely unneeded now, because of how AC3 ended. So pls, Ubisoft, stahp.
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