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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. Don't most people use MP3 players when they're on the move and stuff with lots of noise around them? Because then I'm not sure how lossless music would be worth all the trouble.
  2. If you make it far, please let me know how that game works. I completely gave up on it last year after failing three times in a row. I wanted to like it, but the luck based combat made me ANGRY. By luck-based you're referring to the hit probability of soldiers lining up a shot with the enemy, right? I've found out that soldiers' ability to aim increases as they level up both in XP and rank. Rookies are generally the worst shots. The original MicroProse game from 1994 had the same hit chance system as far as I know though. I reckon Firaxis were just staying true to tradition in this case. Entorwellian just gave me a bunch of tips in CHATMM a moment ago. But yea, my units can't hit shit even when I level them up, like when there's a 99 % chance of hitting they'll miss nine out of ten times. It's ridiculous. I'm convinced it's me who suck ass at the game but it sure would be nice to know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe it's time to give the game another chance and see if my vidja game skills have improved.
  3. If you make it far, please let me know how that game works. I completely gave up on it last year after failing three times in a row. I wanted to like it, but the luck based combat made me ANGRY.
  4. http://consequenceofsound.net/2014/03/hudson-mohawke-and-zomby-involved-in-altercation/ Both of these dudes sound like total idiots.
  5. Any score above 19 in Flep bird is fake imho tbh
  6. Only God Forgives. I was awake through the whole movie so it must've been good.
  7. Received the top grade for three papers in danish, english and business economy this week. Quite good.
  8. Yea DMC is surprisingly good. One of the better games of the genre, from what I've played. At least it had far less backtracking than DMC 4.
  9. Doesn't seem like anything has come out since the launch for any of the two consoles. The super HD ultimate next-gen edition of the new Tomb Raider will be out in a week or so though.
  10. Holy christ, was it even an HDTV? If it was, I'm guessing 720p.It was a 1080i or something. The image wasn't bad, especially not back when it was new, but it was without a doubt starting to show its age. I went from 2006 to 2014 HD, I guess.
  11. I got a new TV this weekend. I really liked my old one but it was over 8 years old and was kinda starting to show its age. But it still works, so there's no way I'm throwing it out. Anyways, 8 years make a huge difference with this stuff it seems. Everything is hella sharp and smooth and colorful. Makes me want to replay a bunch of stuff all over again.
  12. "We're afraid we won't be making any money from this because of piracy so let's make sure only 50 people will actually be able to pay us for it."

  14. Just found out yesterday that the real Hitman game has been hidden in the bonus Contracts mode in Absolution. Weird, but at least it's there. I was getting a little worried.
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